PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

+1 pls give us back the /players 8 command


This is needed asap, online play on switch is non existent and this would make single player bareable


I’m on Xbox and really want /players8
Just like the others are saying - the online matchmaking is terrible and it also needs an overhaul. Would also like mouse/keyboard support and lobbies, it would make it much easier to find games and chat.


/players x would be fantastic. Please add it to the console releases.


+1, Im on series X. Immensely enjoying the experience on console so far, but the only complaint i really have is that the players 8 command needs to be implented soon.


Having no option to increase player counts and no working multiplayer on consoles seriously diminishes the value proportion on for this remake on consoles.
It effectively console players out of high level content for this game


YES YES YES PLEASE add /playersX. I hope the devs have this high on their priority list.

Quite frankly, this is the most important element missing from the console versions, and it is basically unacceptable the game shipped without it.

It could be implemented as an emote wheel in single player (you don’t need emotes in SP anyway), or perhaps by holding the options button, or just as an option in the menus similar to the torment levels in D3.

Those are just off the top of my head, but either way MAKE IT HAPPEN, single player is not the same without /playersX.


I have the same issue on my Switch.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the console versions are unplayable without playersX in offline solo.

But I still agree with all of the other offline solo players here that this missing feature needs to be fixed asap.

Playing D2 solo is just incredibly slow progression and it not as fun and engaging to play without it.

I would vent more about this here. But I have already vented a lot about it elsewhere in this forum.


Filled? I haven’t seen another player yet


Without players 8 getting to 99 is impossible meaning no one will be able to get the 99 trophy.

My barb is lvl 88 online and I will probably only get to 90 tops unless they fix the matchmaking.


+1 to console needing players 8. Really confused why it wouldn’t be there to begin with


We desperately need this feature Blizzard!! Can’t lvl up or MF, the public online games are empty every time. Please give us a menu option to set player count.


Blizzard this makes this game unplayable


Having this in the game on consoles makes for a good single player experience. Especially since online isn’t the same on console as it is on PC, and perharps never will be.

So blizzard, please add this important feature to console versions, it’s only a minor implementation since the functionality is already there, just need a way to input it from the menu or through the emote wheel. Having this in will definitely add to the longevity of this game.

Can a blue confirm this is being looked into? Thanks.


Why the fk do they act like they dont see this ? Literally everyone is disgustes by this.

Just imo, but this even easier to repair than the matchmaking system for multiplayer.

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what does 8 players in a single player game do? I never played diablo 2 (i played diablo 1 until some jerk morph’d into me and killed me in town - i figured diablo games are just filled with cheaters, so i skipped 2 and only bought diablo 3 when it was 12 bucks on playstation store) anyways… is 8 player similar to diablo 3 torment levels? so if you were single player doing +8 (aka torment 8) you get more xps/gold and better drops?

if thats the case, why wouldnt they just add (on console) a torment level selector or make the option in the start of the game, set game to +2 or +8)?

I’d even go further and added /players8 feature to bnet characters too, not only private ones. The multiplayer is dead and we need a chance to play the game past level 20. I’m approaching my 80s and I don’t see the future for my character since she won’t be able to farm anything (nor xp, nor charms no anything).

lol bunch of cheater…

you write about players 8 for consoles but I can’t enable this feature on PC either
we need /players 8

you can do it on pc i did it so