Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

We need to, can’t hang on the forum 24/7. So we need to coordinate our efforts :rofl:

You guys are like the constant anti ploot guardians always there to defend your fav ffa loot.

OHH and this person. Dont even know what game D2R is… :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:
He complain about D2R the MMo game… :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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All day every day. :+1:

The truth knows better.

In what world does September 16, 2021, come before August 31,2021?


Also on August 30 and 31, Rod tweeted:

“Not for launch” on August 30, 2021

“But definitely it’s not happening at launch” on August 31,2021

Rod repeated twice the exact timeframe where an optional loot system would not be added (D2R launch). Do you honestly think he made a mistake twice in two separate tweets over two days to qualify the timeframe? Is it your opinion that Rod accidently typed “launch” twice in both tweets on both days?

Of course, he told people to relax since he already stated twice that it was not happening at launch and if it did ever happen as outlined in the latter tweet, it would be optional. Should players worry about an optional system that they do not need to select that will not even be in the game at launch, if ever?

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If people ask you for the tweets… here they are…

You just linked the image of the tweets that I made and posted originally in imgur.

I already have provided images for these tweets and linked them multiple times on this forum. I collected and annotated the original image tweets in powerpoint. It has the yellow background and dates and the white border on the far right that I used.

Thanks for sharing my images that proves :100: the point I was making that Rod did qualify twice that an optional loot system was not happening at launch.

I also asked about the September 16 tweets. That image is missing. The September 16 tweet that was provided a couple of posts above this.

The existence of Rod’s September 16 tweet proves :100: my second point that I was making here that Rod tweeted about an alternative loot allocation system after August 31.

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They’re really just aware that a significant chunk of players want and definitely will play a mode other than FFA, and therefore rightly afraid that there will be fewer FFA games up where they can flex whatever advantage they have (likely controllers but also including lag, latency, pickits, and whatever they perceive as their own “skill” in clicking on items faster than others).

  • ques up the scary music *

Uh ohes the scary 'ole Ploot mosnter is coming to town… I love how angry they get over the mere thought of the mean 'ole Ploot monster changing their “perfect” game. The game thats already getting major changes in under 72 hours… Keep dreaming they say… Lets do some math.

No change ever crowd: losing ground literally every patch

Changes to improve and make this best D2 can be: steadily gaining ground.

Logical result of continued outcome: Ploot wins… Fatality

  • Begins handing out the tissues to the die hards *

lol I can smell the roasted flesh.

I can give credit where credit is due. :trumpet:

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Eh, that is clearly not the case. The game is changing in a patch soon.

Now that is killing my hope for changes :frowning:

That has not been made abundantly clear at all.
Not that you cant change things just because a large part of the playerbase is against it. Blizzard has done lots of things in their games that players were against.

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What’s really weird to me is that PoE did implement instanced loot, it works great there, and most players are very happy not to have to worry about ninja looting all the time. And they did think at the beginning that it was a travesty to implement it too.


lol delusional post. Who is the “majority” here? The purist anti-change mob? The infamous vocal minority?


A large portion of the playerbase has no interest in playing a Druid, or an Amazon, or a Necromaner. Nearly every character class, if not all seven, has a large portion of the playerbase completely uninterested in playing it.

Therefore we should have no character classes.


There is a D2R poll with 8,887 respondents. That poll has sampling bias amd other issues. For respondents, 38% (a minority) voted to keep D2R FFA only. The remaining 62% (the majority) voted for something else among several categories.

On this forum, there is someone who claims that everyone plays only FFA loot in muliplayer games in PoE and a second that claims that short allocation games are frequntly non-existant in spite of the fact that is the default loot allocation setting in PoE.

It is good to hear and that it is consistent with my observation when I checked PoE recently.


Its wild after so long. You still dont know what purist mean.

By the logic of the “no changes ELITE” we should all start ladder playing sorc multi box and bot with our other 5-10 sorcs to build our pindlebot army, while playing on the main account sorc farming LK joining “run” games or make jebaited title games like “FREEEEEEE HEREE”, to get enigma for our very balanced enigmadin to farm with him while the other bots are still pindeling. :rofl:

Hyperbole aside, don’t suggest something like Players X online, because that would destroy “build diversity” on ladders.

Not sure ladders should matter much for design changes.
But maybe if the xp gains from players X was adjusted, that would also not be as much of an issue.