Shut down d2jsp

Do they sell forum gold right now ? If the answer is yes , it’s RMT .

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Do they offer you an option to support the site. Yes Do you need to spend money to get FG? NO. Its funny how you change that question now huh?

Do they sell currency that you can exchange for ingame items ?

If the answer is yes , this is RMT .

They dont sell currency no. If you donate to the site you get a donation package in return. Larger mail box, private forums and FG for operating certain features. If you dont want it, then dont donate to the site just use it. Like many have done and will keep doing. If you want RMT there are plenty of them spamming in the channel.

Honestly, if you really want RMT JSP is the last place you should look for the same price you get what? 1/20th of a ber rune? Where as the RMT market sites is only selling it for 2x for the same price. Logic seems to escape you at this point.

So they do sell currency , all you have to do is give them money and they give you forum gold packages in return - this is literally RMT since you can exchange the said currency for ingame items without playing a single hour in game .

This is exactly RMT , desguised as " SeRviCeS " .

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That’s what you say .

Lets look at the $ of your so called RMT system. Lets say you go for that most expensive package $100. That nets you what? 3k fg? You can barely get a BER at today’s price. FOr the same amount you get 2x BER on the hundreds of RMT sites on bnet spamming 24/7. Its 2XBer and some of them even have a bonus when you spent over X amount. Your logic doesnt make any sense at all. If people want to spend $ on RMT, they do it in the place where it is the best bang for their $.

Where does forum gold originate from though? its not free.

Can you go to d2jsp , donate get forum gold and buy ingame items ?

I believe you can do exactly this , that’s why it’s RMT .

I understand that sunk cost fallcay Andys won’t like to part with their fake currency or get their RMT heaven exposed but let’s be real - d2jsp is an RMT website .

And don’t change the topic we aren’t talking about any other website , we are talking about the RMT website that is d2jsp .

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The better question is can you EARN FG without spending a single dollar?

And the answer is YES you can. If you need to RMT on JSP to play diablo 2. You are playing it wrong and you wont be able to build a single character based on that prices.

FG isnt solely use for diablo 2 item buying. Its also use to buy services in the site. You get someone to design you a cool logo. That cost FG. You generate them VIA the game on their site? that is also use and earn you FG. IDK why you are so butt hurt about jsp unless its dictating the price of items and setting a base value that people can compare in. I mean what is not to like about that in a game where there are people more knowledge than you? That only changes when you try to UP trade by ripping people off. Then yes you wont like JSP.

No the actual question is : Can you go to d2jsp , donate and buy ingame items ? Yes

It’s RMT , it’s how this works .

The topic is about d2jsp , I don’t agree with RMT in video games in general , you bet i don’t like any RMT in any of the games I play or have played .

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The question is has anyone done it? Not that I heard of, if you want to support the site then support it. If you don’t want to then don’t. If you don’t want RMT then don’t do it. To some people its worth for them to spend an extra hour at work and go homes and play a decked out character. To some people, they like the grind. So what exactly have JSP change your play style in anyway?

You can donate to the site and in return you get a donate package back in return. ( ie private forums, some fg, not even enough to get you a build so I dont even know what you are butt hurting about)

Do you need to spend money to get the FG? you dont. You have an OPTION to support the site and keep it running. If people dont think its worth it, its going to die. Cleary people like the service and are willing to use the site so I have no idea why you are so butt hurt in the first place.

Oh so it’s a " trust me bruh " situation going on here , right .

If you can donate and get currency and exchange it for ingame items , without having to even play the game - it is RMT , why do you deny this ?

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And what? The person is going to say I donate to the site as I support the game on that site. I also want donors feature such as creating custom logos, bigger message box. Its not up to owners what the person trade the FG for. A service an item in the hundreds of games out there. And honestly, does it effect your game play at all?

it is if you don’t pay for it or play the onsite game.

But it’s not the point. The original discussion was whether or not jsp adds anything to the game or just leeches. There are more factors than just how fg works. Like the fact it’s far more organized in every way compared to any other d2 satellite community.

Why do you try to normalize RMT ?

Ofc it affects my gameplay , it’s the ingame economy we’re talking about here - if it wasn’t important you won’t even bother with this .

( i read the whole thing , i clipped this part but can easily add the whole quote )

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In this thread, OP: 'PLEASE shut down d2jsp I cannot scam people because they can check the market value of items on d2jsp11!!1!!! How will I feed my family if I don’t scam people!?/!?! ’

it actually doesn’t. item to item values shift in their own way. How much fg a shako goes for, doesn’t have any effect on which rune a shako worth.

:rofl: good one :rofl:


That’s beside the point , we’re discussing RMT .

And no guys look , d2jsp is indeed RMT by any definition - is it only RMT ofc not but that’s not the point .

Obviously Blizzard won’t shut it down , but I really do not understand why are you trying to normalize it and actually defend it .