Sunder charms already bugged, 10 found by llama

I’d be pissed if this application ran my company and it was costing me productivity and job security. But, ummmm, this is a GAME. So much whining about miniscule things while refusing to celebrate the cool stuff. The glass is not always half empty.

So what?

Look this is a bug and something needs to be done quickly to fix it. But the bug means it’s on the developers. You can’t ban someone from playing the game just because the devs messed up and left a bug in that now players are exploiting. Because that’s what always happens.

What, should every PvP player that used the weapon switch glitch in the past be banned?

You cant ban players who get their first or maybe a second or third charm by “accident” not knowing about the existence of that bug.
But you CAN ban players who knowingly abuse this bug - now have MULES FULL of these charms - and ruined the market of this season in the short timeframe of only 24 hours in it.
I fell like its D2 Classic where bugging and cloning of runes and items was still a thing and people got ripped off and the market was kinda ruined too.
Sad thing.

Short story:
If there will be no complete reset of the sc-ladder and/or a banwave of every player who knowingly abused that, I will quit at this point. I was really looking forward to play again, but not like this. SORRY.

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The solution is to either restart ladder, or to wipe the current Sunder charms from existence (like they did dupes).

There is no need to talk of banning players for using the game skills as intended and then discovering they could get a good item by doing what they would usually be doing anyway. It’s been less than 24 hours.

I haven’t even created my new Ladder character yet, so it’s not like I’m an interested party at this point, but I don’t get the urge to ban players for benefiting from a bug that is the developer’s fault.

Maybe if exploiting the bug directly hurt other players (like killing another player’s Hardcore character by exploiting a bug), but complaints about crashing the economy is not direct harm to other players. That’s just complaining about the competitiveness of Ladder being ruined due to the bug breaking power balance. Which is Blizzard’s responsibility, not normal players. Might as well ask to ban Hammerdins for using Concentration Aura to enhance the damage of their hammers.


Exactly, I don’t know what personal problems some people have but this is getting hillarious what I read here in this forum.
My patience has snapped for some of these comments I read. These bold as brass brats acting like you took their candy. sheesh


The skill does not work as intended in that specific scenario. Thats exactly the point.
Trying to defend that is hilarious.

For the question if such behaviour is/was ever banable:
They did so in the past - not in D2 though or not that I remember it. But if I look in the direction of WoW, they even banned players 18 years ago in Vanilla WoW for jumping over walls, abusing the bug which made it possible to climb walls. It WAS a thing, but it was a bug. And a whole Guild was banned back then for abusing it. As it should be if you cheat your way to get something which obviously is NOT intended.

Yes its the developers fault this exists, but its not the developers fault that people abuse it / promote it, and with that behaviour, ruining the game for everyone else who plays legit.
And I guess I dont need to answer the “hurting other players” part. If you really think this bug didnt ruin the whole market for this ladder season for EVERYONE, then you never player D2 before. Crashing economy in a game where trading is an essential part of the online experience is only “complaining” and no issue?.. Lolz.

I cant even start to imagine why you’d defend those ppl abusing this crap and ruining this season, but well. I can guess?

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It is the developers fault for letting it go for 12 hours. That’s the most unbelievable part. Should have pulled the plug when they were first made aware of it. Pez posted on Reddit like 2 days ago saying this exact thing wouldn’t happen. Who is running things over there anyway, llama?


I am watching a few streams right now.

Guys these things just drop like water. I have just witnessed Llama finding 3 of those in the span of maybe 20 minutes WITHOUT the hork.

They literally have dozens of them found just from killing monsters. There is no point in distinguishing it.

As a developer, I would say - assume the problem, fix the drop rate ASAP, wipe all sunder charms or reset ladder since it is still very early, and that is it. Sorry for people who has taken day off to play. Better losing one day than the entire weekend.
If this is not a bug after all, it will make progression easier, but it won’t farm thousand of runs for people and get all the other drop needs to perfect build.

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Even if that were true (which Im too lazy to confirm right now) you are forgetting something crucial:
You can STILL use the hork to create Skiller GCs - each and everyone with a possible chance of rolling +life - which normally is worth a ton if you drop them. This also has been abused for the past 12 hours like crazy. Charms exist 24 hours in the ladder which never SHOULD have in the first place.

Yea so I don’t see Llama running full inventory of skillers. And I am using him since people here tend to bark in his direction at the slightest issue, whether true or perceived.

And sure, they need to fix the hork thing, I am not saying they shouldn’t. I am just saying that everyone who thinks that players like Llama won’t have mules with those charms even without the hork in a day or two are simply deluding themselves.

Llama was answering a question from chat about whether he has any non-horked charms WHILE he was in the process of getting one from a kill. It cannot get more hilarious than that.

I honestly hope that this DOESNT change. Having these be accessible to casual players instead of top players price fixing so they can get high runes easily, would be amazing. I want them to be as easy as getting Gheed’s so that I can actually play around with it. Making them more rare means that they will only be accessible to top elite players. i made a pally with the assumption that I wouldnt be able to get access to these, but now I might be able to get one.
edit: if anyone plays PoE, I’d say this is very similar to how Crystalized Omniscience is. They nerfed the item’s drop rate so hard that it went up in price 40x from the previous league and now is unobtainable to casual players. not only would you have to buy the item at a high price, but you’d have to completely change your gear set to fix the issues that it came with. It is the exact same with Sunder Charm. You have to make a completely new set of gear to fix the issues or be gearing towards it from the jump.

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What happend to the maintenance ? :smiley:

This is misleading. All the items are pretty available for casual players. Drop rates are pretty high atm.

They can and they have. They suspended players in wow for farming a world boss that kept dropping loot every 30 mins instead of once a week like it was supposed to, and specifically cited that the players who abused it clearly knew it was a bug, and cited poor moral character as the reason for their suspensions and bans.

FURTHER, the EULA for D2R SPECIFICALLY states that if you find and abuse a bug, you can be punished. The abuse or non intentional game mechanics is in fact a bannable offense, so you can try and spin it however you want, but you’d still be wrong.

For casual players, this is not misleading. I’ve never had a full inventory of GC skillers + anhi + torch + facets in ladder. Add a Sunder GC that elites are trying to price fix along with all of the others mentioned, that’s a recipe for a lot of high rune profit/cost. This will leave casual player farther in the dust.

Do we know it’s a bug? Honest question.

So what? You should have the same gear as someone who put more effort in? D2R is perfect for casual play right now. Especially if you play non ladder. If you don’t have time to game that’s not d2R fault.

I don’t think you get it. In PoE, they made it so that this very good item was accessible to all players (similar to the current state of S GC). It wasn’t a bug. Casuals had access to it. I made many characters as a result of having access to it. This isn’t about having the time to play because that wasn’t an issue… when everyone had access to it.

For reference, we play the same game and we press the same buttons, not sure how much effort is required. You seem to be mixing time with effort. Time separates the casuals and no lifes, not effort. Being afforded more opportunities by playing the game doesn’t mean you’re putting more effort in. It just means that you will get there faster and I will eventually get there.

No one plays non-ladder, stop the cap.

S GC gatekeepers, back to your corners.

Exploiting live during a stream is not a ban-able offense I guess.

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