Profanity Filter

I feel like I’m living in Tipper Gore world now


Yeah, I’m sure the orators, politicians, speech therapists and dictionary authors would greatly enjoy this.

Oh, wait, sorry…

jæ, ʃʊr ði ˈɔrətərz, ˌpɑləˈtɪʃənz, spiʧ ˈθɛrəpɪsts ænd ˈdɪkʃəˌnɛri ˈɔθərz wʊd ˈgreɪtli ɛnˈʤɔɪ ðɪs.

It just doesn’t make sense they say conduct blah blah blah but if it were truly the case then why on world of Warcraft another blizzard game can u turn it off and cuss at pretty much anyone on the servers and say what ever u want granted u get the power but people can report u if it’s racist stuff

I can’t believe it can’t be turned off wtf

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Blizzard knows what’s best for you.


love it - dont need that garbage in game anyways.

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different team of devs.


This is BS. If the option to remove the in-game profanity filter is not added soon, I am likely going to request a refund on this game. I think it’s ridiculous that adults playing a Mature rated game can’t use profanity if they so choose, particularly in private password protected games, etc.


I play hots and I can totally curse there. It is a filter and optional.

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Face it. We will find a way around the filter in hours. Pointless crap.

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You’re literally playing a game that was pilloried as having no decency or morality by moms and “christians” when it was released. This game is supposed to be edgy, it was made that way, and they didn’t give a crap about the moms whining. That’s one reason they used to be more popular. Now they’re woke and hemorrhaging customers. Good work!


You can yes. You can also be reported if you play public games and people decide to do so. The Mods will action if the report logs contain anything that violates the rules.

The key is to keep it polite in public where someone might report you.

Filters are annoying, I agree and have them turned off, but the rules still exist even without the filter on. Just keep that in mind.

A lot of D2 folks are used to the old servers with no chat logging or reporting. It is not the same on modern Bnet.

Blizz won’t come looking for violations. You have to be reported - BUT a Silence is no fun once the mods get to it.

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Yeah well that hasn’t happened in 5+ years of HOTS play. I don’t believe the general audience needs filtering. We’ve had the proper tools at our disposal for years. Which are things like block/mute. This is an unwanted and unnecessary change to an M rated title.


I understand that. It is how all modern Battlenet games work now though. You are best off knowing the rules so you don’t get blind sided by them. If you don’t get reported in HotS you likely won’t in D2R I would imagine. Most people don’t bother to report minor stuff and Blizz does not tend to care about minor stuff.

It is sort of like knowing the speed limit. I know what it is, and I am still likely going to speed. I just try to be careful about it so I don’t get a ticket. heh.

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I really want to take a second here to tell you that you are appreciated. I just read this entire thread and am appalled at people’s reaction to you, an MVP, not even a Blizzard employee.

Everyone needs to understand what she has been reiterating, SHE HAS NO CONTROL OR DECISION, she is only telling you the rules. This is literally the stereotypical case of “dont the shoot the messenger, shoot the message” but in this case everyone is absolutely shooting the messenger for no reason at all.

With all this being said, I will say I have been permanently banned from Heroes of the Storm. I have played since Alpha, spent $100s and yet I am PERMENANTLY banned even after MULTIPLE repeals.

Want to know why? I said some really toxic and nasty stuff. Over and over and over again. Doesn’t matter how much money I spent and how low key a game it was and the profanity filer they had blah blah blah. Point is, I messed around, and I certainly found out. I would love to have the filter removed, but at the same time I still understand that even with it removed I cannot “say what I want”.

Lesson to be learned by the rest of you, watch your damn mouth.

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On the bright side. This profanity filter is so terrible. You can defeat it with just hyphens between letters. We made a game out of beating it in the lobby, since half of us can’t play anyways.


This is just the problem though: knowing the rules won’t keep you from getting silenced in the game. In fact, nothing will prevent you from being silenced in the game, whether you are aware of the rules or not; and this is exactly the problem. It amounts to artificially inhibiting people’s ability to communicate by censoring speech.

I understand that occasionally bad actors create cases of genuine abuse, and I entirely encourage the victims to report in these instances. But not even having the option to disable the profanity filter is a completely different issue entirely. As an adult, I need the option to actually view what is being written rather than just seeing symbols like !#%@- purely for the sake of accurately interpretting the intended meaning. I will decide if I am being bullied to the point where I want to report an offender, or not. I don’t need blizzard to step in as an intermediary in this regard; we aren’t all 12 years old.

It’s perfectly reasonable for a parent to enable the profanity filter for their 12 year old kid playing the game. It’s completely not reasonable for adults to be forced into narrowing their terms of communication arbitrarily without any option to just have open speech.


I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of people being sent to jail for saying words which bother no one but old spinsters in public.


There needs to be an option to turn the profanity filter on or off. There’s someone named GiggleTits, but i cant even type the name out in game cause it gets censored. Makes no sense lol.


It’s an M game that shows murder and encourages it.

God forbid someone gets called a deek