And I used to play public but then 80th level characters come into the game and go hostile on my 20th level character and I get 1 shotted before I know what has happened, how is that a social feature
Because to kill someone like you, you actualy have to join public games. If you add /players X command, you can just play solo and dont make public games, well you have mor reasons to not play public games with it. So that PK cant find games with players. So thank youfor proving my point being it antisocial feature.
And to you dying. Maybe use tp and go town? I mean how can you overlook Hostile icon and the sound of it is is beyond me.
Ruining other players experience is not a social way of playing. Every MP game is literally just people spread out MFing unless you put a password. Open games are so broken
If nothing else, there will be no p8 online because 3 alternative options exist to aid in finding 7 players. It’s not Blizzard’s problem that you flat out refuse to utilize them.
- Find other people (discord, ect.)
- Change Regions
- Play Single Player
You also apparently refuse to play anything other than Hdin. Again not Blizzard’s problem. There are 6 other classes and plenty of builds that dont curbstomp p8. Hence, a greater challenge.
So really yourr agrument boils down to “I want what I want”
The real problem atm is games being blocked from the list due to high latency.
And there I was thinking you was saying players 8 in public games was anti social
It’s hard to find one on non-hardcore too.
Yeah, public HC is absolutely dead. Good luck even finding a Nightmare game. I hope it gets better once ladder hits, but playing bnet HC is dang near playing solo. Might as well give us players X.
There are no nightmare games because there are no bots. Leveling in D2R is a royal pain in the butt. Most players are not making alts. It will not change until there are bots or /players x command.
This whining about the harshness of battlenet multiplayer has been going on since 1998.
I never understood why you don’t just play offline Singleplayer? It has every feature you want, including the noted lack of other players to abuse & kill you.
What piece of gear did you find with the oskill Hall Monitor?
I’ll give you a Ber or a Sur+Lo for it.
Because, people still play in multiplayer games. I still play with my brothers, who live
on the other side of the country. And, I don’t want to play 2 separate modes, that makes one of them a waste of time.
As for it “going on since 1998”, eh… that sounds like everything else I hear these days… no one sees nuance anymore… just uses broad brush strokes. 2021/2022 is different than 1998, I’ll leave it at that.
I don’t see how these personal attacks help prove your case.
My statement is valid…these complaints about the way battlenet multiplayer was implemented have been going on since the game was released.
Blizzard North could have addressed this from day one, but they chose to leave it as-is.
It’s even more critical now in this era that players-8 stays out of battlenet, due to the common knowledge of how LK chests work.
LK chests + players-8 = free high runes for everyone.
Ecxept that online you cannot get the same map over and over, and it still takes many many runs to get them. lol @ free high runes for everyone what a joke.
It’s not a “joke”, there is plenty of proof available that proves LK chest running with players-8 effectively negates any need to actually play the game for gear.
The deeper that I dive into the players-8 complaints here on this forum, the more the true motivation behind it becomes apparent to me.
The people being vocal about it are begging for an easy way to gear up. Some of them are even admitting to having a difficult time finding full games for LK farming.
Maybe for offline but not for online. It just isn’t effective. The maps are different each game. When you play offline you can keep resetting until you get the good map with all the super chests. You cannot do that online, so it’s a crap shoot weather it’s even worth farming each game. LK is not a good place for farming online.
You seem to think that /players x command gives tons of great drops, it doesn’t. I spent all day today in 8 player mf games and didn’t get anything but an IK armor. /players x does not mean loot rains from the sky you still have to farm a ton to get anything good.
That’s simply not true about real battlenet LK farming. I know it works just as well, because I’ve extensively tested it myself in online games. Nearly every single online game I join with more than 5 players immediately gets a LK farmer join.
The chest drops are amazing, and it’s very easy to find them once you recognize the map spawn patterns
Not having the same map everytime will slow down the hunting a little bit, but the system still works same. There are set HR drops that live inside the chests. Those pre-determined HR drops have to have the right amount of players in the game to enable that drop. (If I remember correctly, the pre-determined Lo rune drop needs 5 players in the game, Ber & Sur need 7+)
Like I mentioned above, some of the same people creating this drama have admitted here on this forum that they are trying to hunt chests in LK.
Yes you are so right mr. god of rng amazing drops. Thanks for clearing that up I thought for sure that I had also run LK offline and also online about a bizillion times and the drops were far worse online, but I must be mistaken, clearly LK is the entire reason for wanting /players x.
I agree with you, running LK online right now is horrible. You would have to be crazy to farm that way today. (Because you cannot control finding populated games that haven’t already had LK farmed before you showed up)
My argument is that it wouldn’t suck anymore if Blizzard caves in with this. It would all of a sudden be the absolute fastest way to get rich.
Well I guess we just disagree on this, I seriously doubt LK would become the best way to farm, I would expect to see most people doing the same runs they are now. The absolute fastest way to get rich in game is using a 3rd party site imo, and /players x won;t change that.
Players X on bnet will never happen. Never ever.