It's interesting to see people don't want legitimate game play

This topic is going to focus on FAIR PLAY and LEGITIMATE COMPETITION in ladder. Any reason anyone gives for being in ladder, other than to place on the leaderboard is irrelevant because when you are in ladder, you are part of the competition.

Anyone trying to derail this topic by using the angle of trading is part of the game will be ignored because that is saying you are in favor of not playing fair and or legitimate. Anyone who turns no trading on ladder, into D2R should have no trading at all, will also be ignored because the no trading argument is only being applied to ladder so don’t act like people are saying it for the entire game. Trading in a single competition environment is cheating.

Trading being part of D2R has absolutely nothing to do with keeping ladder legitimate and fair. Not caring about ladder leaderboard has no relevance to anything either. Whatever reason you want to give for being in ladder is irrelevant to the fact that you are still in a competition environment and as such need to be subjected to the same fair play rules as anyone trying to compete.

Imagine, no one being able to use sites like D2jsp to get ahead and actually having to work for their gear and place. But nope can’t have that people argue they want cheating and unfair play in ladder using the guise of trading is part of D2R to hide behind.

Ladder is a free for all, there are no TEAMS. Stop arguing against fair play by using personal wants or feelings as a crutch. This crap of people replying with helping people out that come late is not valid. If people came late then that is their fault. A competition is a competition it waits for no one stop using SOB stories of how you have work or not everyone can spend their time playing because none of that is relevant to the competition.

Furthermore, if one wants to argue they want trading because they don’t have much time to play this game in general, then they shouldn’t even be playing a game like this to begin with.

Here is rather odd side of the argument no one ever mentions or pays attention to that actually matters:
People that argue against no trading usually use personal attacks on people by taking the game not dropping items and using that to say things such as “They’re bad at the game/farming” or “They can’t afford things”. as if people have control over that.

Well when it comes to competition, if people are so good at the game as they put it, then they don’t need to trade for anything and should want to prove it so they should actually be in favor of personal loot instead of against it. People that want personal loot are the real players because they don’t need trading to get ahead, they know how to make due with what they have.

People who understand legitimate play and fair competition have absolutely no problems making/having the playing field level for everyone, and welcome it. The people who want trading want to keep a way for them to cheat, available and will argue under the guise trading is part of the game to hide behind. Not allowing trading on ladder would separate who is real and who isn’t.

If you cannot play this game on ladder without trading, then you’re not as good as you think you are trying to argue against that using trading is part of the game just makes you look silly because we’re talking about fair and legitimate play, not what is part of the game also as I said above, no one said trading shouldn’t be allowed at all, that is just for ladder because it’s a competition environment.

In closing:
If people want to keep trading in a competition environment, fine then they should have no problems getting rid of the leaderboard so no one can use it to show off their cheating.

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got a shirt on today?

People with an advantage in anything, including a game, will do everything they can to keep it.

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the only advantage in ladder is the amount of time an individual can dedicate to it

“Anyone beating my reasons will be ignored”.


It’s hard to take your discussion seriously when you start off with this. If you want to argue using D2jsp’s forum Gold is problematic for ladder, then you’d be on to something, but trading in itself is not a problem and is part of how the online game is meant to be played. Anything against this is irrelevant because Diablo 2 has a trading system. Pretending like it shouldn’t exist so your feelings do not get hurt because you yourself are perhaps bad at trading is irrelevant to the discussion. Just because YOU think it shouldn’t exist does not make it so. You are not the one who determines these things and your arguments are very poorly made. They’re primarily based upon you repeating what you’ve said over and over again, which is a fallacy. Repetition does not make you right; it makes you a parrot.

As for your argument towards personal loot, it’s just bad. Personal loot would reward ppl for following others and doing absolutely nothing. At least the way it is now, they can compete by being a master class ninja assassin super clicker 3000.

Some games have personal loot, and perhaps they work in those games, but in D2 it wouldn’t work. Ppl shouldn’t be rewarded for simply existing inside a game within the party.


Lordwarp proves my point and backs up my entire post.

Notice how he is more concerned with not being able to cheat than he is with keeping the ladder legtiimate by shutting down the one element that allows people to cheat.

His reply is exactly what i said people who cheat do. They ignore the part about Legitimate play, and uses irrelevant points to argue.

I back up nothing. You can’t argue the argument, so you slam me in to a category; cheater. Good job, you’ve failed.

Trading is inside the game. It is a mechanic that exist and is not a bug. It is part of the game itself and was meant to exist. It is not cheating. If it is, show me the rule book. Until then, you have nothing.

Problem is; you have no argument at all. Trading is part of the game and is not a “bug.” You’ve created an arbitrary rule, that is not on me, it is on you.



This forum has officially hit the next level of woke.

You should feel ashamed of yourself.


No one wants to remove trading or make items bound to characters. Loot drops just need to happen on an individual character basis that the others in the game cant interact with or even see.

The leechers you claim do nothing are in fact providing a benefit just by virtue of being there.

Ladder needs an additional leaderboard added that is for purely solo play where they are unable to interact with anyone else. A true individual race. Normal ladder can be for the teams that want to compete.

I am sorry but any idea that you can compete with a streamer and/or CP (gogle if not sure) is actually funny.

Actually people who want Ploot are delusional if they think it will let them compete in ladder, as I’ve seen people killing Hell Baal in HC in less than 7 hrs SSF without ladder RWs.
Frankly if you were able to compete with them, you wouldn’t have post complains on forum.

He doesn’t know what that mean :slight_smile: .

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To those that want the short version of this topic I’ll sum it up using the replies.

The types of people replying in this thread, are people you don’t ever want in any type of competition environment because they refuse to compete fair. It’s why in every reply there is no mention of fair play, instead it’s just them using the reply to trash the idea of no trading…There isn’t any actual legitimate reasons given for why trading should be allowed in a competition that needs to be legitimate.

It also proves they cannot play the game as intended (Again they will argue trading is playing the game as intended which is them saying in order for them to play, they have to trade to get what they need which 99.9% of the time involves 3rd party sites like D2jsp.

Furthermore it’s only the people who use 3rd party sites like D2jsp that have a problem with topics like this.

I mean calling people names that are promoting legitimate and fair play, and saying making sure play is legitimate is not a good idea speaks volumes about the person replying like that.

I agree with the OP’s argument that trading during a ladder competition is unfair. Even though trading is part of the game, one should surely recognize that those who trade will have an advantage over those who do not or choose not to.

I want to be clear I’m not presenting an argument I’m presenting a problem in ladder.

That’s my entire point is anyone arguing against this topic is literally saying fair play and making ladder legitimate is a dumb idea and shouldn’t be happening.

I have to agree that if ladder was purely SSF, it would definitely be more exciting when you find something good. Like I found JUST what I need, now I’m going full speed ahead to the finish line! I think it would make the item grind FEEL like its worth it. Especially when you have a shared stash to send items to your other characters.

The problem is a lot of returning players don’t participate in the “ladder race” and see it more as a leisure mode to start a new character. But the devs are focused more on “rank ladder play” which really is the logical way to go about it.

What do you guys think? I know people are going to rage at the thought of ladder being SSF (IF* it was), but it does make some sense, actually it makes a lot of sense.

Trading is there to get items which is hard to get for one individual. If you want top gear with perfect Rolls, its impossible to have it without trading. So trading is important part of online play.

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It would kill pvp as certain pvp gear is really hard to find on your own.


It would kill pvm as well. I dont want to go around in bogan gear and dying cos i dont have enough of this or that. OP has created 3 threads of ladder trading whining about his feelings.


This is quite seriously the #1 stupidest thread in the D2r forum right now.

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