Shut down d2jsp

Nice opinion you have there.

Problem is…none of those words align with the definition of RMT or violating the ToS.

Earth’s still not flat cuz you say so.

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And I only pointed that you are ignoring the facts , lying and trying to normalize RMT on the RMT website d2jsp .

You are ignoring the facts by calling d2jsp RMT when it clearly isn’t.

I love this thread so much. Let’s keep going!!

Trying to normalize and participating in RMT , somehow makes you the bigger man in this discussion .

Well good for you then , champ .

it’s literally the only argument he has. He’ll beat this drum forever, no matter how wrong he is.

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I mean, I don’t see what my assumed gender has to do with it.

It’s just a legal document. Our opinions are irrelevant; I’m sorry you don’t like it.

Feel free to prove me wrong , d2jsp is an RMT website and people who trade there are actively participating in RMT practices .

Facts on the other hand are relevant , you try to normalize RMT on the RMT website d2jsp and I don’t .

Also i almost went back to change it to the " bigger person " but i had to respond to something , my bad .

blizz disagrees with you and you don’t HAVE to spend cash to trade on the site. It’s not necesarily rmt like you just keep repeating. It’s greyer than that.

Frankly, no one has to prove anything to you. Blizzard already knows and agrees it’s not rmt. Their call matters, not your whining.

I agree facts are relevant.

You are claiming d2jsp is RMT.

The definition proves you otherwise, and blizzards ToS proves you otherwise.

So what facts are you referring to?

Blizzard is irrelevant in this discussion , normalizing RMT and trying to cover it up isn’t .

The only people whining here are the RMT supporters .

Do you have a source where Blizz says using jsp is OK? Did they once in their existence said that jsp was not against the ToS? If you have a source please feel free to provide.

This is why no one likes you.

Blizzards decision is really the only thing that’s relevant. Not you.

they retracted their lawsuit and have made none of the moves to ban or punish jsp users that they implement for rmt and bot sites.

I can be in the game and forums all day spamming jsp, fg, trade items for nothing in return, and nothing happens. Go ahead and start bragging about how you bought something of ebay or the spam rmt site and see what happens.

When they can’t deal with the truth , they resort to stuff like this .

I might not be the most likeable person in this discussion but at the very least I am not supporting and trying to normalize RMT in Diablo 2 unlike the RMT website d2jsp users here .

Do you have a source that says it is?

The language in the document doesn’t line up with any of the methods d2jsp uses.

In law, there are no “oh this is grey area so let’s apply it to this article”

It either lines up to the language, or applies to a “past practice”

“Past practice” also provides evidence that is allowed since the site and its users have operated for 20 years.

Substantially more evidence suggesting it’s okay than not…so “based on a balance of probabilities” which would be the test outside of criminal law, it’s legal.

Unless you have unequivocal communications directly from blizzard

Here we are , trying to normalize RMT again .

What is it so hard to understand if you buy barter currency from the RMT d2jsp website and then use it to aquire ingame items you are actively participating in RMT .

Because none of that is accurate?

How bout we start there, lol

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Is there an option to burn down a house, although you wouldn’t do it?

if the answer is yes - this is arson.

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yes i can’t deal with it. :eye roll:

Your last 8 comments have been nearly identical calling any one that disagrees with you supporting or normalizing rmt. It’s juvenile and dumb.