Lol, was what I said really that bad it warranted a essay about work anxiety. I got a laugh out of that.
It’s harder to find an ort rune than a sunder charm when you have a hork barb.
Like 42% you get one from a champ.
PezRadar confirmed it “doesn’t work that way” so blame him.
How so? I explained it quite clearly, I even said the rule about exploits is nonsense in my opinion. If by some oversight, the droprate of the charms is much higher than intended, then it’s by definition, an unintended mechanic, and anyone taking advantage of this, is by definition exploiting it.
It’s honestly somewhat comparable to duping.
The mental gymnastics people will undergo to avoid being labeled a cheater is going to exhaust you. Everyone knows that Blizzard was not intending these things to drop like candy day one. Dealing with intellectually disingenuous people will cause aneurysms, just don’t do it. We all know scoring stacks of these things is exploiting.
Using certain abilities to clip through a raid wall to get the boss floor is an exploit…
The mental gymastics being -
No one said I couldn’t stand here and use these abilities in this order, it’s in the game, as is that wall.
Let them have their delusional justification.
I’m not even playing ladder so I don’t care. What you describe and simply using a skill as it’s intended with unexpected consequences is totally different. Clipping through walls is not playing the game as intended. Horking bodies is not just as intended, but a classic build in D2.
If you went nova sorc and every time you killed a TZ champion with nova it dropped a charm… what would you do?
Are they exploiting the bug, sure. But, it’s a pretty glaring bug. I really was only a dressing the comment on banning him personally. Even though he literally wasn’t even the one doing it.
It’s not like duping at all though. Unless duping was taking place when using a mechanic as intended. Horking bodies is using a skill, as intended, with unexpected consequences. Continued use is exploiting it of course. But using the skill is part of the build. Should he just not play his build because it’s bugged? You know no one in there right mind is going to do that.
This … does not align with this …
You can use a legit gameplay mechanic to exploit something. That is almost exactly how it is achieved in nearly every case. A build that uses a mechanic doesn’t excuse using it to exploit.
So if using your skill is bugged you should just not play the game until they fix it.
Like, I hear what you’re saying but what should people do? What’s the solution?
Honestly? That varies from person to person.
There is a difference in saying, “I will play the game as if this bug doesn’t exist.”
“I’m going to spend the next X hours getting sunders to drop until they hotpatch this because it’s what my class/build does.”
I’ll leave you to figure out the correct choice.
No announcement on the Blizz official forum that it’s a bug, nothing noted on the news page… ladder still up and running… who’s to say it wasn’t meant to be?
All the crying about immunities, maybe this is Dev’s way to put that to bed.
its like 9 am still in blizz HQ so we may see something in the next hour or so
DarkHumility is just dropping them on the ground. That’s integrity.
But if using the skill in your build is the bug… what then? I’m talking about this literal situation. Not something hypothetical. What should people playing hork barbs do? I’m asking you that question.
Honestly when I checked the stream, that’s not what I observed. But I could have missed it. You’re getting upset at the wrong people.
I mean, it’s a pretty spelled out solution don’t you think? The only thing that labels you as actively interacting with an exploit is picking them up.
Yep that’s fair, don’t pick them up. That’s a reasonable thing to do.
But, i would be shocked if bliz did anything more than reduce the drop rate. It’s probably a lost cause at this point.
That is probably the fundamental reality of the situation.
lets not get too doom and gloom yet. there is still some time. we aren’t even at the 24 hour mark yet so blizz still has time to do something big
It doesn’t matter. Blizzard has historically banned people for doing this in other games. There’s no reason you cannot use basic integrity and not abuse this exploit, especially when it was already deemed non-intentional and pezradar stated they will look into the solution in the morning. I would not be surprised if the ones doing it are handed small suspensions.