Shut down d2jsp

it’s My money, Why should it matter to you if I buy from Blizzard, If you haven’t Noticed already players had been selling ber runes for 200-300$ apiece cash money. and your worried about Blizzard getting A lil 10-20 tip for extra stash space or a currency tab. Maybe some Special Fx that you gata buy.
if you’re stingy with your money that’s on you But I for 1 would love to support the game I love.! & I know for 100% certainty I’m not thee only one who would support this game $$.

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Sure, throw your money away, I don’t care :stuck_out_tongue:

PoE is free to play, D2R isn’t.

40$ one time cost is almost nothing in the grand scheme. All of us complaining has gotten our 40 worth already im sure. Maybe if they further monetized it they might try and make the game better.

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i wouldnt mind stash space for 5 bucks per tab

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Your trades won’t be missed. I’ll just go to jsp for the same item.

JSP so common you have these old botters defending it with no worries on the games own forum. Disgusting.

Blizz take control of your game and ban the whole lot of these scum.


True, but id pay 5$ to have a fiery whirlwind, or necrotic purply green bonespears or something ^_^. not a waste of money if you enjoy the product!


Exactly I feel the same exact way. I Love the game so very much I would happily support content creation. like i.e. give us Stash tabs and a currency tab special FX all those Great things that don’t result in power creep.
Blizzard needs to be smart here if they wanna save there company because I wont be buying diablo 4 most likely.
those a a couple Great ideas for special FX.

RIGHT, I don’t think many people would be able to really complain about something like that. it’s not power creep to hoard items, which I have a HUGE problem with hoarding items Lol.

Exactly & because of that it’s usually why games get stuck in maintenance mode and they Move unto the Next Idea in the grand scheme of things.
TBH if they Make D2R better then LOD This game could be a Solid source of revenue over the next 20 years if they do a good job.

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Im gonna borrow this perfect explanation:

Nuff said.


I believe the only legit complaint about D2jsp is that its pro botting / cheating the trading part is iffy still even though you can get around it without spending money on it, but most of the time I bet alot don’t have enough time to keep playing to keep trading for FG like that so they resort to buying it instead.

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Not true actually. If someone used money to buy fg you can see it by them having stars near name. Most people dont have any.

I can take my example over these two months I played and sold items in game for runes Lem-Um and rest on D2jsp I had 30fgs from 15years ago.
And made almost enough fg for enigma now ±7k. So I can sell common items like Gerkes for immortal sorc for 5-10fg and slowly build my wealth and then buy enigma.
This would be incomparably more difficult in game. It would be innefective and effectivity matters to me.

Also getting some stuff like Rare fools mod trap assa claw will be nearly impossible in game I do not have time to just watch game list for hours. Same as crafted fcr amulets with proper stats and these items are required for what I want hybrid pvp trapsin.

If blizz made alternative that would be more effective than d2jsp Ill gladly use it, but we have to face reality to be succesfull. No alternative to d2jsp yet.

Also as long as RMT exist d2jsp is lesser evil compared to direct cash sites. On d2jsp you can atleast participate for free as I have 15years ago and still no euro spent on D2jsp till today.


Keep in mind you can also donate your FG to get stars as well. Don’t even need to spend money to get those either.


my biggest problem with d2jsp is it completley negates the point of this game. you can trade 1000 garbage items or dump $100 and have a decked out kill evertyhing character instantly. what’s left after that? it’s straight up pay to win which just takes any fun out of the game. eventually it’ll disappear like it did before aside from a few die hard players.

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jsp is also a good place to find fair trades

people in game are asking for ber for tal armor still LOL

found someone on jsp who sold me their tal armor and tal ammy for my ohm rune.

i don’t mess with fg, but i do trade items for items on there. people are way more knowledgeable about item prices on that site

I do not use JSP, but I think most JSP trader use it was it the most convinence. A bit like Amazon.

if someone create a 3rd party app that allow you to store items without mules, many people will be using that.

JSP are filling a space due to current in game equaliavance sucks.

In PoE, chaos/exalted are good way to trade. Chaos drop often, but not to much, so its a good base, & exalted (roughly 100 chaos) can be converted to chaos in trade. if someone need 120 chaos for his gear,m you can put a Exalted & the balance in chaos. if someone need 50 chaos, you can put a exlat & he put 50 chaos to offset.

With runes, there is no real equalivance values. if you have cham rune, you barely can find trade.

if someone wanted a Ist & you do not have an Ist, even if you have higher runes, its hard to trade. You have to negotiate, thow oin items they need to decide on some runes addition/subtraction which values are subjective.

In PoE, the current rate of Exalted to Chaos & other popular currencies like fuses can be easily verified.

As a summary,
D2 will need a good currency as trade.
Have a trading interface/experience better than JSP.

this is why we cant have nice things

While I’m using d2jsp, i also would prefer an ingame solution. The problem i currently have is the in game user interface for trading: lobby chat and games. It sucks and it even worked better in original d2.
Idk if blizzard is planning to address this isue, but if it stays like it is, i’m all for d2jsp.
I would either like a better gamefilter, or: Dedicated trade games where you can set up vendors, let’s say in Luth Gholein, and other Players can run around in that “market-games” and look for offers they like.

God no. It has always been one of the best features of this game. The ability to trade.

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D2jsp is a scam anyways with their currency. Just use Traderie. You will laugh how amazing their trade system is especially with discord notifications and browser notifications if someone wants to trade.

:man_facepalming: Traderie is like paying 2x or 3x for things. I look at the site. Everything people want you to over pay for.

Not to mention with JSP you convert everything to fg. Then hold it as it cost 0 stash space.