Start a new banwave before releasing ladder

You are full denial again
And stop trying to trick people into advertising cheat, its low

Because you didnt show anything related to evidnece for claims you guys make. Sorry I dont blindly believe stuff people say without proof. Maybe you do

Nice excuse why cant you show anything :rofl:

it’s cute you guys think bots need any game code at all to run.

it requires no code from the game to run a modern bot just screenshots and unfortunately you can still play the entire game with legacy graphics so any bot that was built for d2 based on AI detection works on d2r using legacy graphics.

its not you we need to convince

Every thread about cheats you come and smokebomb it
Makes me think

Who are you trying to convice here then if not us forum users? If you want attention of blizzard, use proper e-mail to report hacks as you should do.

Because i ask for evidence? sure lol. Dude I have experience from other games, plenty of people is completely delusional and they see cheats everywhere. I cant coun how many times i have been accused of aimbotting in Overwatch. People think you just just becuase you are better than them.

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I heard they keep banning bots. But it doesn’t seem to work effectively

He has a point. Do you have any video evidence at all to even prove that bots exist in D2R? Any websites? Any transactions? Pictures? You say they exist but don’t show us any programs or videos of people running a bot in D2R

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u show proof or this just a feeling you have?

If you don’t already believe there aren’t maphacks and bots out there, I wouldn’t know what to tell you. I’m honestly tired of telling people that they do exist and at this point, I have my both hands up in the air.

If you’re asking for a proof whether there’s a large number of people using 3rd party programs or not, that’s a little challenging. It’s not like I have the time to record and take screenshots of every game and off-game when I’m browsing or socializing in discord or internet. Think of it this way. Let’s say there are people wanting a big change in D2R because “the majority” wants it. Now how do they know if it’s a majority? They can’t as they don’t have the data. Same thing applies here. I’m speaking from my experience that there are many players using bots and maphacks. If you’re asking me prove this, I’m not going to unless you can tell me an easy and efficient way for me to do so without disowning people that I know.

To summarize, this post was created to share my experience related to botters and hackers. All I really want is a banwave before the launch of ladder to make the ladder as fair as possible at least for the first couple of weeks.

There is one of two things the thing that need to happen before ladder is opened

  1. Stop all trading
  2. Remove the leaderboard.

In case you’re going to play ignorant like what’s wrong with trading during a competition environment, go read this before you reply: After reading that topic Pay close attention to the reply lordwarp leaves which backs up everything I said as a fact.

Not sure why you brought these up. I’m pro trade in D2R otherwise the game will be no different from Diablo 3. I suspect if such features are implemented in D2R, Blizzard can expect to lose a lot of interest from players in D2R community.

You have to realize many players start ladder not only for the competition (leaderboard) but to start with fresh economy. Based on my experience, the fresh economy player base will far exceed those that want to play ladder solely to reach the top in the leaderboard.

There will always be cheaters and botters. Diablo 3 is a game with trading restrictions but bots still exist. The fair game play that you seek will never exist in any multiplayer role playing games. What I’m proposing here is to deter players from cheating temporary as long as Blizzard can handle especially at the beginning of a ladder.

Of course you’re pro trade, but being for trading in ladder means you want unfair play and people using pay to win. ON your second point about people stop playing, your’e absolutely right of course everyone on 3rd party sites like d2jsp would stop playing. None of them want their ability to cheat yanked out from under them.

Anyone who doesn’t get the simple concept that allowing trading in ladder means the ability of pay to win being allowed means that ladder has no point so if people want to trade then remove the leaderboard. People shouldn’t be allowed to be put on the leaderboard with things they didn’t earn.

If people want the leaderboard then they need to understand you cannot have trading because it allows pay to win.

You can’t have it both ways.

Pay to win will exist no matter what and it’s something that Blizzard will have little control over. There are thousands of platforms and methods that will allow people to take advantage of in any game. It’s just how the real world works.

Without trades, people can’t buy and sell items, but account selling and buying will still exist just like Diablo 3. Also, believe it or not, in early D3 days, I’ve seen people share 1 account with 3-4 people to take turns to level a character faster. There are even paid leveling services in Diablo 3. What you claim “fair play” doesn’t exist and will not exist.

Again let me be clear. I have accepted the fact that D2R won’t be perfect and there will always be some bots and cheaters. I simply want the Blizzard to manage bots and maphacks to a degree so that it doesn’t become wide spread and especially during early ladder.

If all items are soulbound on pickup then pay to win cannot happen on ladder where it matters

Well ladder is unfair if the same Items don’t drop for everyone. That’s stupid. Unfair advantages are crutches by which unsuccessful people try to drag down successful people.

It’s easier to cry foul when people watch streamers, or play with those that are immensely better than they are.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is real.

Ebben a beszĂ©lgetĂ©sben alul maradtĂĄl mĂĄr rĂ©ges rĂ©gen azĂ©rt vagdalkozol? BIZONYÍTÉKOT MUTASS ne magyarĂĄzz mĂĄr folyamatosan fĂ©lre.
Have you been at the bottom of this conversation for a long time? SHOW EVIDENCE Do not constantly misinterpret.

yeah it’s basically kids stuff nowadays to use visual detection

You are the one that are saying that it is impossible for anyone to learn the tile sets of maps to the point where they can find the entrance that they are looking for easily. The only way that would be true is if the tile sets were infinite in numbers. But it is more likely they are similar to PoE’s tile sets. Where all you have to do is know where you entered the current tile and then by remembering the most likely entrances to the next level you should be able to find them within a few seconds.

Look they want to go by facts instead of fear. For some it is impossible that anyone could remember tile sets good enough without using a map hack. For that to be true then D2R’s tile sets would either have to be infinite or have absolutely zero rules on generation. I don’t think either is the case.

It is more likely they are similar to PoE’s tile sets like when you first enter the ship’s graveyard. Depending on where you enter the entrance to the cavern of wrath will usually be in a few locations. Players that have played that game way more than you and I know those tile sets like the back of their hands. So the same could be true for this game.

Also ones like you think that any cheat out there being sold or offered for free will always do what it is suppose to do instead of getting your personal information or actually scam you in some other way. I am sure there are plenty of people that would scam you by selling what is suppose to be a cheat but doesn’t work at all. Or worse it works but gives your personal information to the ones that you bought it from.

Don’t put words in my mouth. If you took the time to read other comments, you would know what I mean and how I know maphack was involved. It’s been answered at least twice and I won’t answer again.

I think? And the ones like me? Jesus Christ. Again don’t put words in my mouth. I’m sharing based on my factual experience and not what I think. Frankly, I’m tired of responding to such toxic criticism without basis. Believe whatever you want. I’m done.

“new” implies theres been one or more before.

i have doubts about that - we didnt see nearly enough players crying about being banned for a banwave to have occured.