Profanity Filter

In what way? I don’t have social media and I can toggle the WoW filter on and off in the settings without issue.

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I’m really sorry, i kinda tried to be a silent reader but this “Argument” catched me offguard, because if the reasoning behind a chatfilter are “parenting” and kids - to prevent them seeing something in DIABLO 2, than i’ve to say that Kids shouldn’t be playing the Game in the first place. I mean it, and that’s coming from soneone who actually grew up with the series, i pretty much started playing Diablo when i was ~7. 'cause there is much more troublesome stuff in the game - by the game itself, than a swear-word.

Because i argue if your major gripe as a parent is that a kid picking up swear words but playing a Game like Diablo 2 to begin with, than i’d argue then there is a much bigger issue in terms of parenting than a chat swearing.

/Edit: Again my only gripe about this topic so far was this particular argument.


I don’t disagree. I was explaining Blizzards stance on it. The chat rules in all the Blizzard games are PG ish - even rated M games. Filters can usually be turned off, but that does not change the rules if you are reported.


seems like you dont know even what you are talking about profanity can be said in wow overwatch warcraft 3 reforged


And if you get reported you can be Silenced by a GM for breaking the Code of Conduct. Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you should or that there might not be consequences.

I know exactly what I am talking about. You can check out the WoW CS forums for people upset they got Silenced over “little swear words”. There have been plenty who complain on the OW forums too. Or just read the Code of Conduct for the games.


so? u mad? lol must be nice to botlick blizzard everyday


No, why would I be?

You mad about the profanity rules?

I assume you meant to say “bootlick” but were not using your spelling filter.


Borderline on topic, does anyone now why the names Selene and Selena are not allowed (inappropriate), some slang I’m unaware off?


Doesn’t look like its in the game but the app launcher.

Of course, that’s not likely to do anything for in-game chat.

You can’t, because there literally isn’t even an option to turn it on. So again, it’s stupid because there isn’t even an OPTION for it.


Probably the most pretentious thing I’ve read all day.


MissCheetah, you should walk away from this one.

What you have said is simply not true per the status quo of how Blizzard has consistently, over decades, operated their games. Even if Blizzard has it in their Code of Conduct it hasn’t been applied in any of their products and to try and suddenly pull it out is disingenuous. There is absolutely nothing wrong with including a profanity filter in the game, per Blizzard’s decades long, and current, behavior.

If for some reason profanity induces a pearl clutching reaction in you then simply don’t turn the filter off from its default of on.


You are trying to use some sense of, incredibly subjective, morals to defend a company that is inundated with sexual, physical, and verbal abuse claims. A multi-billion dollar multination company rife with moral questionability beyond any language players may say.

If anything, screw us for buying it and playing it.


No, it’s not.

All the Blizzard “modern games” have an option to turn the filter OFF.


I was referring to the rules and reporting system. I do realize the filter can be turned off in other games. However, even in those other games profanity is still against the rules - which is what i was saying. The policy covers all the games.

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Is the in game silence bug that blocked people from playing D3 still going on? Is there any evidence that it will apply to D2R?

Yes, that bug is still there. A silence in any Blizzard game has Bnet wide impacts. It still locks someone out of creating a game in D3.

I don’t know…and I don’t know if they have even thought about it. I suppose we will eventually find out one way or another.

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If you allow WoW to post to Twitter they auto enable no profanity

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Interesting. I have never used that feature so was not aware it re-enabled the filter. I appreciate you explaining.

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First no boobs, now no *****.


(censored for the children)


You can just spell it in phonetics. It’s easy enough to understand.