The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

D2 does have an endgame and it’s different for different people.

  • Item collection (related to farming)
  • Item perfection (related to farming)
  • Speed runs
  • Ubers
  • Dueling

Just because the endgame isn’t something you want or expect doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Duel rooms were ALWAYS the endgame for me and were a huge part of why I played this game for so long.

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That’s how it is D2 is way different to D3
the game shouldn’t be easy plus finding items has always been
a challenge if it was easy to find items it takes between 1-100 to find good drops
this way they dont make the game to boring like, the people who played d2 over 20 years will understand , how many runs they did during those times.


Right, and having beat the already you are finished. No more loot or end game farming is really necessary. It’s all for fun or what you personally want out of the game.
This doesn’t mean anything needs to change with how loot works because no one really even needs it. It’s there and hard to find for those that do want it.

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I think drop rates are perfect for most stuff.


You need at least some of the gear if you play any build that doesn’t rely on spells. Ever since 1.10, a normal untwinkled play through will stall out for a host of classes and builds without exceedingly rare drops, or more common drops (4 socket elite polearm for Insight for example, or decent rare items) that don’t drop into well into Hell, an area you can’t progress to on many classes with self found gear.

Obviously D2 has a massive imbalance with classes, hence 8 player lobbies with 6-8 sorceresses. There are ways to fix this without messing with the drops for elite gear. Up the mods on rares. Lower the tlvl on elite items so that they drop a few acts earlier as bases. A really simple one to help melee classes is simply to have healing potions give increased health or scale with difficulty or life. Super healing potions become useless form high life characters early on, necessitating leech, which is of course a fairly rare mod. Compounding the problem is attack rating needs getting so high late in the game. Seeing as how all the most popular classes have default 100% hit rates, I don’t see changes to enemy armor making the game significantly easier. Not every class needs to be as easy as the necromancer, trapsin, or sorceress, but you should be able to play through all the difficulties without running the same easy boss 50-500 times to keep moving forward.

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Sorry but that just doesn’t sound like a lot of farm.

I killed Nilathak like 40-50 times tuesday night. No idea how many shenk/pindles ive done.

I’m no making any progress in 2-3 days now. I haven’t found a single excting item like shako/arach/bk/soj/maras/etc.

You cant expect to find the best items in the game in 2-3 days… like… what? I dont know what else to say but “this isn’t Diablo 3”.


All my SoJs were from trading other uniques. never once saw one drop.


2-3 days of mf runs is nothing. Now 2-3 months of runs and you get nothing would be rough. The drop rate is fine.

You beat with pretty junk stuff honestly. One or two decent runewords like a spirit and just grinding levels.
If you have good resists you can finish the game. 90 percent of the loot you don’t even need to finish. People just want it to make it easier or for personal goals.


for those not aware, check out the (google this; no links allowed on here)

It’s week 2 and all unique and runewords are out for trade. What more of a drop chance do you want.

This game forces you to trade which is amazing! That’s part of the game.

My assasin has found 80 things for a zon. So I trade for assasin gear.

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Only 150 combined runs between eldritch/shenk/pindle? Only 20 pit clears? Only 10 chaos runs?

Dude if you think those are enough runs to find anything youre waaaay off the mark.
You need to be thinking in terms of 500-1000 hell meph runs. 500-1000 chaos runs. Not 20 chaos runs. Look up videos of people who do 10,000 tunnels or pindle runs, 1000 chaos runs, and they show at each run mark where something good drops so you’ll get an idea of what to expect at how many runs in.

I’ve probably done around 300 hell meph runs and have got a handful of the key drops from him.

Yes some people have got lucky but that is just the statistics factoring in the 1000’s of people doing 100’s of runs right now.


The only way to get rich in this game is trading, not finding BIS items. In 20yrs I found a shako only once, and it is not really rare. But regularly traded them. The best items to trade are base items for runewords and jewels. Both drop quite frequently.

I found shako at maybe around 50-100 hell meph runs in. Just have to be persistent.

You don’t need a windforce though. Even if you just wanted one you could just trade for it. You don’t actually need to keep going on that 1 in 12k drop chance… You find something worth as much as a windforce and trade for it. Why is this so hard to understand?

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That only worked very well in OG because it was overrun by botters. Why is this so hard to understand?

People running mf and baal runs constantly will find the items occasionally, and likely will trade them away. Even if there are no bots at all, people will still get lucky and find these items. They will likely trade it for fairly cheap considering the rarity because not many people actually want something like a windforce.

Why is this so hard to understand?


What a mopey post Just enjoy the ride man. Take a break or something. It doesn’t sound like you’re enjoying it anymore. I mean you’re already 88 softcore I’m assuming? End game is just about having fun & seeing what could potentially drop. The drop rates are low but that’s what makes it so satisfying when that special item does drop. I don’t consider Diablo 3 a Diablo title at all, it was just a cloned aesthetic by developers who had nothing to do with Diablo 2 & it’s original predecessors except it’s name & underwhelming story. Diablo 2 is a different game with less hand holding but plenty of guides due to it’s age. As others have stated you could potentially trade for a specific item you’re looking for or just grind it out. If you stick with Mephisto runs, even with 0% mf you’ll have a better chance than running around the entire map with reduced killing power & 350% mf. Your game is pretty much done, everything else is just icing on the cake to prop your character up to become stronger & more efficient. Try out Hardcore & than tell us your interpretation. That may break you enough to quit, anyhow, have fun :slight_smile:


For me…I wasn’t expecting fantastic amazing set item drops from the get go. I was HOPING for something…ANYTHING useful…an incremental upgrade…SOMETHING. Didn’t happen…especially for wands (like I’ve already posted, only 5 the whole run to Diablo).

Sounds to me like a classic case of burnout.

Relax and slow down. Take a walk.