Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

I think this would be of interest.


You got it wrong agian.
Its 39% for FFA only
36% for ploot
13% for ploot ONLY if ther is a trade off
12% iam not sure.

Do dont make up numbers to fit your site-
39%>36% Deal with it…

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Sorry to have to correct you. The numbers you gave was when there was ~4.4k votes. My numbers were when there was when there was ~8.9k votes.

I even said that the numbers were from when that poll had 8,887 respondents.

Hence, as more votes were cast, FFA only lost support while adding optional ploot gained support. For the most recent ~4.5k votes, most likely addimg optional personal was in fact the majoritynwhen combining both ploot categories and adding optional ploot with no tradeoff had more votes than keeping the game FFA only.

Can you link me the updated survey.

You Can not just put 2different answers together as one. that not how it workes.

You will need to scroll through Chromposer’s replies to get the numbers that I quoted.

P.S. You can put together two categories. If a poll says 30% prefer oranges. 50% prefer Gala apples and 20% prefer fuji apples, then one can say that in that poll 70% prefered apples.

Irrespective, the poll shows a significant fraction prefer FFA only and a significant fraction prefer adfing optional ploot.


Part of your arguement is saying that you are 100% right in the sense that any counter point is a straw man before you hear anyone else’s opinion.

It’s like you have a mega phone and as soon as someone says something counter to your opinion you are just going to yell over them.

This kind of mentality in its own shows how flimsy your points are in the fact you are afraid to hear others opinions by calling them strawmen before you even hear from them.

Not to mention

You’ve basically already claimed your opinion to be 100% fact.

I’m neither for or against what you’re asking for


I’m against the way you choose to debate an opinion, you sound like a dictator.

Can you tell us what kind of ploot the survey asked for?
How many do you think, Thought about the same kind of ploot?
Its funny. people votes on somthing they dont know the conditions of.

Iam so bord of bieng sick. that i talk about non valid survey :slight_smile:

Ploot in the diablo community and more broadly is like the d3 system.

Of note, ploot can have free trade (like d3 initially) or redtricted trade (d3 now). Also, ploot and loot drop rates are separate things. For example, d3 initially had low drop rates and free trade. Now D3 has restricted trade and higher drop rates.

so if its more broadly that people who voted thought it is the D3 way.
Who many doo you think would vote no for ploot if they knew it was not that.

Actually, I know for a fact that many voted for FFA only since they mistakeningly thought ploot meant account bound. If clearly defined to remove this confusion adding optional ploot would havd received more votes and as a result FFA only less.

Why do you make up you own questions and not answer what i asked?

i know for a fact ALOT of people voted for ploot to troll.
i know majority of people would not vote for ploot if it was not the D3 way.
i know for a fact that 13% would not vote for ploot if ther was no trade of.

no matter waht numbers we come up with… THE SURVEY IS NOT VALID. so it really dosent matter what we say.

It is valid in that one can fairly conclude that a significant number of respondents voted for FFA only and a significant fraction for adding optional ploot.

Qualitatively, when you look at the answer to all questions it accurately reflects the overall trend of more and less agreed upon changes. In that regard the poll is valid even if there is debate about absolute percenrages due to sampling bias

its not valid in any way. it can be valid or not valid. It cant be sort or valid

You never answer this

It must be more the 50% sicne

Since d3 is a standard implementation of ploot, I do not know why you think the loot allocation system would be significantly different.

If you mean that the system was timed loot mislabelled as ploot, that tloot option would receive even more support.

Also this survey was done pre-launch. If repeated today, FFA only would get even fewer votes due to cobtrollers and the increasing prevalence if cheating (botting, pickit, loot filters).

D3 Loot.
people get ALL ther own loot.
pEople Get 99% Class loot
People GET ALOT of loot.

Just like you said

So if people knew it WAS not this. people would not have voted for it.
So you can cut of atleast 50% of the pro ploot votes… In The non valid survey

Actually ploot in D3 was not initially smart loot. Even with the introduction of smart loot, it is only 85% (and not 99% as you claimed).

It was not. but it is.

You know what i ment.

Personally, I think they should not have used the term ploot but instead instanced loot with a clear definition.

Exactly. people dont know what they voted for…

They know what they voted for. There was unnecesssry lack of clear definitions.

You can look up my post pre-launch where I went through the math of the consequences of mis-voting. Ultimately, it changes absolute pecentages and even if is purely unidirectional, the qualitative cobclusions do not change.