Too many hacks and bots are being used for at least a couple of months now without any consequences. Please start a new banwave to deter players using such programs at least at the beginning of a ladder.
Do you have any evidence for that?
inb4 evidence is that people take all the items too quickly and that people can find entrances to next levels of zones too quickly.
Multiple streamers using maphacks, many discord users sharing bots that I won’t be part of, people offering rush for forge or items that are clearly evident of using maphacks. I’m very knowledgeable with map tile tricks, and it was very obvious the rusher was using one.
Few seconds of Google searches will provide all the evidence you need if you don’t take my word for it. People are also selling maphacks and bots thru ebay which is bizarre how blizzard hasn’t reached out to these people yet.
aka a very very very very small handful of people that end up banned.
Bots are and will always be a problem. There currently isn’t any for playing the game however, despite popular belief and misinformation.
Yeah… No. You’re being paranoid. Some folks like myself can find any entrance in a matter of seconds. All the time.
Those results are phishers. People that fall for them get their information stolen.
Again, no, lol.
I get it. You’re worried for the legitimacy of Ladder play when it comes. We are too, but the fact of the matter is the “hacks” and cheats people are allegedly using are used by such a small amount of people that it is non issue. Warden or whatever D2R is using is doing its job. The rest of these so called sources are all phisher websites stealing your credit card information and the likes.
I haven’t seen any public bits in games. Certainly haven’t seen hacks. What hacks?
Only bots I’ve seen are chat. And there are assuredly private bots running feeding item shops. You will never see those bots though.
I’m not sure how long you think 20 years is, but it’s a long time. I can rush someone very quickly. A new user would likely think I’m using maphack. Reality is I’ve memorized the tilesets…
I’m not sure why someone would bother with a maphack it isn’t difficult to learn the maps.

aka a very very very very small handful of people that end up banned.
You clearly don’t know the D2 community as you think you do. It’s much worse than you think but I do agree that only small number of players were banned but large number of players still use the same hacks they’ve had since 2 months ago.

Bots are and will always be a problem. There currently isn’t any for playing the game however, despite popular belief and misinformation.
Yes I agree that bots will always be a problem which is why I stated I hope that Blizzard “at least” deter players from using them “at the beginning of a ladder”

Yeah… No. You’re paranoid. Some folks like myself can find any entrance in a matter of seconds. All the time.
When multiple rushers (or grushers) and is able to find entrance to maggot lair in Far oasis or summoner in arcane or entrance to catacomb lvl 4 or entrance to Throne of Destruction within 5 seconds consecutively in ALL ACTS and ALL DIFFICULTIES , maphack is surely involved. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, you clearly are not experienced enough to know how the map tile trick works.

Again, no, lol.
I get it. You’re worried for the legitimacy of Ladder play when it comes. We are too, but the fact of the matter is the “hacks” and cheats people are allegedly using are used by such a small amount of people that it is non issue. Warden or whatever D2R is using is doing its job. The rest of these so called sources are all phisher websites stealing your credit card information and the likes.
I’ve seen same maphacks being sold on ebay multiple occasions that people use on discord. There are at least 3 different versions that are currently unbanned that I know of. You clearly need to do more research.
Please, tell me more that I am not experienced enough (whatever that implies lol). I’m trying to avoid sounding like a jerk but when you spew misinformation brought on by your fear of the game being cheated, it’s really hard to convince yourself it’s worth straightening you out because the unfortunate reality is there is a lot of your type here who choose to believe sensationalized information or choose to believe what you think is right and damn whatever anyone else thinks because it’s easier to believe in yourself.
Everything I’ve said still applies to anything you’re trying to denounce. Many of us here can corroborate anything I’ve said - but you’re still going to denounce it because it’s easier to be afraid.
Anyway, I’ve did what I’ve come to do, what you choose to believe is your decision and yours alone.
Happy item hunting and merry crimmus~

Please, tell me more that I am not experienced enough (whatever that implies lol). I’m trying to avoid sounding like a jerk but when you spew misinformation brought on by your fear of the game being cheated, it’s really hard to convince yourself it’s worth straightening you out because the unfortunate reality is there is a lot of your type here who choose to believe sensationalized information or choose to believe what you think is right and damn whatever anyone else thinks because it’s easier to believe in yourself.
Everything I’ve said still applies to anything you’re trying to denounce. Many of us here can corroborate anything I’ve said - but you’re still going to denounce it because it’s easier to be afraid.
Anyway, I’ve did what I’ve come to do, what you choose to believe is your decision and yours alone.
Happy item hunting and merry crimmus~
Spew misinformation? What are you talking about? It’s obvious you want to deflect from the main issue and you probably wouldn’t believe anything I tell you anyways. Everything I’ve stated here comes from my own experience in D2R.
Keep convincing yourself that what you’re doing is “right” when there is no harm to anyone starting a new banwave at the launch of a ladder except the botters and hackers themselves.
I do hope you get out of the bubble and do your due diligence before denouncing anyone without evidence.

people offering rush for forge or items that are clearly evident of using maphacks.
This donesnt make sense. What do you mean by that?

