PTR testing sparsely populated

PTR testing is sparsely populated, especially in HC mode. Softcore also bad. My lobby had 4-5 players in it, no games in norm, nm, or hell in my list. Hard to test real world game play except for solo. I know, some people like to solo. But the game is an MMO and advertised as a multiplayer game. We are forced in to builds that require multiplayers. Hybrids are fun, but dual immunes in hell make that a problem too.
I want to encourage people to get on and play test server. Make new chars, start from scratch (practice for next ladder) Test some builds you haven’t done, run the terror zones, and give feedback. Or else ALL the changes and feedback from them will be based on a very small handful of people like ME. If you seen some of my posts, most probably don’t want that. So you want your opinions heard, play the PTR and give the feedback you know for sure they WILL read. ESPECIALLY GET ON HC IF YOU PLAY HC

let me stop you right there, this is not an MMO. it’s an ARPG.

i’m not testing the PTR because terror zones are an awful idea and they should scrap it.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This patch is proof enough of how much developers care about your opinions.


Cry some more

As the game is getting better, you become bitter


it’s really not tho. the terror zones are a STEP in the right direction but the implementation is EXTREMELY lazy and not intuitive to how the game is played.

i mean if you wanna stomp an area for an hour and then simply… switch to the next for an hour… but that really doesn’t sound fun to me. like now there’s a little bit more choice, but you’re still FORCED to play certain areas at certain times if you wanna be efficient. the goal was to MOVE AWAY from being FORCED to play certain areas over and over again, seems like they missed the mark by a huge margin on that one.

they should have 4-5 champ packs in each terror zones, and you must kill them all for the next terror zone to spawn. something like that would be way more fun and less stress on the server with people make less games CONSTANTLY… but eeh… what do i know?

if EVERY zone in the game had the potential to be terrorized, just randomly selected after the current terror zone is complete, that would definitely add more diversity to the game, i don’t see why they’re only doing certain areas.


Makes sense coming from you lol

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yes the current idea of terror zones should be scrapped. don’t forget to mention all my good ideas up there. just pointing out two things taken out of context… good work. you’re actually the worst.

I did play it as a HC player.

I formed my Opinion on the changes and wrote my feedback.

I tried a few new builds because of the free respecs and found a bunch of ones I thought would work but didn’t, as well as a few that did.

I’m done until PTR gets new changes

Why be toxic?
Not to mention the irony of you calling him bitter gives a good chuckle

Now yes, if he’s not willing to test it then his opinion on it is pretty much invalid but why seks. Why do you always have to be toxic?

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There isn’t much to check out in this PTR so interest is minimal


I don’t stop for any one sry. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online. Yes, it’s always been a MMO game. A quote from original D2 box " Fiendishly enhanced multiplayer online game" It is in fact advertised as a multiplayer game, it was back then very massive, 30k people online at a time. Explain how it’s not MMO???
So let me stop YOU… You don’t play the PTR but think you know all about it and that it’s bad? Because you just looked into your crystal ball and foresaw it?
They provide a feedback survey. Chances are they are looking at those surveys to see how people like the testing. But lets entertain your idea that they don’t care about feedback. If they don’t care about the feedback survey THEY provide, what makes YOU and all the others they care about what you post in these forums? And therefore, why are you even here? Just to troll people? I actually tried to help the testing by asking more people to get involved. They are asking for our feedback. They could have just tested it themselves and rolled it out. They didn’t do that. Which should lead any reasonable person to believe they are going to value the feedback opinions. Or else why even bother? Fact is, if you played, you’d discover it’s not like you think. But don’t play, just sit there making unfounded opinions based on no play time.

Well if you or anyone else who sees this wants to make some fresh characters and setup a group HC run to begin within the next couple hours, I’ll join you.

To be fair, there’s not much to test. Terror zones. Cool! Roll it out. I think it’s a cool idea, but item filters or stacking or balance shifts would have gotten a lot more attention and interest.


:+1: Sadly I agree :frowning_face:

I personally am not bothering with the PTR just like I will not bother with the 2nd ladder… because all 20 of my character slots are full. I see nothing interesting enough for me to murder some of my old characters :cry:

Quality of like like stackable items and new ubers paying homage to the OGS like the Butcher, King Leoric, and Lazarus from d1 would be cooler than any Terror Zone.


Blizzard will never take my opinion vs Mang Song man

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You know you’re not obligated to keep every cracked sash you see right?

People that wanted to test, already did.

Nobody cares about HC as it is the same as SC. You learn nothing new testing the same thing on HC. Classic is different.

You should test it and give feedback. I don’t like them and especially not how they implemented them. But the feedback is important.

It’s not and never has been. 8 player in 1 game is not “massive”. It’s an ARPG with Online Multiplayer. Counter Strike isn’t a MMO either but has way more people online each hour.

Why would anyone bother to play PTR longer than he needs to test the changes? Anything you drop is wasted. I’d rather play on “soon to be Nonladder” than on PTR.

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Basically past PTR’s have proven that the team doesn’t care about the feedback.
The patch proves the team doesn’t care about the opinion and desires of the player base.
Why would I play the PTR, the only thing I really care about is whether the unique mods no longer trigger each other (lightning+fire enchanted bug that could deal insane amounts of damage) and a few minor bug fixes.
Personally I would cancel the Terror Zones, think there would be anything I could say that would stop them from slowly destroying the game for me?

d2r is rip. now that we have rifts it and i guess there will be nerfs to the “normal” content, this will just end as a reskin of d3. just to prepare people for the microtransactions + p2w in d4



Random terror zone every hour

Clearing this terror zone terrorize another random zone in the game

When the Terror affects an act 5 times, a Uber boss will spawn in it

  • act 1 the butcher: applies open wounds, spawns blood golems, etc

  • act 2 Horazon: cast Elemental, can stone curse you, summons super uniques

  • act 3 Lazarus: Casts Fist of hell(Unholy Foh), guarded by doom Knights which he can revive at will, casts Terror that works on Chars, etc

  • act 4 King Leoric: every time he gets hit by a damage type, 2 skeleton warrior appear with resistance to that damage type, his attack is the reworked version of Vengeance,on hit it has 33% chance to cast ice blast, 33% chance to cast fireball, 33% chance to cast charged bolt

  • act 5 Reziarfg: attacks with powerful spikes from bellow, spawns multiple worms like poison creeper, biting creepers, carrion vines paired with Sand maggot eggs

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