The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

Exactly, since getting around 300 mf I’m positively rolling in crap sets and unique items. They’re all just normal/exceptional items for the most part. Very few elite uniques except a darn ethereal wraithflight jav I found off pindle, which is useless for all but a throw barb.

I usually play a new season for a week… 2 at most just to see the seasonal mechanics. Last season was probably the last time I will ever play the game again unless they do something extremely crazy that can peak my interest. Will be playing D2R till D4 comes… and even then will still play this game probably till the end of time.

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i see your wraithflight and raise you a non eth demon’s arch

Enigma woulda sold for $8k forum gold on Monday night. We considered it, but ultimately decided to hang on to it.

the slow reward feedback makes this game.

that’s what makes it magical when you do get a GG item.

if you dont like it, the game just isnt for you - no need to cry about a 20 years old game, it wont change just for you zoomers :wink:


…and this.

Drop rates did infact ruin D3. It was literally raining legendaries. Total turnoff. Who wants to play a few hours just to fill their stash with garbage non rare items? Sorting through thousands of legendaries just to see if you get one thats remotelly good.

I agree. I’m older - I played this game at launch - and with a remaster, I want to experience the nostalgia without all the time-sinks and tedium to save me real-world time I just don’t have anymore.

I think this game should have removed stamina, added loot filters, had an SSF mode to improve drop rates but remove trading, gem and rune stacking, removed tedious merc costs, modernized mouse and keyboard controls, and several other things.

I just don’t think this remaster went far enough, and I think a very vocal minority of players held this game back from what it could have been for the general audience.

So i decided that i should have played D3 atleast once some months ago so i got a recent impression.

D2: Run Mephisto with 400 MF, get some unique and set each run, let them on the ground because they normal. Occasionally identify one you now its an used exceptional. Very rarely get an elite. Never ever drop one of the rarest items existing.

D3: Run T16 or GR85+ Rift Guardians, get some unique and set each run, identify them and salvage them because the are trash. Occasionally get a ancient you compare with your equip. Very rarely get Primal Ancient.

So we got alot of TRASH unique and set in BOTH games,
and rarely USEFUL unique and set in BOTH games.
Simplicity killed D3. Atleast for me.

No - they’re intended to be “too rare” because they are end-game items that you search for while finding the mid-rare to rare items in the mean time to get a decent magic find set. The game has been out for a week and you feel entitled to have these items within a weeks play.

You think we should all be finding deaths web and deaths fathom within a week of playing? Some people are but that is just the statistics playing out since there are 10s of thousands of people grinding.

this is the problem with the new gen gamers they want everything now without having to work or anything. go play something easy where you get all the loot within 2 days than you can go and cry that you got everything and there is no point to playing that game.

bahahaha this game is what it needed to be just cause you couldn’t get things back in the day and can’t now doesnt take away from this fun game. maybe go play something like borderlands where you get all the loot with in 1 week and you can cry that you already have everything

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I’m not sure it’s necessary to double-bump a six month old thread to rehash the same lame discussions this forum has every day.


please shush. This is toxic and your attitude is what’s wrong with our community. And this is coming from me, a veteran whos played last few decades

If you didn’t pick it up, how would you know what it’s def was??

so you calling peopel purist just because they dont like what you like and make up lies. is the right attitude and not toxic/trolling?

Best drops I received are from community members, i got most of the gears I wont even be able to find myself or build by being a well mannered player. Was also able to do the same to few fellows who needed a boost.

But I agree, the loot game is tough and quite a chore, but that’s how the game was built. If we get all the runes we need, no one will be able to sell their stuff and turn a profit. it’ll be like what non ladder is now.

Keep your expectations low and don’t grind too much, will burn you out so fast.

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The only reason to play this game is to get more forum gold on d2jsp IMO


I think mf does not apply to traps.

For me, the goal is to have fun and not to turn a profit. Therefore, the drop rates could be tweaked.