PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

well a good programmer would use a simple wrapper function -

" getMyKeyboard() {
return keyboard }

i would have imagined blizz has that already, but if they need help here too i can provide it

Bumping again

The discussion here about K&M diverts a bit from the topic.

The players X feature is already in the game. They are running legacy server code, make an emergency patch for people pressing the wrong buttons too fast in the character selection screen, but canā€™t map the chat wheel to set the player count?

Are they kidding us?

Another point is wether or not they WANT keyboard and mouse support for chat. Enabling chat without keyboard and mouse admittedly would be clunkyā€¦

We should get both patched (back) into the game.

Vut if you ask me, give us /players X first! ASAP!


Yes /players so much higher priority than chat or k&m.


Every Console Version Needs /players,Chat,lobbys iā€™m on nintendo btw even Warframe has it and free to play gamesā€¦ WTF


Indeedā€¦ its really hard to enjoy this on consoles for so many reasons.
This though? This is by far the most annoying. Now why do I say that? Because not including it was just plain stupid.

This is not a fancy feature. It is very simple, shouldnā€™t be hard to code at all, and EVERYONE who played single player seriously used it.

This is dumb. Put it in. There is no reason not to. Its a simple thing that made the experience way better. Its like they didnt include it just to slap us in the face for not playing the pc version.

I cant afford a good computer, my laptop cant run the pc version, or i would have gotten that.

Monthly fee to play online. Annoying controls. Complete lack of easy trading. We cant make custom named games people can browse, so its a journey and a half to get anything your looking for regardless of playing offline or online.

Even just chatting with other players (if you can find any) is stupidly difficult on the console without a mic or talking on a different chat room online at the same time.

This justā€¦ so disappointing.


D2R Console be likeā€¦

Old friend that turned to crack and lost a few teeth in the 20 years since youā€™ve last hung out.

Still want to like him, just wish heā€™d made better life decisions.


bump for recognition

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Hope they add it soon. Iā€™m really enjoying playing D2R with controller. Feels so much better than on PC back then. BUT I reached a point in SP where it would really highly appreciated to have the players 8 function. And why the right analog stick did not get any function (aside from weapon swap) despite so much possibilities is really weird. But thatā€™s a small thing compared to game content relevant things like players 8.


Well add me on psn. Iā€™ve been solo the entire time and canā€™t figure out how to find a group now that Iā€™m stuck in hell act 2

Psn - skidluxury

100% agree, right stick should:

  • Zoom in/out
  • /playersX wheel (instead of the emote wheel) in single player

While having the immense pleasure of re-farming all my gear, after the awesome ā€œaccidentalā€ character deletion, I am just thrilled to do it all on players 1. I mean, hell, it so much fun I might delete this char as well and start all over again. thanks blizz. keep it up.


Bumping this again because still not a word from above about an update.
A blue post would be amazingā€¦


100% agreed.

They lied and delivered a poor experience.


Keep this issue at the top of the forums. Add /playersx command to console!!!


+100 to thisā€¦ Console (PS4!) single player needs some love too.


Well lets me honest hereā€¦ No one was suppose to use (or know about) /8Players. It isnā€™t intended. It is basically the same as cheating. So I donā€™t giva crap about you. /8players isnā€™t ā€œoriginal diablo 2ā€. And it is an offline thing only, so yeahā€¦ doesnā€™t matter. Go play LOD or something if you really care that much about farming for absolutely no reason. I donā€™t care how you like to play. Saying you need a cheat code essentially isnā€™t gonna take priority.

I am so tired of these offline whiners. Diablo isnā€™t designed for offline play. Only has offline because online gaming was still new at the time, not everyone had internet, and they couldnā€™t get away with selling an online only game at the time. The only reason /8 wasnā€™t patched out years ago, is cuz offline doesnā€™t matter.

I donā€™t care what you think of me, I am tired of this ****! **** /8players and all you offline single players whining about it. How about you try actually playing the game as intended for once. Maybe youā€™ll realize then that you donā€™t need any of that crap you want.

Actually /players X was patched in in 1.09 if Iā€™m not mistaken.

And the promise was to preserve the gameā€™s experience ā€œas isā€ meaning as it was 1.14 - which had /players X.

Youā€™re entitled to your opinion but I suggest you look up some of the popular streamers who did holy grail projects and who are partly responsible that the community made it through the last 20 years.

Also, keep in mind that it is only console that is missing the feature.

Iā€™ll play the game without and have been since launch, **but /players X needs to return to console ASAP **.


Totally agree with you MY friend.


Yea and nobody cares about what you are caring about. And nobody needs your troll opinion.

Playing online will be great when everything is pached in a few months. Until then, you only can play offline if you want to play properly. And / playersX has nothing to do with cheating. What you are writing doesent make sense.


When they allow offline play during long que times, then Iā€™m all for it :ok_hand:

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