Rise Drop rates

I am not sure how many people who advocate for an increase in drop rates will be happy with slight change.

My thought is that D2 had longer ladders than D2R and a rampant botting problem. Due to the latter issue, there were way more items available in the trade economy as a result. Next, we need to factor in shorter ladder seasons. These together suggest that if the D2 drop rate was considered perfect by some than D2R is likely too low for these players.

That “massive” increase (that happened 10 years ago) illustrates that increasing drop rates does not kill D2.

Did all the old gamers leave D2 when Blizzard increased drop rates in patch 1.13?

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And if you take a realistic guess, you would counter your previous arguments. Because those people wouldn’t be satisfied.

Ladder seasons are shortened because most players didn’t play in the last 2-3 months in the 6 month ladder cycle of D2. It was to long and D2R without a rampant botting problem already showed that more than enough people were able to not only complete 1 but a few characters in 4 month.

It illustrates that blizzard tried to listen to the drop rate whiners and the whiners are still not satisfied. Also less players played after 1.13 than before. So how does it illustrate that it didn’t kill D2, when all those whiners keep saying that D2 was already dead and needs some resurrection?

We both know exactly that you are just discussing this topic so that you have something to discuss and not because drop rates need buffs. I think that you also know that none of those people crying for increased drop rates would be satisfied and that the people that are already fine with the drops would be less satisfied with the game. So there is no win in increasing the drop rates.

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The fact is that many would appreciate an increase. Would everyone be satisfied? Of course not. The fact is that Blizzard has changed drop rates in D2. The game did not immediately die as a result.

What do you consider “more than enough”? Why do you get to define what is more than enough, rather than Blizzard?

Patch 1.13 did not kill D2 nor did it lead to a huge drop in players relative to the expected decrease due to the game’s life cycle.

What whiners are you referring to? Most people were content D2R being based on 1.14 with its massive increase in drop rates (relative to your sensibility). I have talked about the Ship of Theseus? What patch is the real D2? Many would argue 1.09. D2R is not that.

I already showed that an activity (Hell Baal kill/throne room only) that takes 15 secs would require 800+ hours to get a zod rune on average in a single player game. That seems too extreme.

that should be harder imo. Not everyone should have everthing. Since you think it`s to much, what number do you like?

Considering that Breath of the Dying runeword is inferior to other melee weapon runewords and zod’s other purpose is to make an ethereal indestructable, its game value is fairly low. Personally, I think zod in its current iteration is not worth much time investment at all. For epeen sake (I threw up a little in my mouth writing that) and not functional significance, I could see 400 hours; however, if one is showing off a Zod for epeen sake…

I much prefer item scarcity to correlate with power. Zod’s scarcity does not correlate with power or its utility.

Idk. I like the hard work it takes to get items in this game. Found a zod first time ever in the years of playing the game. It’s rewarding, and what makes the game fun.


Ber,jah.vex.ohm.Lo.sur- should all be much harden to get then zod btw.

Diablo II isn’t like Diablo III as you gear up in only few hours ! Two different games. If you rise the drop rates in Diablo II, the game will die quickly and It will be killed forever. Just look how the original D2 survived more than 20 years… People have to learn, today games are freaking boring because It’s too easy without any competitions

Just imagine playing D2:R in less than 1 week and you got Enigma, Hoto, Arach etc :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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However, you seem to forget that D2 did have its drop rates raised during those 20 years. So raising drop rates did not kill D2. To assume that raising drop rates now would kill D2R ignore those 20 years of D2 history. Moreover, an increase in drop rates does not mean raising drop rates to D3.

In D3 you can not get all the best gear in a week. Even for top “players” (whose hours are inhuman sometimes), they are not decked out in all primal gear after a season. For example, the top season 24 monk in the America region played ~2,269 hours as a monk. They had equipped one regular legendary item, 4 primal ancients, and the rest ancients. The idea that you can be decked out in a week in the top gear in D3 is simply wrong. Even >2,000 hours only had 4/12 slots as primal (12 slots instead of 13 since not counting main hand season 24 specific ethereal weapon.)

D3 sucks haha I’m sorry. It’s just awful. No customization, no unique way to build a char. They are not even comparable. Two different games. Going to edit this real quick. A lot of the enemies look like sponge bob ghost pirate tier.

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No its not. you dont need primal to have top gear. this season it took me 2 weeks to do 150g-rift. farmed 120-grifts before the 24 hour make. TOO EASY .


What class did you do to solo GR 150 this season?

I play D3 once in a great while for maybe 30 hours or so. It is basically good for a quick actiony adventure across 2 or so characters and then stopping. My biggest draw is the Barbarian. He is just fun to play. But the characters are too similar and the end-game gets boring fast. Of course, the presentation leaves a lot to be desired often times too. Diablo I and II writing is so much better than III.

the op monk obv. it was free 150 for everyone this season

What are the ranks of your 3 top legendary gems for season 25?


the aug was all 125. i think i missed 2-3 pices of gear to aug even. around 2k paragon.

Dude he is right. D2 was funny in the childhood but if u have children how u want enjoy this game? I hope they rise it.

Not the right one it sounds.

Interesting. Is your EU player profile accurate/outdated or are you talking about another account?

this acc is for the teen`s in the family. many times had them deleted a char to make new once. so i use a personal acc to play. BoB jurij(Blue Oyster Bar) is my own. look it up if you like jurij#2201 , i havent been at that char since last year. so perhaps the gems is lower or higher.