The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

I really like the drop rates of most items. It means that sometimes you get really lucky and it’s a huge rush, other times you don’t find anything and get screwed on 5 hell forges in a row. I do think that they should consider changing some of the drop rates to reflect their value, like shako/occulus should probably be more rare and something like windforce should be less rare. There are tons of super rare items that just outright suck by the time you find them.

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Run pindle. I got a Shako Mara ravenfrost soj um mal ik set so far.

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runes used to fall even less frequently than they do and increasing their drop rate was the wrong thing to do. We already have countess -.-
The improved highlight of color for runes was the right thing to do however…

what exactly are you trying to achieve here? you’re level 88 and can already do everything in the game but you want more?

Sounds like a 'have your cake and eat it too" complaint…

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The grind in finding the best gear that you want is part of the game. You will not have it where within a short time after reaching endgame you will find everything you need. This is where you need willpower to press on. Also you might want to check to make sure you are doing mf runs in a way that is the most efficient. Could be the path you have chosen to do some of the runs.

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This isnt D3. Never go full retard.

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You’re just running in the wrong places and in the wrong way I bet. I’ve found tons of stuff. RNG is a factor too. But where and how you run is much more important.

You can try play private game. I had never problem loot system. All of things perfect. Thank you blizzard

The less available high yield items may be, the more precious they actually are.

Grind more and be merry.


… the more bots, RMT, FG trade we will see.

Why are you wearing 300 MF when the only thing you’re looking for are items that either does not need MF to be found, or is near impossible to find when wearing MF?

And why do you think that you’re supposed to find these items within a week, anyway, or a month for that matter, or even a year? I never found Windforce once in 20 years and you’re supposed to just get it handed to you like that after release? lol.


Cute numbers. The drop rate is working as it should.

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You know… Zero game knowledge but whine level over 9000.

Just…because…my rules… etc etc etc.

This happens when haedrigs’s gift grown up players comes to d2r.

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just add meph and andy to your mf kill list and you’ll start to see things drop…

I fdeel your pain but see:
i’m lvl 80 and got not a single one rare ring oder amulett nor rare fitting gloves and so on. my equipment ist purish crap too. with about 50mf+.

Buffing the rates would be fair, atleast for some items. Like: Rares, sets, normal-exceptional uniques.

If you want consistent results i would recommend dumping mf and running countess/cows for mid runes/ white bases/ lucky hr here and there. Trade for what you need. Use cube to upgrade runes h ttp:// .

Pindle/eld/shenk have always been low producers for me. If you want to mf make a sorc and run buggedandy/meph/ancient tunnels. In short you are doing it wrong man.

sheeeet ppl already at lvl 88 in 1 week? by the time they make this game playable for the big part of us with AVX issues, there will be people that already quit the game :)))

and i wanted to catch a little bit of the hype of the launch…but to be optimistic, this is a blizzard game so i guess the “hype of a launch” is scrolling forums angry that they servers are overloaded and sheet isn’t working so i guess i got plenty of that :)))

Its called trading. One of the reason this game is great. Those monarchs are valuable. Open a trade game and profit.

You aren’t meant to find every piece of loot in the game.

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I started feeling the same way. I leveled from 84-86 doing nothing but meph, andy, pindle and cows every now and then without a single usable drop.

Then, in one run I got war travs and tal helm, 2 runs later, skin of viper magi, next run occulus. Several runs later, I now have the complete mid tier equipment setup for a sorc.


lol well you said it you should go back to diablo III

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