Shut down d2jsp

I just use the Trading forums on this site and I am having no issues :man_shrugging:.


i agree 100 percent, they should sue them and shut them down.

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Personally I wouldā€™ve stopped playing Legacy D2 ages ago without jsp.

Something nice drops you ingame, to me It brings a lot more to the game when you get to trade/sell the item on jsp and so forth.

I have zero interest joining some random trade game (that Is maxed out with 8 people when thereā€™s literally thousands of ppl in jsp browsing) just to get offered lowball offers and wasting my time, nor do I have any interest trading in HRs (because A) they are a bad currency to start with. B) I know they will decrease in value overtime, FG doesnā€™t).

Love It hate or hate It, I certainly like d2jsp. I donā€™t personally like the RMT side of things on the site, BUT It has never been a huge issue for me. The people who spent thousands of dollars on FGs or ingame items will certainly do that from some dodgy websites anyway.

and yes JSP defines the value of items thatā€™s true and I donā€™t see that being a negative thing.

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i agree

20 cgaracters

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traderie is far better than jsp

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So a platform that lowers the ability to scam negates a game that was about trading in the first place? You do realize itā€™s just a medium for most people to convert items into other items with fair values assessed by a large community so players arenā€™t constantly getting ripped off. Players that donā€™t keep track of the market have a hard time gauging what items are worth in comparison to other items. And those same players are going to end up overpaying high runes on something that isnā€™t near that value.

Anytime Iā€™ve tried to trade in game Iā€™ve been met with lowball offers from players looking to make a quick up-trade. Sorry your days of swindling players like back in the early 2000s are over.

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how is he swindling players ?

I would recommend not to come up with assumptions over an opinion.


This entire thread is mostly assumptions of players who donā€™t use a trade platform and make things up.

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ok they choose to not use a trade platform,

Whats the problem?

your assuming everyone who dislikes jsp is just trying to swindle others, but yet, when I used Jsp, I saw hundreds of lowball offers.

The main difference is you are looking at a forum which takes seconds instead of waiting 10-20min at a time for an individual to rummage through their stash and offer you a charsi item for something worth an HR.

Why would players not use a forum with the most agreed upon trade values and the fastest completion rate?

In game trading is full of tire kickers with nothing of value to offer if you havenā€™t noticed.

yes but the forum itself also is not an easy process,

you sell the item for fg,

than you go find a person with an item you want, than you have to either bargain war or make an offer with the person selling the item. Also you can use other trading sites besides jsp that make it fairly simple without forum gold.

I get where your coming from, but I prefer quicker trading than making the process more tedious.

Also, a single forum should not be dictating an in games current market.

I dont use in game trading, I use discord and traderie and thats it .

Yes, there are many people who try to lowball others on traderie or overcharge them, but no matter where you go, theres gonna be lowballers, scammers, and etc.

Thatā€™s great but it doesnā€™t mean those platforms arenā€™t full of grifters like your run of the mill in game trading. Again itā€™s about transparency on item values. Players will always lowball unless a platform is designed to give transparency on what the item itself is worth. The biggest time sink is negotiating what one item will equal another item, or multiple items in exchange for one. The tendency amongst the community has been to try to get something for nothing. This behavior has led to the average new player getting scammed out of high value items. Even vets who exclusively trade in game might not have a real idea of item worth behind what theyā€™re trading because of how dynamic the market is from week to week.

I agree with this,

I ultimately blame blizzard for this,

if blizzard had an in game trading market and more of a definitive value of an item, than there would be no need for trading sites.


some people let to kill shiz, some people like to farm, other like to kill players. I like to play the economy ( and kill players ofc)

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itā€™s such a low quality trading forum 110%
you canā€™t bump your thread. your thread gets lost in a huge heap of other threads. I think most of us can agree the Blizzard trading forum is Trash??
lets hear thoughts on that?!!


100% agree,

again an in game trading market would be great.

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Yeah, I have noticed those shortcomings in the Trading forums. Usually people would repost their thread within a day if they donā€™t get any response and you can imagine if just a handful of people keep doing that daily, then majority of the peopleā€™s threads that only post once in a few days will get completely lost and wonā€™t be seen (unless someone uses the Search function on the forums to find the item(s) they are looking for, which I have to use all the time).
I am definitely going to check out Traderie and jspā€¦ but what is the Discord server people keep talking about? What is the link for it (or where you find it)?

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I believe itā€™s this one

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ā€œOnE TiMe I TrAdEd An El FoR a ZoD LuL LeGiT ScRuBsā€