Season 3 ladder reset timing update

crime facilitation and IP violation
people go there to sell in game goods (blizz IP) for monetary gain
IP violation bc they profit from the sales/trades done there
a “cease and desist” public letter would be enough to make them end up their operations, if not, i see a lot of legal ground and a very easy case to win

thats not what people are asking for
there is enough demand to justify a ssf mode in bnet for d2r
and a ssf mode seems to be something easy to implement
so no point in not adding it or being against it
if the issue is the preferred allocation of resources for development, i understand and agree that things like critical bugs fixes, currency tab and a lootfilter have priority
if i have to choose, i prefer these two first and ssf later

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Don’t quite know what crime you’re referring to here.

At best, those people (most of whom are trading virtual currency, not real money) are potentially in breach of Blizzard’s TOS, which is not the same as performing a criminal act or an act that could reasonably be pursued via a lawsuit.

Why is it not a reasonable lawsuit that can be pursued? Because those people are not selling Blizzard’s IP, but they are selling the limited rights to use Blizzard’s IP that Blizzard retains full exclusive and revokable rights over.

It kind of is, or at least it’s a very suitable substitute for now.

I can support the idea to eventually implement SSF ladder, but we should be prioritising pretty much everything else in the backlog, especially things that encourage people to play together rather than discourage (SSF ladder).

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criminal copyright infringement and criminal facilitation

first, they are profiting from blizz copyrighted goods for credits, which can be purchased with money and even exchanged for money, therefor have monetary value
EG: its like trading for a amazon’s gift card
this is the IP violation felony

second, the website is aiding people violating blizz IP while profiting from it
EG: its like a third party using amazon’s marketplace to sell a book without the express authorization of its IP owner
this is the criminal facilitation felony

maybe “selling” is the wrong expression
“distributing” sounds better
only blizz has the right to make any monetary gain for one of its virtual goods, this include in game items
which still constitutes “profiting from blizz IP” without express authorization
EG: its like trying to distribute mounts in WoW for monetary gain, if these were exchangeable

the line betwen a botter selling for money and a player selling for any form of credit is very thin… if it even exists

i dont see any resemblance between what is being asked and what you suggested

the idea that a ssf mode discourages people from playing together makes zero sense
first bc those who want to be alone already are
second, forcing people to still having the option to engage in MP doesnt necessarily means they will
third, that there is no hierarchy or preference among playstyles, MP should not be encouraged in detriment of solo play and thats exactly the status quo
fourth, we are talking about giving people the option, not to substitute the current system with a ssf one

the question that remains is, when giving options for people to choose from is a bad thing? ofc excluding the ones that direct harm the freedom and the rights of others

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Power creep is a real thing, unless you nerf or add more difficulty curve to the game, i personally think that it too much work or they worried it will break the game.

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Thanks for the info Pezradar!
I just wonder if Blizzard is going to ban/control people using maphack. I would love to play a season on ladder without that around. Really would love it. Thanks again!

Some ideas from some random dude that played Diablo 2 LOD for 20+ years.
Increase the amount of storage space, either account shared tabs or increase the amount of character slots. Priority #1!
Crack down hard on exploits, bots, and hacks. I mean multiple ban waves each ladder season. Or maybe let them do exploits, bots, and hacks in a server separate from ladder and non ladder, Open; then not allow those who use those exploits, bots, and/or hacks to create Ladder characters.
A character stash preview inside the character selection screen would be a huge QoL to save time from searching each character.
Self-Found Mode, cannot join or have anyone else join your game. You cannot use players x command and add a leaderboard.
Stackable items such as gems, runes, essences, keys, tokens, organs, etc. This will aid in increasing item storage.
Increase the crafting items variability like chance to cast cleanse when hit, rolling resistances, chance to cast frozen armor, chance to deadly strike, chance to freeze, etc.

For PVP:
When PTR hits, this has to get fixed. Listen to the community with the focus of bringing balance and sticking to the roots of skill and timing.
Easy fix: Fix the FHR and FBR back to normal. Pre 2.4
Add a variable cooldown depending on the character’s FHR activating when 3+ consecutive stuns occur in a short period of time in PVP to remove stun lock.
This will remove stun locking but still preserve the essence of stuns.
Utilize the PTR on this, make sure it focuses on removing stun lock but still keeping the value of properly timed stuns. It will most likely be a fine tuning of how long the short period of time is: 1-5 seconds.

