Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

if i thought i voted on A, but what i voted for turned out to be B. i would not have voted for it.
If 50% or more thought they voted for A but got B. They never would have voted for it.

people Ditten know what they voted for in this non valid survey

So another thread with no argument against ploot. Only emotional outbursts coming from the no change crowd.

I guess the pickit users are afraid of this change even though its suggested to be optional for those who prefer.

You a still soooo delusional.

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It’s just offering a challenge. But the logic proceeds my manner and stands on its own. The delivery is irrelevant, so are your thoughts on my character.

Pretty much. The detractors don’t seem to realize that all they are arguing about is how they, personally, wouldn’t choose to utilize the option. Which is not a reason to eliminate the option itself for everyone else.


which method would be better ?

Path of Exile’s. The party leader can choose which method to use. Permanent allocation (drops are separated and others can’t ever click them), timed allocation (separate loot, but goes FFA after a short time period), or else FFA in general.

I wouldn’t mind D3’s drop system, if it doesn’t make drop rates go crazy and doesn’t involve smart loot. I’d rather be able to trade loot that isn’t useful to me.

I think the first option is better though because it means more choices for the player.

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In that case come up with a objective argument which isnt a emotional response. So far u havnt. Whats wrong with ppl having the option to choose ploot if they want to?

Consider u the one who being blinded by your own emotions and cant have a objective discussion it is very clear that u are the one being delusional.



Blinded by emotions. ironic.

Yes i see you are making some really valid point for ploot…
Ther has not been one valid point for ploot.
only thing i see is. I wanner play with others. Yes. you can doo that already.

So u have no arguments.

Ppl alrdy explained that ploot is a option some ppl prefer. Its something ppl been very vocal about and many ppl requested. Not everyone loves stacking mobs for drops and rather focus on killing mobs and playing the game. Having a option for those who dislike the FFA system which caters pickit users, better connection, controllers and what not would satisfy a broader audience. Ppl even shared that they avoid multiplayer because of these issues which FFA provides. According to surveys a large portion of the playerbase would like see other options to FFA.

The more ppl u satisfy the more ppl enjoys the game and the more ppl wants to play. That is logical. On top on that its not something which needs to be forced on ppl and only a option simular to what PoE has.

In other words u can still stick to FFA if thats what u prefer even if ploot got implented. U complaining about other ppl having options and rather want ppl to be forced into the setting which u prefer. That is purely egoistic and is characteristic for a controll freak.

So no arguments, just alot of words… just as i thought…

Another proof that u blinded by your emotions. U have a emotional block. And another example where u cant counter with any argument but rather using emotional responses. U may leave now. U been rekt

Exatcly, god Take on your own logic…

lets se what you posted.

It`s clear to most. that you only see it from you side…
delusional. AF…

So another post without any argument and just a emotional outburst. As a psychologist i find u hilarious.

More like educated in the matter. Feel free to add some objective arguments or add some logic into your reasoning. So far u only shown that u emotional unstable.

Funny that u believe u know what most believe without any data. U are a mindreader now? Again emotional reasoning. I can use same argument as u. “Its clear to most that u are delusional and most ppl believe u being pathetic.”

Again feel free to add some objective argument based on logic and we might understand your point of view

ITs not my job to read the Thread for you…
You just think you are entitled to everything you want…
Delusional AF…

you starte with no argument, just rubbish complain, every time ther is a thread you come in…
No argument
This changes is great.
Purist this and that.( you obv dont know what a purist is)
Really good way to make you entitled a–ss look stupid.

So weak. Rly weak. U cant even point out a argument and blames it on me. Horrible. Feel free to prove me wrong and show some real arguments. Seem like u dont even know what that is.

This is you today. This is you first post in this thread…
It really give some good arguments i see…
When you come in and say screw you if you dont want the same as me.
do you expect people do what you ask them to?

You fell entitled and raised above everyone else…
You complain, northing else.
Read the thread or keep trolling.

In the beginning I was against ploot because it was never around back then but with how controller support is here for D2R and how they will ALWAYS get loot over a k/m user then I am all for ploot now. I miss playing with people but refuse to when a good chunk use a controller so on boss fights (which is the main purpose for most runs) I would be wasting my time.

Only time I try and group now is if I can find a hell cow runs that isn’t already cleared because I am just going for XP and not expecting loot.

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So still no argument. I guess u know it consider refuse to provide any. Thx for proving my point. There is indeed no arguments against ploot.

My statement is still true. No argument and solely emotional outburst coming from ppl like u.

Feel free to prove me wrong, so far u doing a horrible job.


We agree on it all…
WE all like Your :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: Tears… keep em commming

Ladies ang gentelmen.
Look at this. This is NOT how you are posting you first post in a thread.
Complain about no argument. With no arguments.
Read the thread is the first thing you should do…