Rise Drop rates

A lot of the reason drops are the way they are is because you can trade as well. If you know what charms to roll, and what items to look for while farming you can just trade for runes. It’s rng, some people do 1 chaos run and get a high rune.It may take a whole month or more. Last month I woke up did one mf run and got a ohm+Gul in one run. It was magical. Top tier items are equivalent to d3 primal. You don’t need them to do well. They are there to perfect an alrdy viable character.

It also didn’t take thousands of run. Trust me if you guys are actually doing thousands of runs your going to find somthing good. Managed to find a zod plus several other high runes with a fury Druid. The drops are fine IMO. The runes already drop quite often.

You’re missing the point; more people have quit and won’t come back. While you wait on ladder and 2.4, the majority of people who bought the game, who would play it if the drop rates weren’t so oppressive, have quit.


If the change in total damage was 5% in DPS total, it would not be game breaking. Personally, I would not do a 5% tweak across the board; however for inferior albeit sensible builds increasing their power by more than 5% total is warranted. If a sensible build does 10x less damage than the average of the top 10 meta builds, I have no problem doubling that inferior builds power. I want better build diversity.

You could erroneously argue that would make the game easier but you would be wrong. Currently, almost no one plays that weak build and just stick to the meta builds. Decreasing that power gap means more players use that less bad build thereby increasing the game difficulty than just sticking with the meta.

I have no issues with the crowd wanting instant gratification quitting. Bye?

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Did you read fury Druid. Definitely not meta. Metas builds are nice but, thier not exactly necessary. Besides they are actually currently trying to buff underutilized skills right now in ptr.

OK. lets se. you are saying buffing all skil 5%, that you would do the same damage as you do now… so it would stay exatly the same. not harder not easier. All the ides you have, looking worse and worse.

I know that they are buffing underused skills/builds in the PTR. Many of the same arguments in this thread have been duplucated there. Buffing bad skills makes the game easier. Everyone just wants instant gratification. It will lead to D3 power creep. These arguments lack merit there and here.

How many times in this thread has someone said that players who want a change in drop rates want free handouts or instant gratication or some other hyperbolic nonsense that ignore nuance.

Also, some are using anecdotal evidence that drop rates are ok based on a rare item x dropped for me so the drop eates are fine. Maxroll has the actual drop rates. You can easily calculate the exact proportion of the playerbase that would expect to see an item drop. I made the calculation based on some assumptions. For one rare item, 10% of the playerbase would expect to see the item drop in 83 hours after being hell competent. That same player for that same item also has a 10% probabilty not to see that item drop after 1855 hours. It is dsmple math of a binomial distribution.

I explicitly said I would not buff all skills by 5%. L2R

I do not know how I can be any clearer. I said I would not do that. You are making a counterargument to somethingbwhere I said the exact opposite. L2R

you saying. give worst skill in game 5% buff. And it would not do more damage, and be easier?

For D2 I’d argue the perfect drop rate was whatever it was at the time. Now you’re right, it changed, and can still change. But at that point you’re messing with what’s already perfect, to appease the masses (or what the masses think they want, rightly or wrongly). In the case or the rune drop changes, that was sorta a long time coming. The original rune drop rates were…astronomically bad. Which was perfect for the time, but ultimately it just led to people finding ways around it such as paying real money, or finding/using methods to dupe. Regular players didn’t even really have a chance at finding or obtaining higher runes. So they changed it to be “reasonable”. If you look at the before and after numbers, they buffed rune drops by a huge factor. People can actually find high runes now, provided they play a lot, kill a bunch of monsters, and have a little luck. That wasn’t really the case before then. I’d say where the drops are now, is “perfect”. They already “casualified” it for the masses. It’s already at that perfect point between hardcore type D2 players, and normal types. To advocate for it being any easier, would truly lessen the game, I think. It’s like people asking for more and easier respecs…we already get 3 free respec + infinite respec via tokens, when it used to be zero respecs…this is the perfect point for D2. It doesn’t need to be made any easier than it has already been made over the course of the first 10 years.

You do not comprehend. The odds that a player chooses a sensible yet weak build in comparison to a meta build decreases the weaker that build is in comparison. This is an imperfect correlation.

Simply put, lets say 90% play meta builds and 10% play weak non meta builds. If that power differential is narrowed. More meta players will play weaker, non- meta buulds. For players that continue playing meta buulds, their game difficulty is unchanged. For those who abandon their prior meta build for a weak (but slightly buffed build), their game is now more difficult. For those that played a weak build that got slightly buffer, their game is easier.

Also, if a sensible build is truly terrible and it is buffed but remains awful, the game does not become easier as the number of players playing that build will remain largely unchanged.

why you say this then. i say it would be easier. you say it would not.

It`s like. i give you 5% more money then you have now, you would have more money, not the same. not less. MORE.

That analogy is erroneous. Buffing a weak skill that no on uses before/after the buff does not impact game difficulty at all.


The only change in game difficulty can come from a subset of players changing tbeir behavior. For people who stick with the meta, any buff that does not create a new meta build will not change game difficulty for these individuals.

The question is can buffing a weak build that remains non- meta lead to more meta players choosing that weak but less weak build. If the answer is yes for some meta players, than their game difficulty has actually increased.

I don’t think drop rates need to be raised at all but I do like the idea of allowing players to select P1 - P8 when playing solo, with a friend, or in a private game online. I dislike the fact that I typically have to just find someone else’s game to join with 6-7 players in order to MF at P6+.

Also, I have always disliked that low-level items drop in Hell mode. I feel like all the drops in hell should be like level 45+ but just my opinion.

Do not put stones and gems together.

I would use it/test it. so it would be easier for me then before. Therfore you wrong agian. What will you make up next?

Since you presumably were using/testing it when your prior build was stronger, that time you now spent makes the game more difficult.

Think of it this way: you currently spend your time playing at x power on average. By spending time testing a weak build, that would bring down your average power x. Hence the game becomes more difficult not less per time.

What makes you think they want instant gratification?
Can you define what that means, and how it applies?

Beyond that, would it bother you if the D2R multiplayer service was turned off because too many people quit, not enough returned, and corporate decided the overhead cost was not worth maintaining?

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Since i was testing/using it with 5% les damage. It would make the game harder with 5% more damage you say… Can i have somthing of the stuff you on?