Proof we need players x

I mean I’m not Going to play that moment, because there are no active high player Games in bnet hardcore, and making a 1 player game is too easy and boring.

If I had the option to create my own 8 player game, I would have played that moment, and so would everyone else who feels The same way I do

Blizzard please add The players X scaling on bnet game creation

Just join other players, or make a split MF games, people run them. If you dont see games public, be more active in finding players on your own.

You build an hammerdin and then complain the game is boring… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Try leveling whit a summon Druid, you will not be bored, nor need /playes# command :laughing:

why do I need to artificially handicap myself by not playing everything the game has to offer, just toget a challenge. We are. Offered many classes, I don’t like playing other classes.

Have you heard they are buffing more classes, the game will even get easier.
Stop moving The goal line, all my concerns aeere legitimate

Be more proactive finding players at 3am est?
Why is it the burden on me to find players on a game That’s player base is decreasing, why can’t blizzard add a feature like players 8, so that I am not punished for a decreasing player base. I should be rewarded for still playing the game and wanting a challenge.

I’ve been playing this game for 20 years on bnet hardcore, this players 8 game creation feature on bnet must be added

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dude will you shut the hell up. its not coming to online ever because that fundamentally renders the point of online play meaningless.

jfc play single player.
jfc connect to europe or asia.

wah wah. I don’t like playing other classes.
wah wah. no one is playing at 3AM est.
wah wah. i deserve compensation cause im still playing when a lot of people have moved on

So many I’s in your crybaby crusade I though I was playing Bloodborne.


The online player base is non existent as it is. No-one in public games want to play with each other in terms of mfing, only people that party are people who want to get rushed, or chaos and Baal runs that last 10 minutes.

Why can’t I just play by myself in A players 8 challenging way, and still participate in ladder and trade with others.

Instead of resorting to go play something else, let’s try to fix an important issue in one of The best games ever created.

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Well, for HC Im fine with /p8 - almost noone plays hc - so why not.

In SC where we have a lot of players and community, theres no need for /p8.
Enough for trading, XP and MF games.

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There is no incentive to play together aside from getting better EXP. Drops may increase but your chances of getting the drops decrease.

Diablo 2 was always a single player game and we all knew it from the get go. Had all my friends playing the start of D2R, and what do you know, everyone is in their own games (Name Here)15/15. The only multiplayer experience you get is starting new characters together and leveling up to the point where you do everything solo.

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You can have player 8 online for challenge.

With 0MF and 0XP buff. There you go, you have my blessing.

I think the XP is the least of peoples concerns, and it doesn’t give you MF % anyways.


Literally anyone can go on discord and find a group of people to play with for hardcore mode. Sure, might not be players 8 all the time but who cares? Online play is not balanced around the players x command, nor should it be.

Whiny brats trying to ruin diablo purely for their own convenience, as usual

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uh … didn’t the dev in a recent live stream said they don’t wanna add /players X to multiplayer?

I think we need to find a way to replace the lead dev to a person that also wants /player X in multiplayer instead of trying to convince the dev themselves.


So now we’re just gonna replace devs at Blizzard with our own hand-picked people, eh?

LOL. Get real folks. Just be glad there are still people left at Blizzard with enough brain cells to realize adding the /players command to multiplayer is a terrible idea.


yes lol

/20 char >_>

also i dont care if we get it or not so im just here cuz im bored :stuck_out_tongue:

Who cares if a Dev/streamer says there will be no players 8 on bnet, it’s not the final say.

Didn’t Devs say there will be Lan play, we can all see how They can switch any decision they want, they took out lan play. What’s devs say isn’t final, if we the people want it, and push enough, they will make The change

Exactly, you understand why players 8 is needed in hardcore, it’s obvious not everyone has the skill to play hardcore at a high level, so the few that can, we need our challenge

Exactly. D2 is actually a game meant to be played solo, once we have got. At low levels, once we Our help Getting rushed, we all then migrate to Playing solo.
It’s impossible to play in a party when people have teleport, some are ranged, some Are Melee,its different speeds, especially on hardcore where people are skilled. Give us the ability to make our own p8 game

So me ninjaing a p8 Baal game or A1 Andy game thats p8 is fine, by quickly doing the act bosses and ruining the a1 game, that’s okay, extra mf and xp is cool
But me wanted to create my own p8 game and play at my own pace, then I don’t get extra mf or xp? Bad logic bro

Why should I have to use a third party chat system to find people, why can’t blizzard just implement the p8 game creation in bnet ladder.
What if i don’t use discord, and I just want to use the game itself

Dream on, you are allowed to ofc.
I am just happy that players8 online will never ever happen. That was very satisfying to hear the Devs on this topic.


Then you clearly have not play HC before. HC in d2 /d2r is private. You either solo it or your run with a small trusted group. Never in public. The only public games are the trade ones where everyone is safe no matter where they are.


Because it something that you want.

If you want challenge play untwinked without switching items. Or play without healing or something like that.

Mobs having more hp and slightly more damage is not challenge.

If you can play without players x, play offline where you can use it as you like.

Adding that command online would be poor decision as it is antisocial feature. It would give players more reasons to play solo.

They can help situation in different ways.

Quite a long thread for someone claiming they had proof…