Multiple streamers using maphacks
Who exactly, I doubt peopple openly use maphack so you can see it on stream.

Few seconds of Google searches will provide all the evidence you need if you don’t take my word for it.
few second of google seaches also provide evidence (fake) for flat earth or or some kind of divine power(non existent). But it doesnt make it true obviously.

I’ve seen same maphacks being sold on ebay multiple occasions that people use on discord.
I am curious why are you actively going to ebay and look for cheats.
With how many people planning on using their forum gold to buy their lead in new ladder season i’m not sure these people even want to ban the bots so they can buy more with their forum gold.

This donesnt make sense. What do you mean by that?
There are many players offering rush service for an item or forge. When you’re familiar with the rush process and have a good understanding how the map tiles are generated in D2 or D2R, you can tell if someone is using a maphack at certain map locations where the tiles are generated completely in random without rules.

Who exactly, I doubt peopple openly use maphack so you can see it on stream.
yes that was my thoughts exactly initially. Who would use maphack openly but it is happening. It is that bad. Just imagine how many more people are using them in private games. I’ve publicized 4 twitch users using maphack and they have all stopped streaming immediately upon people joining live streams and inquiring whether they were cheating or not. Why was I following these twitch acc? They were rushing me and asked me to follow their twitch acc. I was curious. After that I’ve come across many more where other people shared the same experience that I had

few second of google seaches also provide evidence (fake) for flat earth or or some kind of divine power(non existent). But it doesnt make it true obviously.
Well you need to know where to look and how to use the serach features properly. For an example, when someone asks you to search for iphone8 leather case and under $ 50, you don’t simply search iphone case on Google.

I am curious why are you actively going to ebay and look for cheats.
I wasn’t aware of the Ebay issue until I saw someone posting it about it on this FORUM. After a little bit of digging, it turns out the maphack sold on Ebay is identical to one of the three mapahcks that I know of that are available to the public for FREE. The other two are paid or in subscription base which I won’t share them here. I learned about these maphacks through D2R discord community group which I no longer am part of.
I am quiet shocked that there are many users in this very forum that are underestimating or unconcerned with how wide spread the hacking and botting is in D2R.

I am quiet shocked that there are many users in this very forum that are underestimating or unconcerned with how wide spread the hacking and botting is in D2R.
Well you explained your points and its understandable. I just like to see evidence when people have claims like this.

I just like to see evidence when people have claims like this.
Its being oppenly sold and there is no need for more evidence than that
If you want to discredit this you need to at last provide evidence there is no one buying those bots/hacks

If you want to discredit this you need to at last provide evidence there is no one buying those bots/hacks
It doesnt work like that. Person making claim has to prove it. I didnt say there is no cheating, i simply asked for evidence. Burden of proof is on him.

Its being oppenly sold and there is no need for more evidence than that
You say openly but i didnt see it anywhere. Not in one discord I was part of. This forum is basicly only place where i read about it. And if you think all these links and offer with cheats are legit and not just scamming, you are naive.

It doesnt work like that. Person making claim has to prove it. I didnt say there is no cheating, i simply asked for evidence. Burden of proof is on him.
And its already proven
Its being sold/rented/gived away for free
Now the burden of proof is with anyone who says bots are not rampant

i didnt see it anywhere.

This forum is basicly only place where i read about it.
Ignorance is not a valid argument or evidence of any sorts
Bots and cheats were here from day 1. The underlying code wasnt changed.

And its already proven
No it was not, so far we have only stories about it here.

Its being sold/rented/gived away for free
another claim, where is evidence? Again nothing.

Now the burden of proof is with anyone who says bots are not rampant
You still didnt provide avidence for bots being rampant. And i didnt see any topic claiming bots are not rampant.

Ignorance is not a valid argument or evidence of any sorts
It is not ignorance. Its reality, if botting would be rampant, there would be evidence in all kind of places. Its not. Its basicly just few individuals who claim its big issue. When I asked for evidence i was told to use goodle. Thats hilarious, if you people have evidence link it directly.

Bots and cheats were here from day 1. The underlying code wasnt changed.
Sorry but you dont know what you talk about honestly. How can you say that code wasnt change lol? Do we play legacy d2 1.14? No we are not.