PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

Just like stash space it can change and I consider it a necessary change if they want their game to live on consoles for years (this sub forum is for console version).

I think that they should, on consoles, let people import chars to online (then you could up and get gear offline and then go find games - as hack in consoles is not something). But that is just a dream. We just need /players8 on offline and that is what is this topic for


Yeah I agree we need players 8 in single player asap on the console


Needs to happen asap! Come on blizz this is not the same experience without the /players i found out about that when I was like 12 and itā€™s been a key part of the single player experience ever since. Feel jipped like Iā€™m playing an inferior version just put what you took out back in


All consoles need /players 8 feature. It is missing and I would really like to have it. A quick slider kind of thing on the character stat menu or something would be nice and easy.


Oh this is good, do you have a link? Would love to see that

sorry already found it, Iā€™m dumb

Agree with OP. Blizzard needs to at least make an announcement on how they intend to fix D2R to at least be as good as D2-Original.

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People will just import hacks, so no thanks on any crossplay with the pc, sure we can hope and wish, the first thing that will happen all be modded items, scripts doing things automatically, will creep its way through, no thanks.

Just bumping to keep this issue going.


It has already been confirmed, what more do you want? :smiley:

Change the title to: ALL CONSOLES NEED /players 8 ASAP!

I agree with you 100%.

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It has already been confirmed, what more do you want? :smiley:

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EDIT: Okay, thank you! I found the post by Rod. This is great news!

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I want it implemented ASAP :slight_smile:

They did? Any expectation on when itā€™ll be implemented?

Players8 is not needed whatā€™s needed is for them to debug this piece of crap buggy game

Lol 8 players? they cannot even provide us a stable server for straight 3 daysā€¦which is insaneā€¦

i agree that it more fun with /players 8 but it just a way to cheat exp
on console solo i find mf charm/+1to cold skill sorc/shako idk i didnt need /players 8 it call farming for a reason i do agree that it probably gonna be long to hit 99 but 75 and i keep farming baal nightmareā€¦i did act 1 hell and duriel gonna be a bit of a pain so im waiting for gear

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I donā€™t think anyone want players 8 for the xp. More loot!

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