Profanity Filter

not cool to out the man for his name, i get you wanted an example but my man probably loses it now :frowning:

Probably not, but it wouldnt take long for them to ban the name anyways.

Online interactions are not part of that rating, however.

LMAO, hell if wow you can still say Ni**** with the profanity filter off.

Again, all the other games you can do this in general chat and has been like this since 2004.


I am with you. I want the filter off as well. I wish the FCC would step in on communications over internet.

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And then people come crying to the forums because they are suspended or Silenced. Some even find their account shut down. :woman_shrugging:

Google Free Speech XKCD

Private property - you don’t have the right to say whatever you want without consequences. The FCC can’t take away private property rights. Unless you want the Govt to run all communications. I personally prefer capitalism.

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blablablablabla blablablablabla blablablablabla cope

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More like an automated chat bot.


You try to resonate with outraged players. Not worth replying to such messages to be honest.

Just please add a toggle devs.


It’s in the Launcher.
click the cogwheel, settings then go to friends & Chat. option is in there.

What a bunch of bullshlt.


I second the Question, due Selene or Selena is a normal IRL Name.

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One guess at what happened is that when the pop star of that name died, a million people tried to name an avatar after her. Is that possible?

The problem with the profanity filter is that it only polices chat in english. In a game launched world wide, not all people are likely to write in english exclusively. And as the profanity filter only checks against profanity written in english, it is slightly annoying when writing in a foreign language.

I’m Danish, and the danish word for ‘Often’ is spelled ‘t i t’ (no spaces). Quite annoying to have a perfectly non-profane word censored because the filter assumes it was written in an english context.

Give me the option to toggle the profanity filter on/off please. I’ll take my chances with the chat-police.


Y o u j u s t n e e d t o d r o p t h e F b o m b s l i k e t h i s

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The option to toggle on/off the profanity filter needs to be in this game, there’s no reason for there not to be. By default, it’s set to “ON” and for those adults who wish to view what others say to them unfiltered, can simply turn it “OFF”. If at that point anyone says something offensive, they will be reported and dealt with, just as they are in ALL the other games. We all had to enter our birthdates prior to purchasing the game. Why must the whispers we send amongst those on our friends list, or the party chat in a password protected game be scrambled with illegible symbols? As adults, playing a Mature rated game, we need to be the one’s determining what we can or cannot view in terms of what’s being said by others in an online experience. For Blizzard to make this decision for us is asinine. Implement the on/off toggle on the filter into the game. Thank you.


I have already stated how to turn off profanity filter earlier look it up in this thread…

This is what I’m talking about I played this game for 5 years lol

I saw people not give a damn, but now too many normies have access to the internet and the Twitter vocal minority (puritans) ruins it for everyone else.