Shut down d2jsp

Nobody is talking about the TOS , you are the one who is wrong here .

I was talking about the RMT website that is d2jsp and the users who are actively participating , trying to normalize RMT practices and gaslight everyone who disagrees with them .

So now that we got out of the way , stop trying to normalize RMT in Diablo 2 .

This is what d2jsp does , it sells barter currency that is used to buy ingame items in Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 R .

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It is against the ToS, RMT is also against ToS and yet it exists. Do not mistake Blizzard not doing anything about it and not beng against the ToS. I think Acti-Blizz has bigger fishes to fry right now than spend money and time on jsp.

Other games like PoE have been actively banning jsp users in the meantime, if I was a jsp user I would clearly want to keep it low profile and not clamor I am enjoying having tons of FG on Blizzard forums.

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You can also login and just trade your items vs items or fg and never spend a dime on it.

Stop spreading your hate and BS in the forum.

If it were RMT it would be against the ToS….

It’s not.

It is not against the terms of service. This is just what yourself, and people that can’t read a legal document, claim with zero evidence.

This has been discussed numerous times and I’m happy to go into any finer points of the legal document with you, to prove all of the ways in which you are wrong.

Start anywhere you like.

I don’t want to participate in RMT .

i would never support RMT and RMT websites like d2jsp .

This forum gold doesn’t appear out of thin air , someone has to buy it first or donate for it rather - this was already established .

Stop trying to normalize RMT and stop defending it .

You have no evidence, just stop. None of you do.

“The earth is flat cuz I said so”
-all of you that think d2jsp is against the ToS

Aquiring forum gold via donation was already established as true in this discussion , do not try to backpeddle and do not try to promote , spread and normalize RMT .

It really is that simple . Just stop .

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Acquiring forum gold via donation and using to trade items is not RMT. By definition.


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Trading barter currency aquired via real life money donation for ingame items without even having to play the game is RMT .

Stop trying to normalize RMT . It has no place in Diablo 2 .

d2jsp is an RMT website , you can donate for their barter currency which you can exchange for ingame items - which is RMT .

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I see your words, but by definition it’s not RMT. I’m sorry you don’t like that?

Maybe think of a different word that actually fits what you’re trying to say?

It appears out of thin air if you play d2jsp game called ladder slasher and earn it there.

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Is there an option to donate for barter currency which you use to exchange for ingame items ?

if the answer is yes - this is RMT .

Stop trying to normalize RMT . It is very simple concept , I can’t believe people can’t get the grasp of it .


It’s honestly like arguing with a flat earther…

-it’s not RMT cuz it doesn’t meet the definition.

You: “it’s RMT cuz I said so”

-it it were RMT it would breach the ToS and people couldn’t do it

You: ToS doesn’t matter it’s RMT

Uhhhhh okay. I mean…you do you I guess!

Can you aquire ingame items with d2jsp’s barter currency , which you can buy with real money ?

Yes you can , this is RMT .

Stop trying to normalize RMT .


Laundered RMT is RMT.

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First of all not RMT and also not what I said as I didn’t even mention RMT. You are really good at ignoring facts people tell you and give answer to something no one asked about, just like politicians.

I am not ignoring the facts , which are - People are trying to normalize RMT on the RMT website d2jsp .

You are ignoring the facts however . Just like politicians - this goes both ways see what i did there ?

No, it isn’t. Lol

Again, If it were RMT…it would be against the ToS. It’s not. If you have evidence to suggest it is, prove it.

Y’all can spread misinformation all you like. It’s it’s not unequivocally listed on the ToS, it’s allowed.

D2jsp bypasses the language. It’s not hard to grasp.

Sorry y’all don’t like it!!

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Sure you aren’t…haha Just read my very first reply to your post few posts above. I only pointed out your lie and never mentioned RMT.

Do you have the option or not , to spend real money and aquire barter currency on the RMT website d2jsp which is used for trading of ingame items in Diablo 2 - if the answer is yes , this is RMT and you’re actively participating and trying to normalize RMT .

These are some of the facts .

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