The loot in this game is literally killing my motivation

Some of the best wands are just bought from vendors. If you get a two socket grey-wand you can put Dol Io in it to make the White runeword.

Yep…that’s where I got the best wand that I could buy/find…act 1 or 2 I think.

I htink a bigger problem is that most players do not know what is good for their and what is worth selling.

As someone who has played on and off D2 for the last two decades even I do not really know.

For what it’s worth keys are

1/14 - T

1/11 - H

1/12 - D

For /players 1

Shako is ~1:750 from Meph/Andy at 300 mf /players 1

Do 1000 runs, then you’ll have legs to stand on. I’m in the same boat. Lvl 90, 85, and 87 chars. Found 1 hr, 1 mal, 2 um 2 pul, no other items worth trading for vex or better

Found an occy and thunderstroke yesterday. Eschuta’s today. Perf nagel and chance. Full Sigon’s. Perfect ravenfrost. Ist, Um. Just in a few days of spamming meph/Andy/AT. Not bad at all. Plenty of deaths though. Still pretty weak at this stage.

Yep. The game is tuned for botters and no lifers dude. All the ppl selling all that GG loot in trade are pooping in a sock because they knew what they were in for before launch.

This aint a casual players game if your goal is to get loot unforch

Here’s the thing. You should not be farming for things that you need. I know that’s counterintuitive. What you are looking for are things that everyone else needs. Because they have what you need. And getting stuff that everybody else needs is a lot quicker.

Like, I’m farming Meph for 5 or so hours a day. Every three or four runs I get something that is actually tradable. I trade for what I need. Character improves better mf, more stuff.

The search for gg gear is what drives a person in this game. The moment you have all the gear you want, the game becomes immediately boring and you never turn it on. People don’t realize that. This is one of those issues where people think they know what they want but they absolutely don’t.


While I definitely agree that loot is sometimes (or often!) disappointing, it does make it all the more fun when something awesome does drop.
"I haven’t found a single excting item like shako/arach/bk/soj/maras/etc. "
These are all extremely rare items, and may take weeks of farming before seeing a single one!

I will agree with you on the runes though for your specific case… I’m sorry you havent found any better ones yet, but you will! I feel like after running that many sanctuary games you should see between an um and ist at least.

Remember in the sanctuary you need to kill ghosts on the platform for their loot to drop… its discouraging to think of how many BER runes fell to the ether.

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This is generally a very good point to make. Ghost class mobs have some of the best drop rates for jewelery and runes, so be sure to focus them

you realize that pindle was nerfed like a decade ago?

This game can take literal years to get all of the items you want.

People expecting to be geared out in less than a week is hilarious.

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I see your problem. You’re trying to MF with a sin. You shoulda made yourself a sorc first.

That is why personal loot should be a thing. Yes you can solo farm everything with a few specific builds efficiently. But if you are playing in groups as a more tanky or supportive build and someone can snag everything with the press of a button its not really fair. It takes away from build diversity in a game a lot of people like to play multiplayer.

Said it already back in march, D2 drop rates for elite items are frustrating low.

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People are like 2 more weeks from realizing that dupes are what saved the original D2.


Quite frankly, this game doesn’t cater to you. And that’s okay, that’s great even. You have to scrape your way to the top, utilizing whatever you can along the way. That’s what myself and many others love about it. I play hardcore too, so imagine finding something amazing for your character finally and then dying and losing it. It’s a challenge, you know? But the game absolutely does reward you. If you work at it, you can become godly.

There’s just no instant gratification as in other games. If you don’t care for that style of game, don’t participate. It’s like the dark souls series in a way. There’s always that crowd asking for an easy mode, but that’s not what the game is intended to be. The difficulty, the challenge, therein lies the core intended experience. Take that away and the game ceases to be as it was always meant to be.

Good luck out there. :relaxed:


Let me shed a tear for the guy who named himself after the tppk script running clan.




Finding Stormshield (Baal p8 400mf 1:750) is a challange. Windforce (1:12k) is stupid.

I already have work, games are for fun.

It’s not about that, items like shako storm titans are totally fine. But others are just too rare.

Absolutely not, dark souls is a challange, D2 is a grind. Theres nothing difficult about beeing a human bot for countless hours except keeping your sanity.


If your playing solo it takes a long time to get top end gear.

Thousands of runs.

Not for the feint hearted :stuck_out_tongue: