Profanity Filter

You’re right, but you can still swear on those games, even still. Whether to friends, family, teammates, enemies, it doesn’t matter, they still allow you to swear. There is no nontoggleable option in those moba games, but there is one here.

As stated in the other post by another user, when you try to force people to do something, people will rebel just because you’re trying to force them, period. That’s how it’s always been, that’s how it will always be, too, until we are taken over by the robots.

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I think you also agree to chat terms being PG by playing the game! I am sure it states it somewhere! but the point of censor ship in games is to prevent all of that and if your chat is pg then it has to remove bad language. So i bet that in EULA online chat is rated PG and you agree to this. So if you complaining about something you agree to then???

I dodn’t intend to swear, but it’s funny, actually ironic, that while we playing the game that is profanity by itself for most popular religions, we cannot use words, which are frequently used in prety much every casual circumsstances.


So, it’s ok to bash whites here?
Please, educate us on what other races say about Whites.
Need that equality ya know…
Or is Blizzard ok with just Whites being targeted on their platform?


No, it is not ok to bash anyone, or any race. The flag below a post can be used to report it. We only get 5 flags a day though so use wisely. Racism is always a pretty valid use.


Thanks, but I haven’t ever seen a post that says anything about whites removed…

I feel like someone should retire.

Soon as AMC and GME moons, I will be.


I hope you bought that dip this week. I snagged some cheeky $38 AMCs earlier in the week.

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Violence good, sex and profanity makes you literally Satan.


Edit: Not like the f word isn’t one of the most versatile words in the english language.


I think we will see a lil green next week, but the fiasco in China’s market will drive Blackrock and Vangaurd to dump a bit I bet.


that’s kind of the point of removing posts

Yeah, AMC was moving with the market all week which tells me that a lot of the downward pressure was due to institutions selling off out of market fears. Most of retail was holding strong though.

I actually don’t mind when the price goes down because I know that either institutions are selling which makes retail own more of the float, or hedge funds are shorting which means more tendies once this thing squeezes.

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I was implying, that I haven’t seen the offensive posts removed.
Plenty on the other forum.

That is the way fellow ape, that is the way.
Just hold, they haven’t covered yet.
Look into the antibody treatments, it won’t be long till that’s a good play.
Blackrock is looking into mining about 3 trillion in copper out of Alaska, started making flights over there a month ago.
“Freeport” will most likely be the company managing that adventure.

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In WoW the profanity filter is linked to the Twitter toggle to post. In D2 it may be tied to some other social media access.

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Interesting, thank you.

I mean you can disable the filter in wow so no

Yet, There is a profanity filter you can toggle on and off in D3… just saying…


Just make profanity filter an option for every account above 18, or outside the USA, because from what I see this is only an issue on the other side of the ocean

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