Proof we need players x

This is bnet right now. Hardcore, hell difficulty

Adding players X will discourage party play? That’s what devs r afraid of?

We need players x command, I want to play in my own challenging 8 player game


i can tell you new to the forms. you can link that link by adding ` to the begining and end of this link so it will look like this

btw you do know that any game that is password protected does not show up on public games just saying

suggest you read the form rules creating post that have been posted already is braking form rules.

this is not proof we need P8 all this really proves is blizzard needs to fix lobbies so that all games that are public will show up. ask for P8 to fix this issue is just a band-aid fix. and a lazy way to actuall fix the real issue with lobbies D2R has right now.

this is a known issue


If you show all games. It will just show probably 5 more with 1 player each.

I want to find a 8 player game, and I can’t.
Now give me my players X command

I will post every day a pic of bnet games list, to get the point across


your not making any point bud. your just spamming the forms now.


here you go right from the form rules

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

Creating threads about existing topics
Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Nope. One fresh post every 24-48 hours won’t be spam, it will be a reminder to everyone that we need players x command online, and that it won’t affect “encourage party play”.
Because the current state of games now, there is no huge group party play. Look at the picture proof

I been playing for 20 years hardcore online my friend. Players X command is needed online


did you read the duplucate thread rules. yes this is a form of spamming. you may not think it is. but blizzard does. go ahead and make duplucate threads on this topic.

i will gladly flag your post since it does brake form rules.


you know that only shows games near to your current server and based on your latency, right?

Because most games on d2 are created and destroyed really fast most of the time you don’t get the updated list really often paired with previous problems based on their sync schedule between servers. That small list you saw could be reduced if they do players X, btw here often appears like 20-30s games on the same list sometimes a bit less others a bit more.

Try to connect in other region or reopen the game, that list most likely will change if not could be a hint of few players in your region or your latency isn’t great at moment.

EDIT: about the forum rules, try to use “the same thread” instead of creating new ones. Duplicate threads are against rules, while you could “keep updating” the same one you should do it in a way that wouldn’t necropost either.

If your list it’s really small you should inform it on technical support section or open a ticket to know how to proceed.

I know games are displayed by region.

I have friends online in the uswest region hardcore and hell Difficulty, its the same Thing. About 5 games, 1 player each game, with one Baal game going, maybe.

Still won’t be able To find a 8 player game That will last more than 8 minutes.

Therefore we need the players X command asap

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Could be a problem in that specific region. My minimum amount of games in the list it’s about 14, right now it’s 18. Hell hardcore, softcore often have the double or triple of that number. 2 Cow, 3 bh and some games with random names currently on hell harcore in here.

You could try different server or ask if there is some kind of firewall or server region issue through support ticket or tech support section.

Also keep in mind that most folks plays solo or private games more often than not, MF by example it’s more efficient at p1-p3 range. The purpose of playing online it’s to promote multiplayer, that’s why it’s counter intuitive consider players x on online realms.

If your region lack of games, they could merge it with another to increase the overall list of games or try to improve and motivate more public games being interesting.

Often public games are plagued with leechers anyways, that’s why often folks avoid it. They could work with something like online player count. On the bottom I can see roughly 20-30 players on “lobby”.

Also the entire public experience should receive some revamp, because more often than not doesn’t motivate at all folks to play in there.

Players X would only motivate folks go even more often to play solo, because right now the major benefit of public games are leveling, which would be gone if they they enable players x.

I symphatize with your situation but the solution lays elsewhere, devs also stated that wouldn’t exist players x on servers.

Tbh, they should improve the game to the point of actually be interesting to play on public games. Because right now there are almost zero benefit from doing it, with the sole exception of exp which can be obtained somewhat fine without it.

If the game really needs players X to be challenging, they should improve the difficulty of the game, instead of keep buffing stuff either they should nerf stuff or increase the difficulty curve if they buff other skills also.

