PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

Honestly an easy fix for them in the mean time would be to just add this feature in across the board on console.
As it is it’s really hard to find any teams due to lack of lobbies and named games.
While I never played offline much I’m sure it’s fine if you really are ok with playing solo the entire time and hoping for the best on drops (or back in the day people used to just hack their offline toons)
I would be happy with them adding this feature to multiplayer (also) until we have readily available lobbies.

FINALLY!!! jk. Just hopinh i can post this soon.

Alas. At least I really learned what grinding is, I mean really.

Sp lvl 91 paladin~~~
87 sorc
67 sorc
75 necro
72 druid

/Players 1, yes please :neutral_face:


Has any news come out, stating this will be added… I heard awhile back it was coming but can’t find anythin official.

Gotta keep this front page fellas.
Mods should sticky it, it’s important to a large portion of this community.

The wait… continues

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I think mods dont exist in this channel

I think they do and they even have a fancy title, but they dont come here often… :frowning:

Great news.


Thank you for this update

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Thanks for posting this! I’m overjoyed to read this news. :slight_smile:
Also, for other readers here, here is another link with more specific clarification that yes, this will be equivalent to /playersX when they implement it on console:


That’s great news !!! Thanks for the post


Hoping the difficulty setting will remain even after resetting the game. This will make LK runs much faster. Already developed muscle memory after running thousands of LK runs at P1 yielding 0 HRs. But still grateful for this update nonetheless.


Great news!! I’m stuck at 93 hitting 94 soon, 6 hours grind gives me 10% xp, needed this badly.

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Hells yes! This is great news!

Finally! I’m looking forward to several weeks of couch kurast to farm hrs for my nec and dru

Finally! If anyone sees info on a date the patch goes live please share

EDIT: FWIW I am seeing early december

Very encouraging, maybe lobbies one day as well! No harm in hoping!

Stopping by to see what’s developed on some of the hotter topics… I haven’t been drawn to play D2R for a little while now.

Good to see /players for those keen for this, but curious what people feel is the reasoning for it not being as relevant for inclusion in online play.

I assume it’s leaderboard related, does it unbalance group v solo play? I guess it’s not a great surprise that a classic (D2) would be rooted in group play… which this seems to back in.

So the players command is gonna be hidden inside the options to make it as much as a hassle to use as possible. It really feels like the developers haven’t actually played D2.

Not sure I understand how changing difficulty in settings like it is in almost every other game ever made is a hassle