Rise Drop rates

This isn’t an argument. It’s more along the lines of being proof that you are not worth conversing with.

Problem solved. Good day.


You are correct. It is not an argument. It is fact.

Back to the fundamental question:

That’s the thing if you play sorc and, just tele to bosses, your never going to find a single high rune. He just needs to learn how to play.

Option G, actually. 1,000,000 hours.

Seriously though, why is it so important that someone find the few super rare items in short order, or even with a decent amount of time put in? This not D3 where you NEED certain items to make certain builds. There are no items that give +10000% damage to X skill. In 100 hours you can certainly have very good gear and multiple high level chars. If you want the best of the best stuff, keep playing. be it 100 more hours or 10,000 more hours. That is up to you and the RNG.


The fundamental question is how long should it take to get “godly gear”. Should it be 100 hours? 200 hours? 500 hours? 1,000 hours? 10,000 hours? 100,000 hours?

I’ve got 100 days x 3.5 hours per = 350 hours into D2R, and I am at or near BiS for one character and a couple items short for a second. A third still needs quite a bit. Assuming I have been luckier than average, then 500 hours could be typical to get to where I am. Maybe it’s a 1000 hours in the case of someone who has been at the low end of the RNG curve.

That doesn’t strike me as unreasonable, though I can understand why someone who can only put in like ~1 hr/day or less would want higher drop rates.

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Maybe make another league for the game. Hardcore, Softcore, and Puddingcore. For the people who want it all handed to them.

PS - kidding, please don’t do this.


Thanks for your reply. It was well thought out and lacked the whole hyperbole/exaggeration.

No one in this thrread has asked for free handouts irrespective of how many times it is falsely claimed.

Ohh the person who make things up are back… Get ready to se alot of made up stuff from this guy.


Thanks for your reply. It was well thought out and lacked the whole hyperbole/exaggeration.

No one in this thrread has asked for free handouts irrespective of how many time it is falsely claimed.

Yes, on this board there is a lot of straw mannery. People seem to forget that there are drop rates in between D2R and D3, that not everyone who wants higher drop rates wants a D3 easy mode experience. And I say that being perfectly fine with the current drop rates and not wanting them increased. Admittedly some of that may due to my own experience of getting a character full BiS as soon as this, having gotten 3 SoJ’s and a bunch of high runes with relatively inefficient farming and just a few hours per day. I realize not everyone is getting this.

I don’t think you’re going to see drop rate increases. Because most of the players, at least the vocal ones, don’t seem to want it.

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I feel that the drop rates need a slight tweak as I have 2 characters that are almost fully geared up outside of either a few items for the character or the characters mercenary that are a bit of a nuisance to get the runes to make as the drop rates for runes in general are really low and not even countess in hell difficulty has a any runes higher than Ist in the guarenteed rune drop pool and only has up to Lo in the item drop pool making it extremely rare to get the runes needed to make some of the better runewords I have nearly 800 hours of gameplay and not even 1 character and mercenary completely geared up due to drop rates being rediculusly low for certain runes and items

My solution for this is not actually increasing the actual drop rates but removing lower level set/unique items and low and some mid level runes from the loot pool in the highest level areas (alvl 85 areas) of hell difficulty


I agree. There just seems to be alot of binary thinking where I think some do not appreciate the beauty of gray and nuance.

I am not sure. Historically, D2 drop rates have been tweaked a little. Nothing overly dramatic.

I do know that if one claims that the drop rate/trade economy in D2 as perfect, than it is imperfect in D2R, since D2 was flooded with items from botting. D2R will apparently have shorter ladders that potentially also has implications on assessing drop rates.

Annihilus also would not give you significant power boost.
The point is that when you playing D2, you slowly increase your power. Further - slower. And when you get BiS item, the benefit from it, in average, even lower, than your previous upgrade for that slot. This is by design. You miss NOTHING by not having BiS items.
There are some exceptions that should be nerfed, but people too addicted to that items and they resist so much.

AFAIK, and I think I wasn’t playing at the time, rune drop rates were given some increase in 1.10? It’s a good bet that if you go back and look, there were a lot more people who wanted drop rate increases at the time. Now, the subset of people who are playing tend to be those who have played for like 2 decades, and people like that tend to not want changes like drop rate increases. It’s going to depend on whether Blizzard thinks it’s what the players want. From what I see, on this board, for every person who wants it, there’s like 15 who do not. Things like QoL changes and buffing some weak skills, there is more support for those.

1.12 had abysmall rune drop. That was actualy bad.

Still waiting for your answer.

Rune drop rates have already been massively increased with 1.13. So where does it end?

For reference here’s a history of Zod:
1.07: 1:32770
1.08: 1:184320
1.10: 1:82721
1.13a: 1:20681
1.13b: 1:5170

1.08 was the worst (by far). 1.07 wasn’t actually a lot different from 1.13a. 1.13b+ each rune is about x4 as likely to drop as the prior patch.

This guy is a typical d3 fanboy. He reminds me of my friend who bought d2r and literally quit within 48 hours because he couldn’t progress past act 3 normal lmfao. He wanted all these diablo 3 features blah blah. I even told him if he never played D2 and is coming straight from d3 he wouldn’t like it. Moral of the story, go back to where you belong, d3.

the magical-oirented trees are generally less gear dependent, they don’t care about weapon damage or a lot of the secondary stats, the only things you really care about are mana/mana recovery and + to skills.

The game provides +Magic Find which basically amounts to a buff in drop rates. If you aren’t finding useful items, then either stack MF or play with someone who is.


No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! The drop rates are fine this is Diablo 2 !! It takes effort and dedication to find items in this game , it is grueling and unforgiving just as it should be!! Those of us who know how to play get our items just fine


Oh well. Too bad so sad. No the drops rates should not be increased.

Guess what? If they did and all of you new gen gamers who never really played D2 will leave even faster because you got everything you wanted and nothing left to do anything so you will move on. Soooo let’s see. Some leaving because they can’t handle grinding or a ton who leave because they got everything they wanted a lot faster and have nothing left to do.

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