Make p1 be harder and each new player added become even harder than before. That way nobody should solo p8, which tbh it’s non-sensical if you ever wanted to make a game playable on multiplayer you should make impossible to p8 be solo able. It’s literally a design flaw right there.

What’s the point of incentivize group play if a single player could beat p8? See the problem? That’s why they should revamp the entire scale and system in terms of difficulty if they really plan to improve that amount of skills like they mentioned.



All these pro 8 player posts are the same sack of tihs in a different bow.

Go play single player.
But I want to play with people.
Then go play online with others.
But there’s no one ever on.

Shaking my mfer head.


These cringelords want to rebalance all the skills, add new runewords, remove mechanics and insider tricks, change the core looting system, etc, but are vehemently against added a /players command. :clown_face:


we want to play on bnet because of ladder, and things like trading, not necessarily to play with others in party.

Give us the players 8 and we will be good


Well at least you are saying you just want better loots.

I am happy with the current system but I’ll admit is flawed.
Mostly for exp gains.
Drops are fine.

In regards to /players X on, the devs have spoken.

You’re wasting keystrokes by continuing to beg for it.


if they stopped buffing stuff and starting nerfing stuff. Folks wouldn’t need p8 in the first place. But again they wouldn’t do that because the backlash. So they are taking the route of 1.10 and d3, buffing stuff. In that path if they don’t increase the difficulty folks would keep asking for players x more often than right now.

It’s a problem they created even before d2r was released, they stated they wouldn’t do players x online.So, instead folks should come with better solutions, maybe they could get the feedback from it.

Because players x wouldn’t solve anything, just make the problem become worst. If they ever plan to folks play on public games anyways.

Unless they really don’t plan to improve difficulty or make public games more attractive to play, they wouldn’t implement players x. If they gone against players x online they at least should consider some other way to solve the public game issue.

It’s funny, ask for players x but doesn’t even think the effect of it. I’m not saying about trade, pvp or anything like that, but the real value of playing public games at first place.

What’s the point of existing public games if you can do everything solo at p8? While I think bugfixes and some balance should be done, they should be done for the sake of challenge not for make things easier. I mean, folks brag about d2 being difficulty but it’s one of the easiest games out there.

It’s a classic and iconic for sure, but hard? Maybe before expansion, after that not much. I have fun with the game but the only challenge I had was my first playthrough even before the expansion be released. Other than that was just endless grind and trying out builds and gear.

Put hp, all res, some max resist and you can beat anything with any class and most of the builds. Players x just makes things take more time. the damage increase it’s minimal at best.

So unless they really make the game challenging by increasing the player count, but also increase the overall difficulty from the game, they’re just creating more problems for the future.

I get folks don’t like nerfs, but nerfs are needed either folks like or not. I’m not saying about meta, I’m really saying that if a build can beat p8, something it’s really wrong with the game concept. Because wouldn’t make any sense to play multiplayer if you can beat all content simulating 8 players without effort.

They most likely will buff stuff and afterwards address the game difficulty, otherwise they’re just shooting themselves on the foot.

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Agreed, we absolutely need players 8. MFing in group games on softcore is also very difficult.

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This is Blizzard we’re talking about here.

No matter what they do, they’re going to get backlash.

I wouldn’t be so sure that nerfing isn’t on the agenda.

I’m agnostic on the nerf v. buff topic, but either way it goes I would like to avoid power creep if at all possible. Once that effect takes hold, there’s usually no end to it.

don’t care if Devs have spoken, we the community won’t stop asking. Wasting key strokes? So Be it , 2 minutes to Type from home is worth it. To get a feature that is going to increase Longevity of game.
I’ll keep pressing everyday and encourage everyone else who wants players X so keep pressing.

Yesterday at 2 am, there was one game online with 1 player, why can’t I have my own players 8 game? I wanted to play challenging d2, but there wasn’t any opportunity, so instead I didn’t play d2 and Did Something else.

The game is getting easier every patch, which means it’s getting boring, so why can’t you also add a feature to make it challenging again for us “experts” who have completely optimized the game

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