Pvp balance in d2r is over!

No I dont, I remember bot games and 0 pvp games.

Show something for it.

Are you triggered? You responded.

Based on your response dont think so.

You think correct, I’m not triggered at all.

Nope I don’t, because pvp is such a small niche of players, it’s basically pointless.
Any other stupid comment you’d like to add?

D2 with no competitive end game sucks, grinding for the sake of grinding is gets old fast.

it never had competitive endgame and it doesnt need it either.

There are plenty of competitive pvp games out there. Diablo is none and was never one of them.


It did, you probably quit before that point. I don’t count mods as d2 btw.

You ignore big portion of the game and yet have the audacity to speak to the topic ROFL.

PvP is quite organized and a lot of people participate but not in public games.
Honestly I have no idea why pure PvM players have such strong bias towards it.

Is it your incompetence when you get killed by someone on your crap MF char or just because you absolutely lack deeper knowledge of D2 for PvP ?

PvP players have much deeper knowledge of D2 than PvM folks and yet its you who think you are such a fan of Diablo 2, while ignoring entire aspect of the game. Go figure :man_shrugging:


i respect your opinion but i never thought that d2 was a good pvp game. There “was” pvp “somewhere”. Bored people^^
i love the game because of the itemization, the effort i have to put into it (compared to all the new arpgs where you get all for free) and the build diversity. the different classes are nice and i like it to try out different “non-Meta” builds who not rly much people will play. aaaand the hc mode. :stuck_out_tongue:
you said it s over ? hmm…hmm…naaah…as long the servers will run…its NEVER over for me. D2 / D2 Res are games i can play anytime if i want to. replayability until heaven. and now with great grafics :slight_smile:

its over for me if the devs change the game to non-recognizability:
OVER TEN THOUSAND dps blabla buffs, splash dmg for melee chars because they feel unfairly treated compared to casters, (buuuhuuu :stuck_out_tongue: ) changed core mechanics like Itemization, Attributes, shallow gameplay like in d3 related to builds and atributes . then its over. And even then its just over for ME ^^ enough sheeps out there who play anything effortless just because its easy, an arpg or its from blizzard.

FHR, Fast block frame are useless after patch 2.4
why blizzard not consider pvp?
why we have been getting or buying expensive item for fhr, fast block…

plz roll back fhr, fast block frame

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It doesnt matter what your opinion about mods is.
D2 never had a meaningful competitive community, your 10 or even 100 people do not make it meaningful. You are delusional.

Hoo wow, I see where you get your ego from. They just dont go public games because they don’t exist. As a normal player you don’t even get to know pvp exists at all. Its only for the handful of stinky hardcornerds haha. The 2 times in the whole lifespan of the game I encountered someone going hostile to troll a baalrun I didn’t even see them dying so fast were they gone when they entereds the baalroom l o l

It comes from knowledge of game which you and many other PvM purist lack.
D2 is such a beautiful game and yet you lot chose willingly to ignore big part of it. Just sad.

Stinky hardcore nerds did not hear that in a decade feels nostalgic but most of us are not children anymore.

Anyway just because you are oblivious to it, means it does not exist ? That’s logical fallacy.
You know world happens outside your door even if you dont see it :sweat_smile:

Google dunning kruger effect it will enlighten you.

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He is right though that the core players that have been playing D2 from launch and are part of clans, are PvP based primarly.

Once you reach end game and have held every item that exists in your hands and played every sub-class, the only thing left to do in the game is PvP and show off your characters.

Obviously ladder reset competitions and races are also important as well, but when it all dies down, it comes down to PvP. I haven’t tested all the new changes yet, but I am sure there is some truth in what he is saying. While we all hate getting MB stun locked, it is not going to save an assassin from a good player. Diminishing returns is really not a necessary addition.


1st of all, D2 has definitely had a very vibrant PvP culture. I think perhaps you were not around at the time when NmE, LoH, KoS and all the other unmentioned clans were fighting to be the biggest names on the servers.

2nd… the fact that you think people that PvP are stinky hardcornerds says it all.

PKers are people who join random games to come kill you… PvPers are people who are Good Mannered duelers and fight to be the best… just because you never see people PKing… doesn’t mean PvP games are not up and running, try joining one instead of staying in your Baal runs.


No more martial arts assassins can stand up against necromancer or paladin. The occupation of assassination has reached a point where no one can be assassinated. Kill him with a trap?! It can be defended with light element absorption setting. At least any system that reduces magic damage, even the undisturbed finishing moves and empty frames, should we just hunt and play?! For some, pvp may not be the ultimate goal of the game, but for some, even the pvp balance has been destroyed, making them a fool character who can’t do anything. I don’t know if it’s been simulated with enough users’ voices and opinions.I wonder why you changed it to a garbage Chinese game just like a developer. The sense of hitting is nearing zero, and not only the assassin Carrick, but most of the combat warriors with knives and shields are losing interest.


Oh you build your ego on Videogame knowledge and two sentences later you claim this.

This properly doesn’t include you than. Because honestly building your ego on Videogame knowledge is not what a person with a grown character does. It is ridiculous.

Well all in all you seem to lack other activities in your life. Thats what I mean with hardcore nerd. Do some sports, try to achieve a healthy body focus on your career or finding your soulmate. Building you ego on a videogame and talk down to others because they do more important things with their lifes is even more ridiculous.

It doesn’t exist because there is 0 incentive to play it.
No one in public ever plays it.

Never seen one. They dont exist.

This is not a competitive community. When you 20 guys fight over “the biggest name”
lmao smh

Pvp was never rly balanced. So many rules to make it playable. And even then its not great.

However changes does affect pvp. Will the community adapt? Could be fun to switch the meta in pvp aswell. On the other hand its a 20y old game and the ppl who are playing arent rly much for changes.

Always gonna be pvp vs pvm players. Not the first game this happen. Newer games tend to make special modes for pvp where things are balanced for pvp in that mode. That could be a option. Doubt it happen though consider the current population.

LOL… PvP balance

20 characters

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So much text man, you could have just mentioned you are clueless and dislike it because you lack knowledge so it threatens your confidence.
No need to sugar coat it so much :smiley:

Still no idea why are you even discussing it, you know nothing about it, and the change we are talking about does not impact PvM that you covet so much, so why do you even care ?

Or maybe you feel threatened about it because, maybe just maybe, you have been wrong for entire time you play D2 and you hate to admit it. Psychology 101.

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To much to read for you? I’am sorry. I make it shorter so you can grasp it easylie. smh

PvP is nothing anyone cares about. If PvP “community” dies the brand still goes on, your guys opinions mean nothing to d2 and the devs know this and act acordingly. Your whining wont change the course.

Thats literally you LMAO

Thanks for confirming you’re not an og player. You know very little about the game and here you are offering your irrelevant opinions.