Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

Who are we? U have several personalities? Or why u speak for several ppl when u only one person?

No salt im asking u to provide a argument which u cant. And there u go again another emotional response. U the one being very sensitive. Funny how u claim im the one trolling.

Again u trying to avoid to answer my question and provide arguments. Its rly getting pathetic. If u had some strong arguments u wouldnt hide them or keep them secret.

I mean, he’s right tho. All you have to do is point to one valid argument to dispute him.

He was just observing the objective fact that no valid argument against ploot has been presented. You are proving him correct with every post you make in response to this that doesn’t include a valid argument against ploot.


SO when you say ther has been no valid argument, its an opinion not fact, That doesnt mean ther hasent been a valid argument.
just like when people say ther is no argument for ploot. Its an opinion.

No, logical validity is pretty objective. For instance, if the premise is that an option should be implemented, it is logically invalid to dispute this option for everyone because you don’t like it. Logic, itself, can be broken down into mathematical form, and proven valid or invalid.

So all you have to do is propose a valid argument against ploot. I haven’t seen one yet. If you have, go ahead and present it right now.


and i havent seen a valid argument for ploot. so we agree do not agree.

It would expand how to play the game and is desirable to some people in the community. It also has no meaningful effect on anyone uninterested in it.

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Btw wasent it you how said iam botting? bacause i can get gear and runes, and you are jealous. and cant find out to play the game?
So agian you came to the wrong conclusion.
Still no good agrument for ploot

Reliability and validity. A opinion doesnt require that. U can prefer blue over green thats a opinion. A valid argument rest on data and logic.

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Why do you even argue with this guy, he is on the forum 24/7.
A guy like this can’t be talked to, such an unhealthy human.
His mental gymastics are ludicrous, he says ninjalooters are just people with good item pick ups strategies, thats how ridiculous he is.

Is it to bumb the thread :smiley:


This is you… You dont even know what game diablo is… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It doesn’t matter its all lootcentric games.

We dont discuss an mmo exclusive mechanic its about loot.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Keep digging.

No, since I have a life I keep it at that.

I go out now :wink: you have a good evening on the forums. Don’t forgett to argue with the tanks and grenades!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Have I given good arguments for the pro-option viewpoint?

Let’s assume that we both gave good arguments. Adoption of your position means that no option is allowed. Adoption of my viewpoint still means that you can play just like before in FFA only games.

I prefer the freedom to choose and want you to have the ability to make your own choice.


You arnt offering a challenge when you e already dismissed anyone that tried to challenge it before they could even respond

This has perhaps been the most discussed topic in the history of this forum. This is not the first thread on the issue. I just didn’t want to necro one. The opening post is addressing the previous arguments. And it’s a challenge to anybody that thinks they have a valid argument.

Present it.

Every argument presented was not valid. Of course I dismissed them. An explanation of their invalidity was thoroughly explained as well. If you know of one that is valid then let me know. I mean, all one has to do is post a valid argument. But instead we get this conjecture and obtuse generality about the tone.

Like, just state the argument already, sheesh…


Like I said I’m neither for or against ploot, but if you want to know if they are going to implement it.

They have made it pretty clear that they are “preserving the same D2 that players have always had”

I doubt you’ll ever see it

Except for expanded stash, shared stash, auto gold pick up, bug and exploit fixes, and the fairly big 2.4 patch coming with new recipes, new runewords, and lots and lots of balance changes.