Season 3 ladder reset timing update

I trully wish we could ban all the cry babies crying about changes in the game you don’t love sunder and terrorized zone? Just uninstall the game and go play LOD instead where the game is the same @#$& since 20 years where retards with tons of fg always the same people have good gear and noobies never be able to reach 99 or have a single hr. FFS how sad is your life to feel the need of being superior to noobs in a 20 years old game. For christ sake you don’t love the changes blizzard are doing to D2R just leave the game. Actually I’m 100% agreed with all the change they made so far sunder ( I work 60 hours per week and I can’t afford infinity this thing made the game avaible for everyone) terrorize zone (wow you retards trully crying about not having to farm baal endlessly, are you braindead? This was a MUCH needed change to make more replayability to PVM) fhr change ( if you ever played pvp and been literally fhr locked by a sin without any possible counterplay you know that change was needed) synergy changes gave more dept to some underperforming spec and I trully wish they do way more synergy changes to other specs (adding shout BO and battle command to war cry synergy would maybe make the singer barb finally viable in hell instead of that 2. 6k damage we have now) Everything is awesome and was needed to keep the game going on. I trully hope blizzard don’t listen to those retards crytard. But sadly if blizzard proven 1 Thing after all those years it’s that they put more value in 10 years old crytards opinion then any valuable player base, witch is why WoW gone from a GG game to a 3 button game. And why every game like Diablo 3 keep getting nerfed and easier because crytards find it to hard for them. (I actually miss armageddon from OG d3 before nerf)


IDC, new seasons are irrelevant unless one or more of these things happen:

  1. JSP will be shut down through legal action
  2. There will be SSF ladder
  3. Bots will be actively searched for and banned on the spot

It’s just gonna be the same old stuff with another number otherwise.


So one month away? Two weeks before we get any more info? Meaning no PTR just flicking the switch over, so no new content or changes )=

The exit is right at your PC’s xontrol panel, you will not be missed.


Can you guys please add terror zones to offline mode?


Thank you so much Pez. The communication really means a lot to us :slightly_smiling_face:

Seems like the D3 and D2 seasons are going to be starting at the same time. Not a huge fan of that but hey, probably just worked out that way because of D4 release date.

Ok wapanese kid…was there something bad in your mochi ice?

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What legal action?

No need to expend developer resources and tech infrastructure on something that can easily be replicated by submitting speed runs to, or YouTube.

They already are, and bots don’t majorly impact much until a couple of weeks after ladder start.


You got… 7 other people in the game doing damage?!

This is exactly what I meant by player count is abused currently, obviously you are exploiting it to solo in a 8 player game, otherwise you wouldn’t even post something that lacks this much common sense…

And if you still think it’s unfair then just add difficulty scale as a /player x command with more rewards for solo players.

So they made D2R easier for you with sunder charms and terror zones. How can you defend those changes and complain about them making games easier in the same post?

I’m pretty sure people would play OG D2 if they would just implement the higher resolution and graphics. But it’s not really an option how it is now.

If you don’t have time to play and grind, maybe you should play pong

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Online SSF Mode

Is there a chance for the upcoming ladder patch ?

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I dont understand how more people domt want a balance pass. The stuff like hammerdin could use a nerf at least in some way. Qlso things like poison creeper have no reason to even be in the game. Lots of things look like they could be interesting builds but need some numbers behind them.


I just hope that they remove the event --checking for other instances of diablo
Since they allow multiple instances this needs removed so the user does not have to do it with process explorer.
They allow multiple instances and they need to fix it… Dont want to hear the bs about oh you can do it, yes i can but i shouldnt have to THEY ALLOW IT, THEY NEED TO FIX IT PERIOD…

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The ground item display seems to have gotten worse? I have to constantly pick up crap and move it to the side to see what all dropped.

First World Magic Find Problems, amirite?

New difficulty please, something that is worth using the gear we get.


Hopefully there’s gonna be a patch as well.


Cold Mastery really does not need to be nerfed. I played the cold sorceress up until I hit L95, and then switched to paladin as she is just waaay tooo squishy. Every time that you die past level 94, it takes a long time to regain that experience, so technically, the sorceress already is at a huge disadvantage as compared to more durable classes like the Paladin, Amazon, barbarian, and even the Assassin has better durability. I will not be playing sorceress next season as I hate dying in the end game. If Cold Mastery is nerfed, and survivability is not buffed, then nobody will be playing the sorceress next season.


They shouldn’t nerf cold mastery. They shouldn’t have invented sunder charms in the first place, they should have done their job and buffed the weaker classes to be on par with hdin. You’re mad cold mastery gets free damage, but overall blizzard is a slow class, but because it is cheap to get to initial good damage doesn’t make it OP in the end game when it really matters.

If they’re not going to buff the weak characters or make runewords that mimic infinity so that all classes can farm as well as hdin/light sorc, then they need to keep sunder drop rates the exact same. The charms are a cop out for the devs not knowing how to balance a game, so everyone needed access to them.

You’re perfectly right about the TZ though for sure some of them need to be lumped together and or flat out removed. We don’t need so many if this is the lame way they want to deal with the XP grind, then let’s get rid of the lame areas at least.


sorc not too squishy…get your block rate to 50% at least…run shako(huge life boost)…Nightwing wreck your survivability big time unless you got items to cover the health lost from shako

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Please make terror zones contain more challenging monsters or ones that cannot be soloed.

Please keep sunders.

Please add rune words for claw sin

Please make high runes more attainable to average players

Please make Laz able to socket specific number of sockets.

Please allow for runes to be crafted without the need for additional additional items I.e flawed amythyst regular topaz etc etc . Just three runes gets you the next one higher.