Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

I personally don’t think so but in the end does that really matter? No

And in the end if the implement it does it really matter? No

It does matter. I know alot of people who dislike FFA loot, leading to them playing less overall, less in multiplayer, and/or outright quitting the game sooner.

For longevity sake in keeping the playerbase higher, the addition does matter and would be net positive.

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Well I mean, does a game matter at all? Does anything matter? Are we going Nietzsche here? Some people are passionate about hobbies – improvements are desirable. It matters as much as such a passion matters.


All there really is to it :+1:


U are aware of that pickit and mh was pretty much standard in d2? U didnt need to bot to use either. Also d2r got controllers which is allowed.

And if u fine with it why u argue against it? Ppl asking it to be a option for those who want. If u want FFA u can stick to that while those who want ploot can choose that option. Maybe it doesnt matter to u but to a large portion of the players it does matter according to the surveys. A minor thing which can improve the game for many ppl. Just like force walk or smart cast.


:100: agree with this. Adding an optional loot allocation system is something that would improve the game for many players.

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Uhh…that’s already the case dude. The game decides what you can pick up.

Worst logic ever. “People want individualized loot, but they won’t get the specific drops they are looking for, so let’s keep FFA loot” lol where is the connection there?

There’s so many things wrong with this statement. “Fair”? If its Ploot, EVERYONE receives ploot. That’s fair. It’s not just one group receiving ploot while others do not receive it.

So apparently its “lazy” to ask for individualized loot. Do you even read the toxic crap you are spewing?


No it doesnt. It decides what will drop. Ploot is another layer of RNG.

Worst logic ever only because you dont even understand what people want in ploot. Its not individualized loot, its current loot distributed amongst players under ploot by using RNG.

Thats not ploot. Thats called instanced loot, cant remember current name of it. Its not what people here are asking for.

You should read yours before posting bunch of nonsense.

Read the damn topic next time so you know you talk about dude…


If everyone received FFA loot or everyone received Ploot, it’s still FAIR to everyone because it’s affecting everyone together at same time, regardless of which one we go with.

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The loot system is the broken thing. Have you finally seen the light?


I don’t know why you even reply to this guy, I only come back periodically to check if ladder is starting and it is the same couple of guys making the same ploot threads since launch.

It’s all just for attention.

No that’s for MMOs and this an an ARPG.


What MMO has random timed loot assignment?

Ladder is scheduled to start April 28.

Most MMOs use a similar system, cause everyone in pugs just rolls need on everything then it randomly hands it out.

Lol why does this post keep getting made.

In all of the information Blizz has shared about the new patch, have they ever even so much as hinted at changing the loot rules?

How deluded are you people? It’s not happening, come to peace with it.

Yes, the last tweet made by Rod Ferguson, head of Diablo at Blizz, said they are open to discussing it.

It`s Your opinion to have. Me and others have an other opinion…

he is not ignorant he’s just smarter then we all bro. Chill and accept that fact

Since there are divergent opinions, adding an optional loot allocation system, makes perfect sense. Player who want FFA only select that. Players who want the new optional system select that.

It is simple logic.

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