Rise Drop rates

Why should we do this? What is the goal? Who do you think the 5% increase crowd is? How many will you please with this change? How often do you want to do this step? Till the people start complaining and the damage is done?


If anything drop rates on things like runes should be decreased, lol …seriously tho. It’s incredible how easy it is to gear up nowadays, I can’t believe people like whoever posted this thread actually think drop rates for anything should be increased.

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I have said exatly this for a long time. It`s to easy…

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I play single player all self found, so I was specifically talking PvM by default. You’re right in that PvP gear is different but I’m sure my point is not lost on you, and certainly for others reading my posts.

2/20 amulets can’t be found… does having enough crafting material to cube one count?

I was drawing a should-they-do-this scenario, not proposing they actually do it. I thought I mentioned/implied this twice in my previous reply alone?

But I guess to answer your question… 5-10% to not screw things around too much, but for “before all the crying of “giev moar drops” ends”… well I’m all for being reasonable so I don’t think that’s worthy of paying attention to.

Nope, only really having crafted one counts. As it is as random as drops.

Your point is not lost, but I wanted to simultaneously show you that assuming people never tried or did equip such chars is a bad accusation.

But that’s exactly the point. 5-10 % will probably not ruin D2R immediately (might be a different thing over years) as it doesn’t change extremely much, but why do it if it doesn’t change anything about the frustration of those “giev moar now” people?

I don’t think people stop playing because of 5% lower or higher drops. But it usually never ends there, once it’s started.

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Haha fair enough. I’ll never ever pull the trigger on this since I never even intend on making a hammerdin let alone a PvP one so I’ll let you have this one.

All good. It’s just me thinking out aloud rather than forming a well founded opinion, but it’s an important thing to be aware of as this helps form a basis for someone’s beliefs on drop rates being good enough or not.

I highly doubt it will ruin anything at all. There’s actually precedent for this.

We should be appealing to the reasonable people in the crowd, not the whiners.

I 100% agree, strategically, it should be done on the back of some kind of well rounded reasoning. 1.13’s buffs could be plausibly justified by mentioning all the runeword additions added prior to the patch and “we’ve observed that people have not been able to enjoy these runewords as much as we hoped”.

Either that OR basing a decision to buff drop rates based on factual or tangible information that can be drawn from putting context around number of play hours and comparing this to other games, psychology or other factors.

But again, not fussed either way, but I hope they do address magic/rare items, not drop rates but surgically removing some “bad” affixes on high ilvl bases and implement some other suggested changes in this thread around this.


True or False?

Drop rates have changed historically in D2.

Rune drop rates were less in patch 1.12 versus 1.14.

Question: Why do some think that the drop rates are perfect and perfect for all items, especially when rarity is not associateed perfectly with power/utility?

What is the “perfect” drop rate? Was it 1.12 or 1.14 or some other time?

How do you account now for drop rates if the past was perfect where the trade economy was flooded with items from botting/duping?

The question of whether a minor adjustment wiill satisfy those wanting change. The answer is for most no; however, a good compromise is one in which neither side wins.

Why do people feel that a slight increase in D2 drop rates mean that legendaries will rain from the sky? This makes no sense whatsoever. It is a gradiatiion it is rare or overflowing. There is the entirety between these two extremes.

He literally just said people have quit, and so have I, and you’re arguing to keep the status quo? SMFH.

Now its close to perfection. It was not great before 1.13

I’ve quit too… Guess why?

Waiting on 2.4/ladder to drop

I had quit as well…well to be honest I was only going to start when ladder hit, but bought it when 2.4 ptr dropped, then was going to wait for ladder, but started my first ever hardcore character last night, haha. While I have been playing D2 since the beginning, I never got into hardcore until now.

I do wonder how many people are waiting on ladder.

I wouldn’t mind a nice doubling of HR drops. Your 0 Vex+ drops since launch would still be 0. Sure others might be getting HRs and you can mf to trade for their runes, but a little bump wouldn’t break the game (and might not even be noticed by most).

I’d love to see an Rune drop of Mal+ every 30 or so chaos runs on average, instead of what feels like every 100.

I like the “slot pull” feel to it and the huge feeling you get when it does drop. But people tend to quit between run #200 and #1000 when nothing drops. There’s just no pay off for time invested when it’s a 1:600000 chance.

People quitting will ruin the game/economy more than upping a drop chance. As more normal gamers quit, the influence and reward of botting goes up.


Path of Diablo does somthing similar to this with rune drops. Honestly high runes were too easy to get. I think because of the increased drop rates a high rune was worth a token. Half is too much. It felt really unrewarding to find one. I didn’t even feel like I was lucky.

game can be completed naked whit no gear at all, even whitout atma quest. learn to play


Exactly. If you play single player even the unpopular uniques on battle.net are extremely useful single player.

I really do think a lot of this raise drops is just jelly people. Play single player if you don’t like how battle.net is. You don’t need these godly rune words to even beat the game. They are there for perfecting the character build.


Since the game can be completed naked as you claim, why do drop rates need to remain unchanged?

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hes clamining he can not play because he is not getting good drops. since the game whitout tany gear, the drops rates are not the problem. what happend? you want proff of my claim?

My point is are the rarity of drops appropriate. If you can clear the game naked, is it game breaking if the drop rate is increased by 5% or some other modest value?

Is the Game breaking if we give all skillz 5% more damage?