Proof we need players x

Only Softcore players will say we don’t need p8 online.

Good luck going to mf in p1 game, while there are 0-2 games you see online.
You create your own game, even baals for leeching and you barely get 2-3 people join in peak hours.

Yeah, hardcore was dead since day 1

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The things you don’t know anything about…

Provocative. But completely untrue. You should see the HC ladders when they reset. And you haven’t been paying much attention to what people talk and discuss about this game, with HC being a constant topic and a favorite mode of many. Many never wanting to go back to SC.

But anything goes to make your point, right?

Every hardcore player wants this p8 feature. I’m just the only one vocalizing it every day because after 20 years of playing hardcore mode online, p8 on bnet is the only feature missing from this game.
I don’t want to Artifically handicap myself, this isn’t a speedrun challenge ,this is me playing Diablo 2 with everything it has to offer.
Why can’t I participate in ladder, trade with people, play with parties, AND have my p8 feature when I play alone majority of the time on hardcore.
Have you seen my picture proof in thread there are no Games to be social in the first place. I wish there were alot of games on net, especially the hardcore side.

Look At the pics I posted, you don’t think having literally 1-2 games with 1-2 ppl each is concerning? Don’t you see all the people agreeing with me and liking my posts. All I want to do is play with a challenge, and create my own p8 game, I can run get that with current state. On ladder reset it’s booming, but do younkmos. What happens after 1 week in hell hardcore, everything dies, this is the sole reason we want to p8 implemented in bnet, so we can participate in ladder and have our p8 challenge alone.

That’s the issue I am realizing is that alot of these people who play d2 haven’t played/made it too lvl 90+ in hardcore hell, and have played consistently there for multiple years. And how easy it gets when a character is built to Survive and be optimal playing in a less than p8 game. They don’t see the frustration of not being able to find a high player game, and playing at your own pace.

Exactly. Your someone who Understands and agrees with my argument. We all know that people who play hardcore and succeed , never go back to softcore. We are the ones with most skill and understanding of game, and then we’re punished with having no way to Play in a challenging way, we’re forced to be bored.
Implementing p8 with fix this

Lol, the whole game is one big antisocial “feature” because none of the social aspects of the game WORK right. Make lobbies not suck, make a trade interface OUT of games and chats that aren’t worthless, do SOMETHING to make it better.


(20 characters to fill the Likes Generation)

So instead of fixing that, we add another antisocial feature because what?.. logic?

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Lol, you picked just the first sentence to quote and left off the last part. The whole “Fix the issues” part.

I didnt left out anything. This is topic about /players X command online, not about fixing game in a way people play more together but wince we talka bout it:

  • add community/clan/guild feature build in game
  • add trading system in game
  • add MF bonus if you play together in group in same location
  • add pvp arena and let HC players pvp there also without dying

just few suggestions how to make it better and how to bring people more together in game.

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Look at this 4pm EST hardcore hell lobby

Why can’t I just make my own 8 player game, and have a blast with challenging d2
. The boost in monster HP and monster damage is sufficient enough in p8 solo to be challenging.

Half these games Are trade games, that’s the social aspect you think might die? I can guarantee you everything I have that if you add p8 on bnet, this game and player base in the lobby list would triple

you can. You just dont want to. Its called get a few players together and play together. If you want /player go play offline.

Hardcore has very few players. Starting a public lobby in Hell Hardcore is just asking to have your character ruined. Most hardcore hell lobbies are private because that’s just how hardcore is.

Try Softcore.

Threads like these are a textbook example of the phrase “having your cake and eating it too”.

You can’t reap the benefits of having a full lobby while also the benefits of playing alone, unless you’re in single player.

I don’t want offline, I want online so I can participate in ladder and trade, and have my p8 on game creation. Not everyone has friends to play with because most have families, lives, jobs, etc. We can’t all play at the same time, and good luck getting 8 together

I play hardcore only. That’s why they offer 2 modes, hardcore and softcore. People usually stick to one or the other. Generally people who play hardcore only has skill lvl > softcore players

Cake and it eat too? I’m a lvl 94 hardcore hammerdin, I’ve seen and experienced everything in the game.
If hardcore player base is dead, that’s more reason to add p8 setting on game creation.

Most people in a full lobby end up playing by themselves anyways, unless it’s a 7 min Baal game or it’s a actually party walking through the game.

If I am strong enough to solo in 8 players,
Why am I getting punished for being good at the game?
I just want to play in p8 by myself, because getting 7 others together is almost impossible

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73 posts and nowhere closer to get the players x command, you sniveling spammer.

I don’t want it. And I’m a hc player.

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I’m. Just getting started. They might not change it this patch or the next, but eventually down the line they can do it.

I don’t believe you don’t want it. Because it actually doesn’t affect you whether p8 is put On bnet or not. Explain how putting p8 on bnet will negatively affect youbppaying hardcore at a high level, which I doubt. I don’t believe The fact that you made it to lvl 90+ in hardcore , best in slot gear, and I find it hard to believe you don’t want a sufficient challenge.
I have best in slot and lvl 90+, and so do many others, and we want that p8 setting on game Creation.

Aka I want my cake and eat it too. There is always a trade off, if you want to trade you play online with the rest of us. You are no longer in your own bubble anymore. If you want to play public HC in hell you are asking to be pk’ed. That is why no one host publics game in HC.

And that seems to be a You problem not a ME problem.

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i explained this in another p8 thread

all you seem to care about is what you want and only that. you dont seem to care that p8 does in fact effect other players as i stated in this thread. fact your claiming this wont is 100% incorrect.

P8 is offline only for a reason. fact you seem to refuse to find players to play with outside of the game is a you problem not the games.

you need to hear this and you not going to like it. most players that play HC dont leave there games public. always has been this way even in OG D2. why cuz your asking to get PK’d and have all your hard work ruined.

you claim to be a vet of D2 the more i read your post the more i dought this claim is true. anyone can claim this on these forms

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Honestly players 8 command should just be implemented now. If Hardcore cant Play with others and Softcore players abuse literally all multiplayer games and ruining the experience. The “loss” of implementing it seems far beyond worth it.

Not to mention how insanely many wanted it in mrlama poll

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P8 is not a challenge, it is a drop+exp buff. Nothing more.