Stop Changing This Masterpiece

I seem to remember that when people were telling others to go to play D3 you considered it toxic, rude and not helpful…


he’s changed his tone when the goal polls shift, funny how that works doesn’t it?

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Because they were telling people to play a completely different game based on their interpretation of a couple of dev comments which turned out to be the wrong interpretation.

MicroRNA is simply saying the game you loved is still there for you if this one doesn’t fit your needs. If D2LoD is a masterpiece, then you can still play that masterpiece.

There is a difference.


It is not toxic to suggest to someone who considers D2/D2:Lod a materpiece to play that game.

To suggest that a minor change in D2R means that one should play D3 instead makes no logical sense and is unbecoming. As noted above, D3 is very different than D2R. Even with the accumulation of ALL the changes in D2R, it is way, way more similar to its predecessor (D2/D2:lod) than it is D3.

Analogy time:

The Mona Lisa is a masterpiece. If you lived in Paris and can visit the painting at the Louvre Museum, should you complain?

If you libed in Paris and want the Louvre to have longer hours, is the suggestion go the Smithsonian in DC instead logical / helpful?

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There are absolute blithering fools on both sides of this issue.


Well said Wyrm - you’re correct that frequent changes to the game, classes and skills make it less appealing… We saw the same issues with WoW wherein patching, nerfing and modifications to the finished game ruined it. Patching of games should be completed in alpha and beta testing and be frozen once released - as a finished product.

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Hmm considering that we are all on D2 Re forum and to use your Mona Lisa example it is more like:

2 persons stand in front of the painting, one says: I think they should just make it digital, another says: I think they should never renovate it.
Then both try to push each other away from the painting…

Which one was toxic/childish?

Take it for what you want.

Except the person wanting a digital version leaves the original in place with absolutey no changes.

This meams that the one arguing for no changes gets their win while the change crowd gets their win too.

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D3 is a completely different game and thus suggesting playing it when you ask for D2R changes is indeed toxic and childish.

D2: LoD is the game you want, already made and available. D2R is not D2, it was a make-believe that it would be 1:1 identical copy with better graphics by purists that they want it to be true so hard but reality just hits harder.

Ergo, it is not toxic to tell you to go back to D2: LoD. So please, go back to D2: LoD and let D2R move forward.

But here I will be “toxic”: Sweet purist tears love 'em! You deserve it all for trying to kill D2R and making it lower quality. Love the changes, more changes coming, you just sit here and read about them while we enjoy our game and have fun! :rofl:

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Ah, so it was the grown up… seriously?

Let me ask a simple question:

In D2R, do you use the auto-gold pickup feature?

In the original, one needed to work (i.e. click) to pick up gold. In D2R, one does not.

That’s what I think too…retards on both ends, like everywhere in the extremes.

The whole discussion could end if you have 1 Server that keeps the release-state of D2R and another server with changes going mad.

So you’d have the best out of the 2 worlds.


I suggested 2 servers pre-luanch: The status quo server and the evolution server.


I accept your opinion fully - but why dont you advocate for the “purists” to have their D2R release state preserved on 1 server. Fight with them to get their own server and fight for the other server to get more and more changes. So you would have nearly all people on your side and come much farther. Try it.

But that only applies, if u want to find a solution for both sides.

1 things interests me very:

What changes would you NOT like?

You mean something like this?

You can see they are more into drama than solutions. :woman_shrugging:

I am not shy to rub it in their faces after taking in so much toxicity and personal insults from them just because I asked for changes in a live-service game. They deserve it. Otherwise I am capable of finding solutions and discussing seriously.

Are you serious with this question? It’s too generic to answer. The opposite of changes that I want I guess?

I mean the question serious. What would be in your point of view a bad change - because i am for changes too, but not for every change.

It’s always dangerous to advocate purely for changes as it is to advocate purely against changes. So it interests me, what in your mind would be a bad way - the good way you presented us, the old way we know. A completely different way, where you would say it would be bad.

I will be a “purist” for example if they would put their finger on removing teleport completely - I will be instantly a “changist” when it’s about stash space or reworking Merc’s. So i have both in me, like everyone else.

(sorry for my english…)

Your fault is you thinking I want change for the sake of change. Best answer I already gave you is opposite of what I ask for: lower drop rates, back to mindless braindead robotic grind without Terror Zones, more mechanics like Immunities, etc.

But it’s kind of hard for me to think of imaginative scenarios of changing occurring and then arguing against that, this is why I said your question too generic.

Ironically, despite the extreme minority this will apply to, this scenario is bound to happen…

After D2R has been out a year or two, a player finally buys D2R with just reading the store page. Nothing about all the other alterations made since. He’s going to load up the game and find out it’s nothing close to resembling the D2:LoD he just left, and this is within a year or two of D2R being released.

Now, pro-change, purist, whatever you may mislabel yourself with on a personal level, this will be a rather interesting situation, and although we’ll likely never read an opinion piece concerning their experience of going to D2:LoD to D2R, I can only imagine.

Now personally, I think Blizzard has a huge financial interest in placating as many loud vocal minorities as possible, so that they will have a crowd to carry over into their D4 sales. When their shareholders go online to do research, it’s these loud vocal minorities that will create the illusion of Blizzard “listening” to the users. When in reality, Blizzard is just in a mad scramble to siphon as many D2R players over to their D4 MTX platform as possible. I don’t think this is necessarily difficult to foresee or understand.

They know that D2:LoD players will play D2R regardless, because even if they turn the game into a smoldering heap, the updated graphics are still too alleviating for the eyes to go back to pixels and extremely low resolutions.

Just my opinion though.

Have to disagree, as a player who played the original from launch and for many years, I like the new lease of life this ‘remaster’ brings. Its not for everyone, but I think the changes have been overwhelmingly positive and healthy for the game. Looking forward to more.
TZ actually really good for endgame variety.

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The game in its current state resembles D2/D2:lod.