Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

23 changes in D2R versus D2 at launch. Patch 2.4 says hi. Blizzard announcement that
D2R is a live service game says hi.

Should I continue?

Yeah… No… Bodach, just play private games or single player. Let’s not get this implemented

If only this were true :expressionless: Looting options at least deserves a decent discussion on both sides.

Sadly… I think the most views and most responses are both on the “oh noes! My boobs! Why is the man-azon so ugly” and “why did they change the ethnicity of the assassin?” type threads.

Let’s get it implemented. You do not need to select it and can continue to play FFA games like you have in the past. Others play the way they want with an optional loot allocation system.

It does not hurt you if you prefer red cars if the dealership also sells blue cars.

Well the elongated version of the request is a “ploot option in public games”. So I obviously cannot play a private game and it also be public.

I don’t see any reason why this should not be implemented.


I like the fact that this post has turned in to a pissing contest :smiley: . More insulting posts pls on who has the highest IQ.

I guess my question at this point is why keep debating this and blaming…other players?

Hasn’t Blizzard already acknowledged personal loot?

A reminder people still want it?

You guys should thank those who are against it all the debate is what keeps these alive :joy:

This tweet is from September 16, 2021.

I suspect that Blizzard had their hands full with the database issue and patch 2.4. Hopefully, this talk will happen soon*. Interestingly, the response to this tweet was more muted than those a few weeks earlier.


they have not talked about any form of loot distribution post launch as far as i know which the last that was said by a blizzard employee was launch first then discussion.

yeah it is important to let a company know what the consumer still wants, sure some times it takes them 5 years to add folders to their console (hello nintendo) but eventually they might listen.

it would be kept alive regardless, enough people want loot designed for group play that it will be brought up until all hope is lost.


…and more. New RW, force walk, auto pickup on gold, balance changes, quick cast to just name a few things. Underneath it all there is still d2 preserved.

Expanded stash-QOL complaint for 20 years
Shared Stash- You used to have to leave items on the ground while you logged into your mule… QOL complaint for 20 years
Bug and exploit fixes- you really think anyone wants to keep these as part of the game? QOL complaint for 20 years
2.4 patch- no balance updates for hero’s in 20 years. Of course all players want this.

Loot system- 0 complaints for 20 years until D2R release.

Again I support any decisions they make for the game

I just don’t see them changing this.

I mean look at how many veterans don’t want it… it’s clearly messing with the preserved d2r

Ploot- clearly for those who couldn’t click fast enough
Maybe the game should incorporate socialism. Everyone gets the same loot

But if they do I won’t complain , it is what it is and I trust them to make the right decision

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I support tloot because I know that I can click too fast and get almost all the loot from a boss drop and know it is not fair. During a series of runs with the same players, they started complaining that Baal drops never even appeared on their screen. I knew that I collected all the loot and was responsible. Even I did not see the drops in my game but was collecing 5-6 Baal drops every 8 player game.

I did not use any cheating software even though others were talking in party chat about someone must be using it.

P.S. I am a D2 veteran who bought the collecttor’s edition on D2 release day. Many veterans support adding an optional loot system. Moreover, all veterans know that historically FFA loot has been complained about for 15+ years. Some think the complaints are not warranted but FFA loot is one of the D2 features subject to widesprread ridicule. Just watch diablol.


Try to “click” against a pickit user/bot or just someone waiting there to snatch everything, while you and/or other ranges without TP kill everything and get nothing from the cake not even the crumps.

For anyone who thinks that FFA loot in D2 is not a source of widespread satire and hated by many veterans, please check this carbot video as well as others by him.


I mean if you assume everyone is a bot looter and you keep playing with bots 100% knowing they are bots then I don’t know what to tell you.

Like I said they will make a choice and I’ll agree with it regardless of what they choose, because I choose not to complain about a game that’s amazing even if they go this route.

I just have my doubts

You do not need everyone to be a bot looter. If it is 10%, you are more likely than not to have a cheat in every 8 player game assuming random assortment.

This at least seems obvious, as you’ve found a reason to agree with all the changes they’ve made thus far.

I mean I never expect to be the one to get the loot in an 8 player game anyways, it’s about understanding that you win some and you lose some.

If I actually want loot I farm solo.

So again in the end blizzard will make the right choice

Do I 100% agree with everything? No.

But I’m not going to waste my time complaining about minor things of my own personal bias when the game is incredible. Not to mention 2.4 is an outstanding patch

Someone else snagged the ber rune…I can either dwell and complain or enjoy the game.

The choice is easy

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Or enjoy the game and help improve it even further. If ploot never happens, it’s fine. It’s just a good idea. The game is amazing without it, agreed. But it would be even better with it.