Other Ideas:
Add more runewords for class items that don’t have runewords like sorceress wands, necromancer shields, barbarian helms, etc.
Add synergies for frozen orb either increased chance to really freeze enemies (so blizzard can hit a non moving target) or % increased damage. It is and always will be my favorite spell but it is weak as an end of spell tree skill.

Season Theme:
A possible season theme could be crafting charms required to collect crafting materials from a random Uber spawn with a 50% chance to spawn in a game in a random area some where throughout Act 1 - 5 to increase every areas play time. The crafted charms would have a higher chance of rolling a prefix and suffix stat with a unique stat.

Add a new Survival mode, Endless Cows. It is a cube recipe where you have to collect rare materials that drop from the Cow King in Hell. It creates a cow horn that you can use one time in Hell Tristram, it blows a sound through the horn you can hear in game. It turns Tristram into a survival event where portals spawn around Tristram that spawn endless waves of cows. The Elite Cows progressively increasing monster level as you kill the elite/unique cows but the common cows keep spawning at the original monster level in hell. Once you get to monster level 90+, the elite cows start dropping 3 items. It adds skill, a leaderboard, good way to get exp and drops, end game, replayable.

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Says absolutely nothing about the quality of your statements.

I agree

I’m not against the idea, but I don’t think it’s popular enough

I don’t mind the stacking but I don’t see any use for your crafting change. Crafting would need a bigger rework to make it more viable.


Change the premise from 3 consecutive stuns to 3 stuns from the same ability from the same player.

Stun locking as a team in tvt should be a viable strategy. Spamming mindblast or smite or leap should not.

I don’t like the idea of more rune words. We need more options for rares and magics and uniques to shine.

No. Especially not with time limited loot that brings balance issues to non ladder. OG showed us that legacy items that are no longer available is a huge problem


perfect gems dropped in terror zones please, it’d give crafting a bit of a helping hand.

Not quite sure why everyone assumes there will be no content, pez said ladder resets mid Feb with an further info in 1-2 weeks… He could say anything in 1-2 weeks.

There is no time for a proper ptr


Hi Pez, can you please confirm that sunder charms are exclusive to season 2 and will disapear after S2 end? Keeping them in the game woule be a mistake.

Thank you.

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Disagree. They are here to stay in Ladder mode only.


It would be highly appreciated if you did the same for D2 Legacy.
Thank you!

Yes facing the same. I remember they said they fix flickering issue on ground item names. I guess that flickering was linked to too many items to be dispayed and the fix, fix it to a constant number or size… very painful indeed

are you serious with this, THAT’S WHY they introduced sunders, people were like “Hammerdin is too strong” so they made sorc, ALMOST as good with the sunder charms, still not quite as powerful but still pretty silly to negate and resistances… sigh… i swear some of you people don’t even know what’s happening.

But hammerdin was too strong. The answer was to make his damage fire or something. Not add sunders to break every other class.


the answer imo was to just tone it down. they don’t need to do 12k+ dmg with mediocre gear and like 17k with good gear, it’s just insane, i think it regular dmg was like 6-8k and geared out was around 12k, that would still CRUSH the content… i dunno, hammerdins dmg is just over the top considering no restistances.

but the dev team is clueless so now we have sunder as a bandaid, but the bandaid isn’t big enough so we’re all still just gonna bleed out.


Yeah agreed, there’s a few more and elegant ways hammerdin could have been addressed. They instead decided that immunities were the issue and enough people complained about them to make their easy solution possibly something that was universally celebrated. A win-win. But it was really the wrong move. At least in my opinion. And I think the majority of people as well. Though I know there are a lot of sunder fans out there now.


anyone who think sunder charm and TZ were a positive change are the guys who complain that they have a job and a life and diablo 2 is too grindy… THAT’S IT.

no one who actually understands the grind and what diablo really is enjoys the new changes.


Beside the random pattern i quite like the TZ. But i like too choose for myself where to farm and dislike it alot to be forced to farm an specific (random) area.

Sunders are a complete desaster. Don’t have any words for it. They should be changed to not break 1/5 penalty. Or better removed from existence.