Shut down d2jsp

The difference is for 18 years it was just fine and among 2k+posts on these D2jsp topics you could find argument vs anything you throw out but nooo, suddenly because its 2021 you lot no longer are capable of using search and instead loop the same arguments ad nausea

Yes because the fact is buying barter currency with real money to then aquire ingame item with , is actual RMT .

You are trying to normalize it , it’s the facts .

Maybe we should bring a book we can colour for you with the facts printed on top of it , will this be not identical enough for you ?

This is getting ridiclous .

Everyone against jsp in this thread just says the same thing over and over despite evidence.

I stayed away for like a whole week…but it pulls me back in :slight_smile:

Please, I searched and never found even a mention of this alleged lawsuit except on these forums, there is no legal paper trail, nothing. They did put pressure on jsp to selling diablo 2 bots and that’s it.

If you can find a reliable source of this alleged lawsuit I’m all for reading it. And don’t mistake not making a move with accepting it, the ToS of Blizzard are not law and as such they have no power to do anything about jsp as a website.

They could, with enough evidence and will, ban users that use jsp but I guess they don’t feel like it is worth banning customers, especially right now. Does not mean jsp is not agains teh ToS.

That’s always the same story, Blizzard has no interest acting on jsp users, does not mean it is not against teh ToS or that they will never do it, it just mean they are doing nothing about it because what good will it do to D2R to ban jsp users when the playerbase is already dropping like a stone?

You were here 5 minutes ago , stop lying .

you FINALLY got it right! Congrats!

If I spend MONEY to get an item, THEN it’s RMT.
If I DON’T spend money for items, then it’s NOT RMT.

I mean today sucks me back in silly lol.

Buying barter currency to aquire ingame items with on the RMT website d2jsp is actual RMT .

I am glad you finally got it .

Side note - sorry i forgot to bring the colored book with the printed facts for you .

omg you were so close. You don’t have to buy fg, most don’t. Therefore not rmt when you don’t spend cash. It’s not about the middle step fool. You accidently said the truth.

Face palm….

It was settled on a without prejudice and precedent basis, with an NDA.

It is normal that there would be no information on it…as it’s part of a settlement,

And yes a ToS is a legal document. It’s binding agreement between parties.

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But I am sure your argument was not posted on this forum 1000+ times already to absolutely no avail. No no chief roflmao.

18years of hard evidence of working D2jsp is biggest middle finger vs any of these anti JSP people.
Just pure laughstocks of futile yet funny resistance :smiley:

Says the person who tries to normalize RMT all along , " trust me bro " situation we got going on here again .

If it was under NDA how do you know about it? That’s hearsay at best.

And jsp is not one of these parties, it is a legal agreement between the consumers (you and me) and Blizzard.

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Hard evidence that buying forum currency with real life money to later exchange for ingame items is indeed RMT .

laughing stock you say .

Yes. Exactly…lol.

And users aren’t banned for using d2jsp for fg trades

I have no information on any lawsuit, besides it being talked about back in the day…then…silence. Im simply saying it wouldn’t be unusual to not hear about the result.

Users not being banned does not mean that magicly d2jsp is not an RMT website , on which you can buy barter currency with real money which is indeed exchanged for ingame items - which is RMT .

Yes, it exactly does mean that.

Since RMT is against the ToS.

it was public knowledge that the suite was placed. The terms of the settlement are what is under the nda. An nda settlement doesn’t mean no one can ever know why the suite was brought up initially or that it was settled.

No it doesn’t .

Can you or can you not buy barter currency which is used for exchange for ingame items via the RMT website d2jsp - if the answer is yes you are participating and trying to normalize RMT .

It does not, theres plenty of people buying stuff off of RMT websites daily and not getting banned either… your logic is flawed at best.

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