Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

You should read Rod’s tweet on September 16. Rod said thet they will talk about optional timed loot after D2R shipped.

The August tweets are where he stated that no optional loot system would be introduced at launch. He also indicated that an option may never be introduced.

Yes. May never be introduced. AKA keep dreaming.

Come to peace with it. The game is the way it is.

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What did Rod’s later tweet on September 16 say?

I know… Do you?

I belive he said that it was not time to talk about it, i dont remember him saying they will talk about later. They also said something about it being complicated feature.

Yeah something like that.

Basically saying, you’re asking for too much, don’t get your hopes up plebs.


So you are claiming that Rod never said on twitter on September 16 that let’s talk about it (i.e. timed loot) after D2R shipped?

“Relax - we’re not doing it. People are allowed to discuss things and hear other people’s opinions.”

Clear enough for you bro?


“defiinitely not happening at launch

The underline is mine.

So yes, it did not happen at launch as Rod said.

He explicitly qualified the timeframe when it was definitely not happening to be at launch.

How much copium are you huffing? It’s honestly depressing watching you people cling onto something so hopeless.

His very last ever tweet on the subject was “RELAX - WE’RE NOT DOING IT”

Seems pretty definitive.


Only the dead and fools never change their opinion.


Why would they change their opinion when it’s been made abundantly clear to them that a large part of the player base has no interest in it?


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Yes definitive. Rod said that it "definitely not happening at launch.*

The later tweet on September 16 says that Rod/Blizzard will talk about optional timed loot with the D2R community after D2R shipped.


But sure, keep on pretending you’ve got a chance lol

Did Rod tweet “Not for launch” on August 30, 2021?

Did Rod tweet “definitely not happening at launch” on August 31, 2021?

Did Rod tweet on September 16, 2021 stating that let’s discuss it (timed loot) after D2R ships?

Also, what does it refer to? Please quote the tweet Rod responded to as that defined “it”?

:100: THIS.

I bet a few people will say and make up all kinds of stories after you post this…
they so salty they dont get all ther stuff spoonfeed.


The level of delusion is off the charts man.

The door was slammed shut in their face lol

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Maybe because ur statement is simply wrong.


Please quote Rod’s tweet on September 16 and Rod’s tweet on August 30, 2021 ans at ~2:24pm (my time) on August 31.

If the dootris slammed shut permanently as you claim, these quotes will confirm if you are correct.

Yup. Its only a handfull of kids, or they might be a multi acc. Its so fun. They come up from the sewers at the same time… Like rats.

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