PTR testing sparsely populated

I tested 2.4 patch extensively in the PTR and wrote feedback, because the changes were interesting to me.
Frankly, I don’t care about the Terror Zones in this patch. With them or without them, it’s just the same for me. I will farm some areas for items. Also there is nothing really to test… some monsters in an area get their lvl buffed every hour… okay, great.

The interest shown by the community in this PTR shows clearly if the developer’s efforts were put in the right direction.


i think the idea behind terror zones is a great, not a lot to test. i hopped on the 98 foh pal to see what exp gains are like, a bit high, but doesn’t really matter if more people are hitting 99 to me.

we’re not going to see ‘new’ content most likely ever. terror zones are a creative way to repurpose parts of the existing game you have little reason to goto without taking away from the existing game.

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TZ are adding some fresh options to players. Some will stick to the usual meta areas, but these open doors to diversity with some other builds having them at the ready to play with, and actually mean something…

Im dabbling with the PTR but not farming hard, ill check in and see what zone, then try a new build on it to experiment, but I dont want to find something god like in a PTR… So far I have found a Sur rune, thats about it.

I uninstalled ptr after first day as they didnt give us proper chars to test it.

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Yeah because it has " new " content .

Soft core exactly the same as hard core? Noob much? Yea, same until you die.
Being able to die over and over with out a care in the world, much different then 1 death and everything on char is gone forever. Start over from scratch. HUGE difference then soft core.
You complain about blizz not doing this or that, then don’t participate in their open testing. I wouldn’t do anything for you either.
We don’t test because it’s fun and interesting, we test for the sake of testing. It’s boring and trivial. But that’s what grownups do. We do things like boring testing to try and help. You sound like a child. Didn’t know this game attracted mindless children. Guess I was wrong.
You all come in here complaining about stuff, then bash people who actually try to participate. You all just like to whine and cry about anything you can. I bet you’re Biden voters too huh?

Is that not the purpose of these forums? I always assumed that was why we were all here… :thinking:

Mobs are the same, maps are the same, characters are the same, items are the same. Guess you are the noob if you think that you can’t test the same elements in SC than in HC.

HC noob blah blah… Buddy, I played more HC PvM and PvP than you ever did.

I did my tests and gave my feedback. But seems like you are a little slow in the head.

You cry on the forum that nobody wants to play with you and call me kid? Seems like you are the mindless manchild here. But you also think that playing hardcore makes you somehow better… so I already know what a poor basement dweller you are.

And the proof that you are a lowlife loser too. Buddy you are trash.

We need more things to test in PTR to attract interest. Testing Metalgrid attracted some interest. Some small changes to skills would be best to get people interested. Maybe a change to sets or unique items that are rare (like Tyrael’s Might).

Its just additional but not required to use. You can do normal stuff until there is terror areas that you like to hunt, you can jump right there. Then go back to whatever you want to do until the next terror areas you like.

I wish Blizzard would stop being this secretive company that gives bare bones info and start engaging with their player base more. They don’t provide any info about content being worked on, respond to any feedback or questions, or even give timelines for ladder ending. The player base understandably gets frustrated, and for something like this one of two things probably happens; you hit a home run and surprise people with something great, or invest a lot of time on something that nobody cared about and people are indifferent or disappointed. I mean, would it kill them to just come out and say unlimited single player stash is never going to happen? At least we would know. I’m not sure if they’re afraid of committing to something and not being able to follow through or what, but the cryptic, sporadic messages are the most frustrating thing to me.

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What I don’t get is why so much information comes out on Twitter or reddit. This is the official forum, the community coordinator should post here first, and then post links on Twitter/Reddit.


Completely agree. I always wonder if Pezradar posted something on twitter or reddit about whats going on. Why can’t he post on the official forum? If I was a CM, I would have a developer blog on the forum for the most up-to-date news to share with the community.