PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

It’s more of an issue of 99 being a trophy/achievement now and needing to get there without players8 on the go with the Switch or anybody playing offline.

Who cares about achivments, and there is one for lvl99 hardcore, I can’t see anyone going for that except a maniac.

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New and decades long players alike are 75 times more likely not to go for it in single player without p8, regardless of the fact that it’s a core part of the game for many and can be added to the game in 100 keystrokes.

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Hello, nice to meet you. I’m a maniac.


I think someone already have it on playstation.

Have what?

20 char limit.

lvl99 hc
additional letters

the trophy had 0.1% right at the premiere, it’s probably devs checking something or a thing like that

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+1 !! We need player X asap


Actually I would not only want to have it for the loot but for leveling as well.

Level 1-10 are much faster with players 8


Add to that crap server perfomance

We need p8!


Indeed me too. How do they expect us to hit even level 90 without it and without decent matchmaking is beyond me.


Umm. I’m sp and sure no players 8. I have 87 sorc and paladin is 88. Getting to 90 is just a few more pit runs :face_with_monocle:

Edit: playing on PS4

At the moment /players8 only works on PC offline Chars. I can`t understand why.
I want to play on my Play Station without any limitations. Would you please be so kind an add it asap

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Hey guys add me I’m looking to play and grind and do boss runs I’m on alot psn name

Plus one for this. We need it asap as the online features of consoles are really lacking


Link me the post by rod please

Its been a month. The fix is simple as fk. Yet they choose to s h t on us. I will never buy any BLIZZ products again, atleast not until im 100% sure of the quality, which tends to be beyond horrific in the laat years.

Dident even mention char dissapearence and rollbacks.

This company has no right to exist.

Just found out that Blizzard do not fully support the console ver of this game and the devs do not read the console forums so good luck with hoping this will get sorted.
At least now I know I will not buy DIABLO IV.

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