Shut down d2jsp

some are and some aren’t discussing rmt. When i first popped in, the convo was not about rmt. The convo was about if anything good comes out of jsp. Which it does.

it’s not rmt. if it was rmt, blizz would do something(even if small and ineffective). You’re fighting an argument the company stopped trying to a long time ago.

I too trust the opinions of streamers on matters that could impact my account and upon which the streamer has no more knowledge than the average layman and in which they stand to make a profit by merely talking about.

Do you trust the constitutional opinions of Tucker Carlson?

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Can you donate for a forum gold package and then buy ingame items with it ?

If the answer is yes , it is RMT .

If it was all about good intentions and not monetary gains , how come you need their currency to trade on their forums - why Traderie doesn’t have their own currency ?

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How can they buy everything good from the market if you have to be on D2jsp to buy/sell to them? Or do you wanna say all good players who find stuff and know the value are on d2jsp?

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Wasn’t d2jsp the biggest trading community for years ?

If yes , wouldn’t it make sense that this would be a first stop shop for experienced traders to begin with ?

Now tell me why would experienced traders buy trash from the market and not the best stuff available ?

What happened lost your keyboard ?

man it’s almost like in game trading sucks, and people like a more efficient method. Without having to spend cash.

It’s almost as if you’re trying to normalize trading via RMT websites like d2jsp .

To have forum gold on d2jsp someone has to buy it first , which is actual RMT right there .


Just wanted to read it from you… So you cry about D2jsp users buying the best stuff and ruining the economy, but also admitting that they are the best traders and therefor only noobs trade ingame.

Do you guys even know what you are talking about?

Are you trying to normalize RMT again ?

D2jsp is RMT , you can buy website currency and exchange it for ingame items .

Do you know what you’re talking about ?


Plz don’t start this again. It’s not RMT, by definition.

RMT would require you to pay money amd receive an item or service in-game. This is not what happens on d2jsp. Don’t call an apple, an orange.

If it were RMT it would be bannable; It isn’t.

Buying website currency to exchange it for items is literally RMT , this is what d2jsp does .

Was this defining enough ?

Also don’t try to normalize RMT in video games .


I encourage you to read the ToS and look into the process of getting forum gold on d2jsp.

Real Money Trading (RMT) is the sale of in-game items, currency, characters or other data in order to obtain real money.

I don’t see anything in there about donating money to a website in which you receive a resource you can trade with other players.

Do you?

Unless, you think you are smarter than Blizzard’s legal team and can explain away the clearly outlined ToS.

It doesn’t need to be normalized. It’s normal.

Yep I have no issues with jsp and use it myself for convenience sake. But the fact that your wealth carries over into next ladder really sucks. Would love to see blizzard implement a trade website or just SOMETHING that allows players to quickly and efficiently trade.

Stop trying to normalize RMT , d2jsp is a website based on RMT - you have to buy their currency which you can trade for ingame items .

It’s pretty clear cut .

Except it’s not. Since it’s not against the ToS.

Hate it all you want, avoid the argument all you want…but don’t spread misinformation.

Again stop trying to normalize RMT , don’t spread misinformation in your efforts to defend the RMT forums of d2jsp .

you dont have to buy anything :slight_smile:

I was just summarizing the BS you are talking all day. How about you stay at noobtrading and leave the big boys and girls alone. D2jsp can’t ruin your economy, if they can only trade via FG which non D2jsp users don’t have. So just remove the stick from where the sun never shines and go on with your life.

Please stop trying to normalize the misrepresentation of the ToS.

You aren’t doing anyone any favours. Unless your goal is to be wrong on the d2 forums. Then, good job.

If you can just login on d2jsp , donate for their forum currency and then buy ingame items with it - this is pretty clear cut RMT .

Stop trying to normalize RMT in Diablo 2 .

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You can’t buy any items.

You trade it to another user.

You aren’t good at this.

How many times do we have to have the same conversations with you people. It’s not against the ToS cuz you say it is, lol.