Shut down d2jsp

people can, and try. Streamers have pulled off a few. But in practice we don’t see many other places organizing their own walks.

You’re blaming it without any kind of evidence or proof. You’re assuming jsp’ers buy up soj’s in other markets. I’m sure some are, but it doesn’t change the fact that other communities can also trade for those same soj’s to organize their walks, it just doesn’t happen nearly as much.

For the couple reasons i already listed in above comment, i believe you’re wrong and the relationship between the game and site is reciprocal, not parasitic.

Evidence or proof that the biggest online community for Diablo 2 is probably the one that syphons items from all the other markets ?

The same community that can even buy currency with real money to get the said items without playing a single minute in game ?

I guess we should just close our eyes and pretend that the RMT website d2jsp is not in fact in parasitic relationship with D2 and its community .

Or should we pretend that somehow RMT is something that should be accepted in D2 ?

Botton line anyone who exchanged items for forum gold on d2jsp is supporintg and participating in RMT . ( don’t take this as a personal attack , more like an opinion / fact / semi-fact . it’s nothing personal ) .

The problem I have is no matter what points are brought up or arguments made, you always come back to jsp is rmt, therefore everything associated with it is bad. There’s more to it than that, and that’s why you don’t address the fact that no one else is doing the things jsp does that benefits everyone.

I feel like there’s no point in continuing. You’re welcome for the anni’s, high end pvp community, and easier trade system. If someone else can do it as well or better, lmk.

D2jsp is RMT , this is undeniable - to have forum gold you need to buy it first , if you don’t buy it you have to exchange an ingame item for it but someone at some point has to buy the forum gold first . Participating and facilitating RMT is just as bad .

It’s funny how d2jsp users want to argue about the befits but somehow don’t want to acknoledge the RMT happening under their noses .

How let’s say here on the forums you can trade without forum gold but you can’t on d2jsp , what a coincidental problem created to sell you the sollution , right ?

rmt is cash for item. Jsp is not 100% rmt since cash purchase is not required. Trading legit items for fg that someone bought, is not different than trading items for other ig items that were bought from somewhere like that spam site in lobby.

You’re poisoning the entire well with one flimsy argument. Just to avoid acknowledging that no one else is really doing anni’s or high end pvp gear, or other things organized more efficiently through jsp without cash.

Trading items for fake currency that someone bought for real money is participating in RMT , it supports the RMT .

How is this even agruable at this point ?

RMT is not a flimsy arguement , it’s against ToS - it is literally a bannable offense .

You have to literally buy the currency so you can trade with it .

Again why do you need the forum gold to trade there ? Go ahead and explain this then .

We both don’t have forum gold , I want forum gold for my item - you want to buy it .

Where will you get forum gold from .

I’ll give you a hint , if at any point someone has to buy forum gold from d2jsp - this is exactly what RMT is .

technically you don’t.

This is why these arguments go no where. You firmly believe one flimsy argument that even blizz won’t back you on about tos. Nothing will change your mind. Even when the main point of the discussion was totally separate from rmt, you just can’t help but talk about rmt cause it’s jsp. Clearly you lost on the points about other things jsp contributes, and so you’re reduced to writing paragraphs about rmt.

You didn’t answer my question , does someone at any point need to buy forum gold to trade on the website or not - it’s a simple question .

There are beneficial community websites and there is RMT .

MMO Champion , Wowhead , Raiderio are all community websites that are indeed beneficial and not RMT .

D2jsp is the oposite , it is RMT .

Gave you some examples to wrap your head around , what i consider RMT and what I don’t .

It does not violate TOS - a prominent streamer did a breakdown of how it works and how it does not violate TOS - it is an external site - how would you actually expect them to shut it down? Are you mad cuz you can’t make friends and trades on there?

No showtdown needed.

D2jsp is not RMT go do actual research.

Does anyone at any point has to buy forum gold to trade , if the answer is yes - it is RMT .

Buying ingame items for real money .

He is mad that no one want his garbage on JSP and when he trade in game, people call him F***ing noob and get out of here with that trash.

Try farm more and QQ less


This is patently false. you can trade items for forums gold. You never actually have to pay RMT to get any forum gold.

I never had a d2jsp profile to begin with , you on the other hand must be speaking from first hand experience .

Did someone had to buy the forums gold at any point ? If the answer is yes - this is literally RMT .

If you have not used jsp then you have no actual experience to speak from. you just blindly follow the sheep.

No, no one has to. Strictly optional

How does one aquire this currency if it’s optional then ?

No. They were awarding fg back in the day for posting content. You can also earn FG by playing the game on the site. SO no.