PS4 NEEDS /players 8 ASAP!

+1 for this, impossible to get Infinity on console right now


Daily bump! Console require set players!

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Still no news zzzzzz.

It’s not impossible, I main lvl 91 paladin and have found ohm/Cham…though it’s taken a lot of pit/rof runs.

Please add /players !!!

I fully agree. I quit playing once I got to nightmare on my ps4. Its no fun w/o players/8.
Hopefully they do this soon and I can enjoy what I paid for. Otherwise it was a waist of money.

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daily bump. This is dumb

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im extremely disappointed in this ps4 port version aswell. almost unpmayable due to the lack of party finding function. Please Fix d2!!!

I really hope they fix this issue soon on console because it is/has ruined the experience thus far. At the minimum Blizzard should provide everyone with a copy of the PC version instead of trying to charge us for the same game multiple times… Additional note: I search for players 100% of the games I create / “Join” and I have only been joined with players during the first week.

Don’t forget guys: the /players X feature is a single player feature and not supposed to work on bnet.

Still, it needs to be brought back for all ssf bros.

Did they really say they would fix it on consoles?

Rod says so. Theres a link to a tweet from Rod a few weeks ago. Someone linked it in this thread.

That tweet was dated 02/10/2021 (dd/mm/yyyy format). We’re halfway through November and we STILL don’t have it.

Not only do we not have it, we don’t have any concrete idea wether it is actually coming or not.

The personal twitter account of rod fergusson is not an official communication channel, or is it?

Where are the blueposts in the forum? The community management here is clearly lacking.

I wouldn’t call it an official communication channel but it’s not exactly like he can spread misinformation either. So, while they are looking at it, it’s just a very, very low priority for them.

As for the blueposts, I think I’ve seen like one but that was for a different thread and a fair while ago.

My bet is that they would like to but they just dont know How. :rofl: All the pro coders left the company eons ago and What is left has no idea How the D2 legacy code was built or even works. So it would be easier to just forget this and go D4. :rofl:
I mean this is bad. BLIZZ has lost So much talent during the past 10 years. But hey at least the CEO desided to TaKe only minimum salary. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Someone must have done the console port and have removed/masked the chat function from the code/interface.

That is neither irreversible, nor can it be terribly complicated for an experienced software engineer familiar with the code (i.e. having worked on the console port?)

The likely explanation is that the priority tends to go to zero, meaning they just don’t care enough.

I am starting to feel like I have a better chance to see God this year than getting /players…


Rods reply was dated October 29th. Either way though I agree. It’s not a high priority. But it is confirmation. He can’t blatantly spread lies on social media even if it’s not a formal announcement.

LOL, I know what you mean. We’re coming up on 2 months post launch now and it’s nowhere in sight. What’s worse is that a bunch of people reported the problem in the first beta but they still launched without it. Oh well.

Things are still doable for us SSF offline only players, you just have to give up on making any high level runewords since those runes will never realistically drop, and give up on hitting 99 anytime soon.

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Exactly. I am playing since launch every night for 1-2 hours and have managed to find a tals armor, an arkaines valor and some decent fury druid gear.

But the highest char is my lvl 83 nec…something that would easily possible quickly with players 8 in 1 or two weeks at the that i am playing