The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

I know, I know, “It’s all luck”, “go back to d3”, and “Must just be you, I’ve already found a few HRs”, but seriously I’m getting demotivated here. I’ve been grinding to lvl 88 now killing a combination of things on my trapsin with 300 mf. Probably around 150 eldritch/shenk/pindle combined runs, around 15 clears of the arcane sanctuary in high player games opening all the chests and killing the ghosts for rune drops, around 20 pit clears, 5 Nilathak clears, and 10 chaos runs.

My loot from all this grind? Hardly anything of note other than a Eth CV I made an insight with, a fire GC, three white monarchs, two lidless walls, and some 28 mf chanceguards and one key of hate from the summoner.
The best runes I’ve found are a pull, 3x Ko, 5x IO, 2x Lum and some other mid/low runes.

My character isn’t terrible, I shopped some 3 trap claws and built a treachery and a wealth armor for mfing, but I feel like I’m no making any progress in 2-3 days now. I haven’t found a single excting item like shako/arach/bk/soj/maras/etc. Haven’t found any runes over pul despite killing loads of trash mobs in high player games, and I have no idea where all the keys are. 1 Key of hate from 15 summoner kills? Like bruh…

I don’t want loot to rain from the sky like D3, but this is getting ridiculous. This game is literally tuned for bots.


it’s how it is, i know some streamers who play 10 hours a day who haven’t found anything, and some who play 5 and have found gg gear

it’s just luck. you’ll eventually hit your stride, keep at it and focus on speed and efficiency


Gotta play the market too, once it develops. I don’t doubt there are 100’s of enigmas right now, likely due to trading. If you want to play this game “self-found” go ahead, but don’t expect much in this little of time. What you’re describing sounds like 1 afternoon.


1 key in 15 kills is about right. Chance is 1:11. The endgame in Diablo 2 is about farming, not finishing in 2-3 days.


Those sound like decent drops considering the game hasn’t even been out a whole week, but if you’re not enjoying the process, I don’t know what to say to you. It gets better with more mf. Maybe play with friends and you’ll have more fun.


back in D2 days iirc someoen did math for MF and even at like 400 mf you were only estimated to get 1 set every 50 kills of a boss. and a high end unique every like 150 kills.

D2 has always ALWAYS been about the grind.

Why we never minded the grind in wow/d3/etc…we were use to it from d2.

If they plan for short (3-4month) seasons they may need to buff some rates thoguh as few ppl would likely want to do it repeatedly

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Yeah this game has always had low drop rates lol…back in the day I had like 5 years straight played and never found a single SOJ


This is why D2 is the #1 botted ARPG game for the last 20+ years.


Slow progression is a good thing.

D3 seasons for example, I’m bored in two weeks because I’ve pretty much found everything for my character… That’s playing a couple hours a night.

D2 in two weeks time, I’ll have one character that is just starting to get into the magic finding groove, maybe starting to work on a 2nd character. I can keep playing and progressing for months.

I don’t want D2:R turning into Ludicrous speed progression like D3 is.


So this game is out for 1 week and you played like crazy and complain you haven’t found gg gear yet.


For self-found, I think it’s important not to get too hung up finding specific Best-In-Slot gear. It drove me insane trying to find a good pally shield for Spirit. However, when I started being a little more flexible I realized I could get decently geared with random stuff I wouldn’t normally look for.

My Merc is a great example. I am no where close to an Infinity RW, but I did stumble across an Elite, Ethereal, Magic Polearm with Cruel affix (200-300% enhanced damage) and life steal. Made me toss aside the fairly decent unique I was running instead.

More importantly I’ve also been doing a bit of crafting to fill in the gear where I’m struggling. Once you get past level 71 you’re guaranteed to roll max number of affixes.

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Hey that all sounded like good drops to me. If you don’t like it I’ll take some. This game does not drop gear on you, you earn your GG over time and lots of play.

Constant MF’ing is tedious and not fun, personally I’d design a new character to play.

Yeah, because I’ve been nolifing the game playing 3-4 hours per day on weekdays and 7-8 hours a day on weekends doing a lot of really boring pindle/eldritch/shenk runs and haven’t found anything that’s actually rare.

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I’ve played since release and have never found a SoJ. Good ol rng loot.

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D2 is like golf… you grind it out, get frustrated everytime you chunk it or hit that house on the other side of the highway…
But you keep going, until that one butter cut drive 300 yards, perfect lye… and you love the game again.
Wait for that one GG drop, 1 end game item for you, and its all worth it.


Sounds like decent results so far. The great gear will come at some point, enjoy the good enough gear until then. And there are youtube channels where 1000-10000 runs of any random boss are id in the video for everyone to see, alot less loot that you would expect for that many runs. The drop chances are astronomically low for anything that is truly an amazing find.


I think many players are blurring memories of doing manual mf runs with their later memories of finds from botting all night. I wouldn’t even pick up a shako that didn’t have 141 defense at one point.

My problem isn’t the drop rate.

My problem is competing with other people when something DOES drop to try to get it.


Yeah I’ve seen some of those. It’s kinda what inspired me to make this thread, seeing that some guy could do something like 1000 runs and still not get anything particularly good. I mean, people have lives, I can’t just do 10,000 pindle/edritch/shenk runs like an actual bot. Why is it way more efficient for me to just work more and buy items from botters than to actually play the game? Going hundreds of runs not finding anything is soul crushing.

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D2R is a game where you afk while watching re-runs for the TV shows like Lost for a chance at a decent drop from farming.