Shut down d2jsp

Thank you very much :slight_smile: .

No it’s not. You’re noob bro Traderie everything is overpriced hardcore compared to jsp. Are you crazy? AHhahaha

The problem is there is no alternative from Blizzard hence why d2jsp is able to mess up things as they are with their forum gold system.
It’s unfair competition for new players ruining their experience and should be dealt with by Blizzard by simply setting up their own traders site.
Shouldn’t be too hard, something like traderie for instance, but then specifically for diablo.
Come on Blizzard get out of that lazy chair and fix this mess, you can do it!

p2pah is cheaper but my bro tells me how they tryd to scam him outa his money.

what has p2pah to do with jsp? troll much?

I am one of those people who wanted no changes with Diablo 2 aside from graphical.

I am also against RMT and not personally a fan of jsp. I don’t care if others use it, its just not for me as I don’t support RMT, which it provides in the form of “Forum Gold”. Its very clearly a loophole that Blizzard chooses to ignore. I’m glad I really don’t care too much what other people do. Bots will ruin the economy eventually anyway. Ladder will save us if they give it someday.

I’m mostly concerned about loading screens killing HC characters, crafters having their charms all disappear during a long session, characters disappearing, and I would complain about server stability but it is a non issue at this point compared to the rest.

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it’s a 3rd party RMT site. Dur da Dur

I disagree, I personally would like to see a More modern version server for those of us that want to see additions too the game.

huurrrr shut down d2jsp
rrreee shut down d2jsp-2
waaah shut down d2jsp-3

It amazes me that people fail to understand that the only way to fight rmt is to disable in-game trade altogether

“let’s fight the illegal organ trade by closing that particular illegal clinic”, yeah sure

you people need to learn how the real world, the market and money works, seriously

anything that can be bought or sold people WILL buy and sell, whether you like it or not

get over it

Take a look at the PoE d2jsp section right now - ISO 200 ex , ISO 1000 ex .

For the people who don’t get it - the situation is even worse in PoE , differance is they have a new content release cycle , which D2R doesn’t have .

This content cycle keeps the game fresh . I mean new content is new content . DUH

This new league release cycle actually helps the value of the jsp currency a whole bunch , since well economy resets and you can instantly get the best stuff as soon as someone finds it / crafts it ( it’s complicated but really if you have FG you can have anything )

The OP actually doesn’t realize that the more you reset the economy the better this is for D2Jsp , since your currency has value , all over again with the reset .

Now let me ask you something real quick .

Does this look like something " should be done ez " to you ?

The answer is no , there isn’t an easy way around this .

And yes PoE has the ultimate advantage of being developed constantly , patched
frequently ( for better or worse , 3.15 nerfs pissed a lot of people off but hey you can’t win them all especially after Harvest ) but has the same exact issue that D2R has when it comes to D2Jsp trading ( actually has multitudes of bigger issues since they reset the economy a lot ) .

One might think reading this that PoE is not a dead game , unlike some other games of this genre which released … quite recently .

There might be a sollution to this , but I don’t think you gonna like it OP .

No resets of the economy = d2jsp currency will lose value immediately and infinitely will be useless for D2R .

As long as there are people who are not willing to grind the ridiculous time it takes to get end game items, dsj2p will continue to remain a place to thrive on D2R. The reset of the economy makes no difference. It only fluctuates the value, nothing else.

Value can be lost within days , hours even . Without economy resets your D2jsp currency will have 0 value given enough time .

Value can decline, but not disappear entirely, which is the point I’m making.

as long as there are those who are not willing to grind, there will always be a base value.

If everything is cheap in game noone will bother with D2jsp , which will happen in non ladder pretty soon . If this is the value you’re talking about sure . Currency will not have 0 value it will have the lowest base value .

theyre losing their ceo and the next announced patch is lackluster at best.

i dont think theyre up for a fight against jsp at all. sadly.

they barely function as it is.

engine blown up - trying to catch some wind with a sail full of holes :wink:

d2jsp has alot of people up there, they also have alot of multi accounts. i honetly feel theyre making items via hero editor and posting pics of them and then having their buddies and multis offer on the fake items to lower the value of items in the game. its a tactic that happens in the trade market. its fraud.

What they doing is buying everything good from the market , so when you try to buy something in game nothing interesting is for sale - if it is is usually overpriced .

It’s just how it goes .

Overpriced as in people asking for Ber and whatnot for Tal Armor .

I think you got the wrong take away from the poe section.

Poe section is nearly dead compared to d2 section. Partly because PoE has a decent trade system to start with. Things tank in value so fast with so few people trading and orbs are so easy to farm up and trade for, that you wind up with massive trades to make it worth it.

IMO this tells you how much d2 benefits from the jsp system. D2’s in game and direct item trade system is so vastly inferior to a game like poe’s trade, that far more players want to use jsp currency to facilitate trades.

Well we don’t have currency exchange bots like PoE does .

Undeniably D2jsp indeed benefits a lot from the lack of official means to trade other than game lobbies .

I already know that a lot of people use d2jsp for trading .

Let’s not paint an RMT website as if D2 benefits from it , it’s the other way around .

I’m just saying the platform is so much more popular for d2 than other games because the players benefit much more from using it.

And the game does kinda benefit from it. The site has facilitated all kinds of pvp and clones and other stuff that kept the game somewhat alive between d2 hayday and d2r. Even with d2r launch if it wasn’t for jsp, you’d have far less anni’s out there right now. Most walks are due to the site. So yes, the existance of this site does benefit the whole d2r gamer base.

So people can’t facilitate anni hunts on any other forum ?

Let’s see why is that - oh yes maybe because they bought currency on d2jsp already ( earned , bought - someone bought it so you can earn it ) that they are actively using to syphon everything worth a damn out of the trades in game and on websites like Traderie and Diablo io .

I get that it’s a community thing , this is actually fine but again let’s not pretend that D2jsp is not an RMT website - it literally is .

The existance of the game does benefit this website way more than the other way around is what i’m saying , I could be wrong that’s fine you don’t have to agree at all .